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"Eclipse wake up!" Computer's scream suddenly echoed in Eclipses skull as his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly in a startled matter "huh what-?!" he yelped looking around and Computer said "something is somehow crawling through the table!" Eclipse had a look of alarm "I'm sorry, what?!" Eclipse saw a orange hand go through a nearby table and he reacted by clutching Sun, BloodMoon, and Moon close.

Moon cracked a eye open, he saw the orange hand reach through the table. He watched curiously, Eclipse however was watching in fear. "What is it?!" he asked Computer and Computer said "I don't know!" Eclipse watched a dark amber and torn ray poke through the table.

He watched a very damaged Eclipse somehow drag themselves out of the table. Then they kinda just laid there in silence, face on the floor. Eclipse held his babies close.

No way am I going to let this Eclipse touch my babies.

No way-!

Wait a second-


Eclipse watched the Eclipse in pure distrust, they looked well dressed. Wearing a suit and such, but their state looked awful. It was incredibly concerning actually, Eclipse took a deep breath and said "hello?" he watched in alarm as then Eclipse's body flinched and they scrambled up awkwardly.

He watched them look around frantically before backing into a table, they shrieked and got away from the table. Jeez- "ummm" Eclipse said watching them and Computer said "I think they are in some kind of shock" Eclipse knew, he knew he needed to calm this Eclipse down before they did something stupid.

"Ummm, hello" he said softly to the Eclipse, Computer was silent probably scanning the Eclipse. The Eclipse turned towards him and Eclipse took in his state and Computer said in alarm "that appears to be Lord Eclipse, fell through a wormhole" Eclipse's rays perked towards them and he grumbles and wrapped the kiddos in a blanket "stay.here" he said seriously.

Moon however, had no intention to leave either way. He just watched from the blanket looking confused by the robot's sudden existence. Eclipse walked over wearily and looked at their state again, their damage was critical, fatal. He looked at them in alarm wondering what could have possibly happened to them.

Then he decided, ah screw it. I'll help.

It occurred to Eclipse that a couple months ago, if he saw Lord Eclipse in this state he would have just left him to bleed out. Would have just thought 'weak pitiful excuse of a Eclipse,' showed major disrespect to the probably traumatized Eclipse. Did things that would have probably made things so much worse for Lord Eclipse.

He looked back at his past behavior and he felt disgust worm in his stomach, was I really that egoistic...? He wondered, that careless...?  It hit him that he was completely different from before, Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon turning to babies had changed him. Turned him slightly more understanding, it was a weird realization. 

He also realized that he was now what his old self considered a "weak" Eclipse, he sighed and crouch in front of Lord Eclipse "hi" Lord Eclipse flinched and choked out "don't hurt-" Eclipse said "oh shush, not going to hurt you" he grumbled worried by Lord Eclipse's obviously bad state.

"Poor guy" Computer said "I did a scan, the most obvious damage is his missing arm, leg, and a couple of rays. Internal damage is more serious, his spine is damaged, which is why he is struggling to stay up, he has internal leaking, his endoskeleton is chipped in places, and his eyes are failing him. He really needs to stay still and not crash into walls" Eclipse looks at Lord Eclipse in worry.

Sun peeked out from under the blanket and yelped in alarm and looked at Eclipse than Lord Eclipse in confusion "dad?" he said in confusion, he's clearly confused by the fact that in his eyes, there are two dads. Eclipse ignored him and said to Lord Eclipse "okay listen here" Lord Eclipse flinched back and Eclipse grabbed him and held him in place "you need to stay still" much to Eclipse's alarm, Lord Eclipse started shaking.

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