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It's been two hours and it was still raining hard outside, 0_018 was awake again and Fate was starting to get irritated at the rain. "Kiddo" she said softly cupping their face gently "I'm going to need to teleport, we can't stay here any longer" 0_018 sighed "I know..." Fate could tell they didn't like this and she asked softly "you wanna sit here longer?" they shook their head softly "I don't want to sit here any longer" Fate got up and pushed one of the grocery bags into their arms gently. 

Fate said softly "the rains really bad, I'm starting to think this isn't just a storm..." 0_018 muttered softly and tiredly and Fate asked "sleepy?" 0_018 nodded and Fate chuckled "how much sleep do you need?" they mumbled "shut up..." Fate asked softly "you get any sleep last night?" 0_018 was silent before answering truthfully "no..." Fate gently rubbed their back, and they yawned sleepily again, eyes drooping. Fate sighed "I gotta teleport us back, okay?" they were silent before nodding, snuggling into Fate.

Fate could tell that they were finally relaxing, it made her happy. "Do you normally act like this when your happy?" 0_018 stiffened at that looking embarrassed, they pushed away instantly eyes lighting up with panic "oh- uh- sorry- just uh-!" Fate pulled them back gently "shh, it's okay. It's not a bad thing," 0_018 looked up at her with a wide eye before relaxing again.

They softly said "okay..." Fate looked at them before saying softly "you poor thing, your head is quite damaged" Fate gently grabbed their head and they looked at her nervously and Fate said softly "just looking... I'm not going to do anything" Fate was surprised when they relaxed and let her look at their head. She was glad, yes, but maybe they weren't used to being talked to in such a soft tone.

Fate looked over the damage before sighing and 0_018 grunted "I swear I have head trauma and it's effecting my behavior" Fate said softly "no, your just relaxed" they grunted at that "around you?" Fate rubbed their back gently "well, I've been nice to you" they were silent before mumbling in shame "The Great One would be so disappointed... I can't go back now..." they shouldn't go back in the first place.

Fate scoffed "your not going back either way" they frowned "you sound like 0_908, god... I miss him..." Fate was silent before asking "are they the Lunar you mentioned before?" they were silent before nodding and saying "they were my friend..." Fate nodded softly holding them close and they said "I want another cupcake" Fate chuckled "but you already had one" 0_018 pouted "so? I want one!" Fate rubbed their head gently and said "okay okay, one more" 0_018 leaned over and started chanting "cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake!" Fate gave them a cupcake and they nibbled at it.

"So, 0_018, gotta ask, what are some of your interests" Fate asked and 0_018 didn't look up from the cupcake, but they said cheerfully "baking!" Fate chuckled holding them close "baking?" they nodded happily eating the cupcake. "0_908 said my cake is the best he's tasted!" Fate gave them a amused look "is that so? Well, I'm sure it's just as good as he says it is" 0_018 chuckled softly looking at the cupcake before saying softly "yeah..." they were silent, before looking up and asking "well... why are you nice?" Fate gave them a confused look "huh?" 0_018 was silent.

They said "The Great One said you were mean and manipulative, said you were easily angered and would wipe people out of existence for the sake of it and murder people, he said when he tried to talk to you, you shoved him in hell and he has trauma... is that true?" Fate was disgusted and shaken. "T-The- what-? I didn't do any of that!" she stammered and 0_018 was silent before looking at him "he killed your family... I know..." Fate stiffened and 0_018 said softly "I thought that was a good thing... I never really understood family, I understood friends... yes, but family...? I just... I dunno, I'm starting to think I'm not lucky.. because I just don't understand the difference" Fate was instantly filled with pity, they were still shaken by what they just said though, like what!? 

"You-you don't know what family is...?" Fate asked softly and they looked down at the cupcake, "yeah... just... sorta do? I never really understood..." Fate was silent before saying "well... family can be many things," Fate held back tears as she remembered her family and shook her head, now is not a good time Fate, stop, "people who would help no matter what, siblings are weird because their always at each others throats... but they'd help each other in the end" the Lunar asked softly "so... like my Eclipse?" Fate gave them a soft sad look "there's a difference between healthy and toxic... if they yell at you constantly or hurt you... it's toxic, and you need to get out... if you have minor bickers and or help each other... well, yeah, healthy siblings"  0_018 was silent.

"Well..." 0_018 said softly before trailing silent again and Fate said "a good family would help you through stuff, no matter what..." 0_018 looked at Fate before saying sadly "okay..." Fate chuckled "you know this big chaotic family that took you in as a guest? Some of us are related, others however... like me, we got taken in. To be in a family, you don't need to be... well, the same kin or whatever, there's adoption, and just stuff like that. I just kinda came in, I think of them as my family... even if sometimes it pains me that my actual family isn't here..." 0_018 was still silent before saying softly "okay..." Fate elbowed them gently "finish your cupcake, then i'll teleport us home" 0_018 grunted "we'll see if I empty my guts" Fate chuckled "oh, we'll see!" 

So Fate waited till 0_018 finished their cupcake and asked softly "ready?" 0_018 nodded nervously and Fate grabbed the groceries and then teleported them into the house, Eclipse ran over and yelled "where have you been?!" Fate looked up at him and said "oh uh, tried waiting out the rain but... heh, the rain wasn't stopping" Eclipse noticed 0_018 snuggled up to Fate and said "oh!" 0_018 looked tired and sick and Fate rubbed their back gently "yeah... their a little.. sick from the teleport" Eclipse said softly "but... they're snuggling?" Fate was silent before shrugging "they're tired" Eclipse blinked softly before smiling.

"Aww... okay, your getting along!" Eclipse said cheerfully and Fate sighed "hate to ruin your mood but... they didn't know what a family was, well they did, but they didn't understand" Eclipse was instantly concerned and Fate said "I got a surprising lot out of them, their name is 0_018, just call them 18 though" 0_018 looked at Fate silently with sleepy tired eyes and Fate said "next time you bake cookies, invite them" Eclipse was surprised before nodding and smiling "okay... they look tired" Fate grunted "this rain will make anyone tired... why is it raining so much?" Eclipse shrugged "Computer said he's scanning the storm as the moment" Fate stood up holding the groceries and Eclipse said "where's the milk?" Fate said "in the fridge, I teleported it there" Eclipse said in a surprised tone "o-oh, sometimes I forget your capable of that" Fate chuckled softly. 

0_018 whines and stood up and Fate said "lets get you to the couch so you can sleep" 0_018 nodded tiredly and Fate led them to the couch, Lord Eclipse watched them from on the recliner, hidden under the blanket, 0_018 fell onto the couch with a thump before just passing out on the spot. Fate covered them with a blanket and Eclipse said "you look happy" Fate froze up as she realized, she's the happiest she's been... in a while.

She was silent and Eclipse said "I can tell something about 0_018 makes you happy... and thats good" Fate sighed softly "yeah I guess... but I'm tired..." Eclipse nodded softly "I can tell, get some rest, okay?" Fate sighed softly, rubbing her eye and going to the recliner next to Lord Eclipse, wrapping herself in a blanket. 

She knew she wasn't going to sleep, but... she might as well just lay here, she's got nothing better to do at the moment.

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