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"Were in." He said holding the phone, his brother, Sun, squeaked happily "Tiktok!" BloodMoon looked over at dad, sleeping. He smirked "dads asleep, we'll sneak this well" he grabbed Moon who growled in annoyance, but then snuggled in. Sun yawns softly and snuggles next to him. BloodMoon turned down the volume and began to watch a random slime video. 

"This is fun, I don't understand why dad doesn't let us watch this often..." It was literally just a video of a woman unboxing slime, touching the slime, and rating it. Sun said "fun!" BloodMoon mumbles softly, he has noticed that he's smarter than his brothers, he doesn't think much of it. 

"Squish squish" Moon said softly as he chewed on a wooden block he found, BloodMoon hugged them close and continued to watch, but then, he heard a familiar voice. "What are you three up too?" he looked up and saw a white eye looking down at him. BloodMoon shrieked and covered the phone "Bluey-!" "Is that so?" Fate said, a rare tinge of amusement in his voice.

Sun squeaked and Fate crouched down "okay, if it's Bluey... then can I see the phone?" BloodMoon stiffened up "ya see- uh-" "you're a smart kiddo, ya know that?" Fate said amused and BloodMoon looked up in surprise and Fate patted his head "I know your on TikTok, no need to hide that fact" "oh.." BloodMoon mumbled softly.

"How'd you get on the phone? I heard that Eclipse has changed the password like nine times and you keep managing to get in, how?" BloodMoon was silent before Sun squeaked "smart!" Fate sighed sitting down "okay kiddos, come here" he pulled them over and Moon squeaked in anger and bit his hand.

"Ow, you little jerk" Fate scoffed flicking Moon's face and Moon had a stunned look before growling and fighting his hand aggressively. BloodMoon grunted at Moon's predictable behavior and Fate said "okay, listen, you're a smart kid BloodMoon, I can see that. You learned way faster than your siblings" BloodMoon tilted his head curiously at Fate and Fate rubbed his head gently. 

BloodMoon snuggled in and purred softly, "all i'm saying is protects your sibs, okay? You don't know how much you'll miss something until you lose it, okay?" BloodMoon was silently before squeaking innocently not at all understanding "okay!"

Evil Lunar

"What?" he asked turning over to 0_018, who said "I hear Lunar captured a celestial body!" Evil Lunar sighed, why should I be surprised at this point... the issues being caused... why should they surprise me...?

"Oh.." he said and 0_018 grunted "not excited huh?" Evil Lunar sighed "tired" 0_018 said "I wanna snuggle!" Evil Lunar turned staring up at 0_018 looking down at him in bewilderment "why?!" 0_018 grinned "I'm tired too! Plus you're comfy!" "I am-?" "yeah!" Evil Lunar was flustered then.

"Oh- uh- you see- uh-" 0_018 frowned "why are you stammering?" Evil Lunar shook his head "dunno- just uh- your saying weird stuff, that's all" 0_018 frowned in confusion "I am?" she said voice dropping in volume and Evil Lunar said quickly "it's fine it's fine- uh-" 0_018 cheered "so snuggles!" Evil Lunar stammered "you see- I uh- I dunno 18- it's-" Evil Lunar grabbed his hand and dragged him away with a cheerful look on her face.

"Come on 908! I had a long day, just lil snuggles, come on!" she said and then looked down at Evil Lunar with wide bright puppy dog eyes, Evil Lunar choked out "no- oh come on, fine" 18 cheered "yay!" she threw her hands up in the air "we can watch stuff too and just hang out, ooh snacks! Cake! Food! Ooh, we can have a hang out! I finally have enough time to hang out with you, yay! Come on!" she dragged Evil Lunar up the stairs and Evil Lunar is wondering what he has gotten himself into.

"Cool" he said nervously and 0_018 said "maybe we can watch a scary movie!" she said putting her hands up in a dramatic fashion and letting Evil Lunar go for a moment. "Sure I guess-" here he was being dragged around by 0_018 because they have more energy than he did. "We can also talk about Lunar's most recent great achievements!" Evil Lunar shook his head quickly "erm- uh- 18-" 0_018 paused before sighing sadly.

"I don't understand why you don't like Lunar!" she said, "he's great, and powerful, and-" Evil Lunar mumbled nervously "I know I know..." he stiffened up slightly as 0_018 hugged him before loosening into it, he needed this hug. "Shh, we'll have some fun okay! A bunch of cake and hanging out and ooohhh, spooky movies, it'll be awesome!" Evil Lunar mumbles "okay... we can do that..." 0_018 smiled happily, it was wide and cheerful.

Oblivious to how wrong Lunar's doings were.

He might as well just hang out with her, forget the stresses a bit. 

"Come on!" 0_018 cheered as she dragged him off, he just let her at this point. She was taller than him and stronger, so escape is not gonna happen. "Have you made a cake recently?" he asked curiously and 18 said loudly "well you see, I did! It's my best yet!" "Is that so?" Evil Lunar asked amused "your cakes are already good! How does it get better?" 18 smiles brightly "it's just better!" "Okay okay," Evil Lunar chuckled. 

0_018 dragged him to her room and said "movie time! Whatcha wanna watch?" Evil Lunar sat down, more calmed down, "hmmm, I dunno" he said as 0_018 plopped down beside him handing him a piece of cake, she sighed "I dunno either."


"You wanna watch My Little Pony?" she asked excitedly and Evil Lunar turned dumbfounded "what-?"

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