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Eclipse woke up like five hours later, he remembered nothing. He groaned rubbing his head, it hurt. A lot. "What happened?" he groaned, he looked over and saw the kiddos tussling over the phone. Surprise and alarm filled him, he didn't remember giving them the phone- He tried to run over worried about what they were watching.

He ended up falling on his face, he groaned feeling dizzy and having a killer headache. Man, he felt like he just got high or something. Sun looked up and waved at him grinning adorably, Eclipse hated how much he cared for them. Weak, he's weak now. "What are your four doing?" he growled taking the phone.

Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon looked crestfallen. Eclipse instantly regretted his decision. 

Sun started crying and Moon and BloodMoon sniffle like they were about to, "hey hey- uh don't cry- it's annoying-!" he said, totally just because it's annoying. He looked at the phone and saw they were on... Tiktok... concern filled him instantly and he quickly looked at what they were watching currently.

A stupid slime video, he checked his watch history, much to his relief, nothing. Nothing that seemed bad just a bunch of slime and unboxing videos, he let out a sigh of relief and said 

 them "this app is bad" he said and Sun sniffled, then it hit Eclipse. How did they even manage to get onto his phone?

Alarm hit Eclipse full force then, he has a password, a everything! How did they manage it?! He would ask them, if they could talk. "Okay" he said rubbing his head as the headache got worse "you four, do not go on this little app again." He said, but they looked confused and Eclipse decided to keep his phone around him at all times now.

"Okay you know what" he groaned "whatever," he turned on Bluey and BloodMoon instantly perked up at the sound of the annoying dogs voice, not just BloodMoon actually, all of them did. He watched them, he felt... amused. He shook his head and pressed it down and said "you can watch this" one of Sun's rays twitched.

BloodMoon rudely snatched the phone and Eclipse stared offended, but it quickly died down when he watched him wrap up in the blanket again all in this big snuggle pile. BloodMoon held the phone in front of them, Eclipse watched this in silence.

He watched them silently, distracted by how adorable they were, and for the fifth time this week he was paralyzed between pride and ugh gross, father instincts.

He hated that they were there, he's growing weaker every day. Weaker, more pathetic. He doesn't know how to stop it, at first he was going to find a way to kill them.

Some freak accident, or just straight up strangle them, he didn't know! But now... The very thought of that makes him want to drop kick someone than himself to the moon.

Why am I like this...?

Obviously he was still trying to figure stuff out, he had the realization he was just lying to himself constantly, and making it hard to process.

He wasn't used to these types of feelings, he found them unnatural, wrong. They made him feel... Good. He didn't like it, he tried ignoring them and acting like they weren't there.

But it only made things worse, 

Little did Eclipse know, he had been standing in place for about five minutes while staring at them stupidly, he was snapped out of it though when Computer said in a concerned voice suddenly "oh your awake! How do you feel?" Weird emotions I will never like and try to hide...

"Fine" he grunted "headache... What happened?" Computer was silent for a moment before saying "don't worry about it-" Eclipse had no idea that he said some weird stuff about Computer's voice.

Eclipse said "okay...?" Computer grunted softly and Eclipse rubbed his head, he didn't believe Computer but his head hurt too much to press. He seriously wondered what happened a couple hours ago, he just couldn't remember for some reason.

"Whatever..." he muttered, "I'm going to lay down..." Computer said "go ahead, rest" Eclipse knew something had happened, he just didn't know what, but right now. Right now his head felt like it wad going to split open.

This wasn't a headache anymore, this was a full on migraine. He fell onto the bed and was instantly being snuggled, he shut his eyes tight. Ow... This sucks bad. 

Some time passes of Eclipse gutting through pain, it had been an hour and yet that hour felt like torture. He felt relief as the migraine  slowly faded off, he just laid there not at all wanting to move. 

Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon were huddled at his side watching Bluey under the blanket. He groans softly face in the pillow. Two months ago, he would have never seen the day where this happened.

If he went to the past and said to his past self 'hi, Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon will turn into babies and you'll let them snuggle under a blanket and watch Bluey' his old self would have laughed, would have said some evil monologue (which now that Eclipse thought it, he hasn't done that in a while,) and spit on his future selves feet.

Eclipse was not at all amused by this fact.

It meant he was changing... For the better. That's not at all good, what about his evil plans? His-his- well- everything-? Obviously plans with Sun and Moon are down the drain, but what about Lunar and Earth?

...What's the point actually...? 

What's the point for everything he's... Done...? 

Get back at Moon..? Take over the world...? But-wait- why? Sure, Moon left him behind but... Did I really have to be such a jerk about it?

I wasn't even supposed to become sentient, he couldn't have known, he didn't do it on purpose.

Eclipse was beginning to question his own motives, his own reasons for doing things. He just laid there thinking over everything he'd done, and he feels a wave of something new.


Why did I do it? I could have been nice and just joined the family, I-I didn't have to cause so much pain and trauma and- wait... What am I thinking...?

No, this isn't me. Get out my head weird feelings! He pushed it back, everything I did was for a good reason. He left me behind, he's bad. Eclipse shook his head and scoffs at himself the headache finally almost gone entirely.

I don't know what this feeling is, but I know it's bad just like the others. 

It needs to stop. 

I will press it down.

A/N: I think we all know where this is going...

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