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Warnings here! 

So, for this chapter I plan for it to be quite violent. So pretty much just violence and robot gore? Yeah, best I can describe it without spoiling much, enjoy!

Lord Eclipse

He looked over his kingdom, watching the sunset in the distance. His ray twitched at the peace of the situation, he sighs softly and turned while taking out his star. He spun it around his arm, he hated to admit it but it was incredibly satisfying to watch.

It spun around his arm smoothly at his command and he watched it amused, normally he did sense when someone went into his realm. 

But he sensed nothing. 

It somehow breached his star security systems. 

He watched the star spin around his arm before he saw something out of the corner of his eyes, he stiffened and looked around now on edge. "I saw that!" he yelled into his "little" private library, "come out!" nothing met him.

Lord shrugged it off deciding it was probably Sun running around doing his little errands, or that's what he thought at first. He tried to sense where Sun was, he sensed nothing. Unnerved now he shook his head and muttered "I saw nothing, just my mind" he played with his star again but he paused when heard soft footsteps. 

Lord's head snapped towards the sound, someone was here with him, no doubt anymore. His body stiffened and he took out his spear, he was very worried by the fact his star wasn't sensing whoever was in here. He pointed the spear in front of him and said in a booming loud voice "who's there? Come out!" silence.

Just silence.

The silence unnerved Lord, his rays twitched and muttered something. He didn't know how but whoever this was somehow was not setting off his star, it was worrying him. "Come out you coward!" he snapped, he was met by silence.

Lord knew something was there, that made the silence deafening. He attempted to use the star to force them out of their little hiding spot, but it didn't work. They were completely unaffected,  he was baffled and alarmed at this fact.

That's not a good sign is it... Lord not at all used to this kind of situation. It implied that he couldn't use his star on this unknown being, or worse. They were somehow stronger than the star, if it was stronger, he should run. His rays perked at foot steps nearby and his head snapped over and he snapped "come out!" Lord was very on edge now. 

He pointed his spear spinning in a quick circle starting to realize that this may not be some small dimensional being, this may be a serious threat to him. He wasn't used to that feeling, he was used to being the threat. He should be the threat, he should be the powerful one in this dimension. Whoever this was, or whatever this was, made him feeling something he hadn't felt in a long while.


He heard footsteps behind him, he whirled around. Nothing. Wait, was it playing with him? He paused for a moment as the idea hit him. Well either way, if it was aggressive, he wasn't going to let it catch him off guard. "Come out!" he yelled, but it felt like he was yelling at a wall. It clearly wasn't going to come out.

His rays were stiff due to him being weary. Some moments pass, then more, then more. All in a deafening silence, he looked around nervously but it was then, it was then that he felt something smack his head hard.

He felt the contact then the contact with the floor, he heard the loud thump of his metal body hitting the smoothed wooden floor of his library, he felt the floor dent slightly under him. He laid there in a dazed shock, but then. The pain hit, he whipped his head about but much to his horror.

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