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Right now.

Right now was chaos.

BloodMoon was ripping up the bed, Sun was chewing on a charger, Moon was screaming about who knows what.

Eclipse scooped Sun away from the charger, that he had for some reason been chewing on, and Sun coo'd in disappointment trying to grab it back. Eclipse then tried to stop BloodMoon from clawing the bed, BloodMoon bit his hand causing Eclipse to hiss in pain but he gutted through and dragged him away from the bed.

It was like dragging a cat off the couch.

He wrestled BloodMoon while Sun chewed on his rays, BloodMoon screamed loudly clawing at him, Eclipse finally managed to get BloodMoon away from the bed and hold him in his arms tightly. He was a little shaken and covered in bite and claw marks from BloodMoon, they had gotten through his metal showing how sharp his teeth and claws were, he really didn't like that fact, ow... he looked at his arms, which BloodMoon was currently clawing, and winced. 

"STOP" he snarled and BloodMoon looked at him in defiance and bit his arm. Eclipse yelped and did the first thing he could think of, he flicked BloodMoon's face. BloodMoon paused, he watched BloodMoon's stunned face before he snarled and full on attacked Eclipse. Sun wailed softly at aggressiveness of BloodMoon.

Eclipse swore even as a baby, BloodMoon was still insane. 

He wrestled BloodMoon and Sun fell down on the bed softly, Eclipse cursed many things they should not be hearing as he tried to tear the demonic child off his face. "GET OFF YOU LITTLE- AGH!" he shrieked in rage as he struggled with BloodMoon and he BloodMoon clawed at him snarling loudly.

Eclipse's face was being destroyed at the moment.

It was a miracle that his eyes were not clawed out. 

He screamed in rage and panic and tore BloodMoon off his face and he threw him onto the other bed away from the Sun and Moon and him and BloodMoon squeaks and laid there for a moment before jumping up looking around and looking at Eclipse.

"Eclipse ya good...?" Computer asked concerned and Eclipse grunted "no! My face got clawed off by a little demonic robot child!" BloodMoon watched him and crouched, "no." Eclipse hissed at BloodMoon and BloodMoon crouched lower like a hunting cat "NO" Eclipse said loudly at BloodMoon.

BloodMoon looked at him and Sun and Moon cried nearby, BloodMoon looked at Sun and Moon crying and paused looking confused, he looked at Eclipse. One thing Eclipse has noticed is that BloodMoon immediately knew how to crawl around and cause trouble, and while Sun and Moon know how to cause trouble they can hardly really crawl.

Eclipse grunted clutching his very beaten and scratched up body and BloodMoon looked confused and it hit Eclipse.


Did BloodMoon only want to play? 

Was he not trying to act mean, he just wanted to play but didn't know when to hold back.

Those sharp claws and teeth are not good for Sun and Moon and that very fact made Eclipse very weary of BloodMoon

Eclipse watched BloodMoon jump at the table and hit the leg while trying to get something, Eclipse tried to calm his shaking hands and also calm his raspy breathing. Sun and Moon cry nearby from Eclipse's suddenly cursing and yelling. Eclipse grunted walking over to them and scooping them up, he knew now that yelling and screaming and snapping at them didn't work to calm them down and that it made it worse.

He was quite annoyed by that fact, he grumpily said softly to them "hey hey, shhh" he knew what Computer was thinking and muttered "shut up" Computer chuckled "your a dad Eclipse" Eclipse snarled "no I'm not" Eclipse felt something tap his leg and he looked and saw BloodMoon looking up at him with a rat in his mouth.

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