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Here ya'll, have a full chapter now :)


Her eyes drifted open as she felt shifting in her arms, she grunted softly and looked down at Lunar. The room was still filled with the peaceful sounds of rain and she watched Lunar squirm slightly for a moment before settling down again, she couldn't tell if he was relaxed or too tired to fight her at the moment. 

She laid there in the blanket silently holding him tight, she flinched when Lunar had another coughing fit before relaxing again when he stopped. "Still feeling bad huh...?" she felt Lunar's body stiffen as she whispered this tiredly, he looked over at her weakly and she said softly "can you body process medicine?" she watched him croak "yes-" "okay, I'll give you some medicine soon."

She settled back down and Lunar croaked "what are you doing-?" Luna said tiredly "trying to wake up" Lunar seemed a little confused by this situation, it was obvious that he had just woken up. She looked around the room before yawning, stretching her body out, Lunar shook his head tiredly as though to clear his thoughts and he mumbled "my head hurts..." Luna slowly sat up being careful not to push Lunar onto the floor and she grunted "okay" she dragged herself off the couch. 

He must feel like trash to admit that, "do pills work for you?" she asked and Lunar choked out "yes-" she sighed "I'm going to have to go out shopping for some medicine for you bud, you have no medicine in your room" she said as she looked around and Lunar admitted "I usually just gut through it-" Luna grunted in disapproval "well no wonder your so sick now."

Lunar shot her her a glare "I don't need your disapproval-" "yes you do" Luna said "now shush and get some rest Twinkle Short, I'll be back as soon as I can" Lunar grunted and turned over, she was a little relieved to see his grouchiness come back. He's back to trying to act tough, figures. 

She was about to exit the room when she saw the claw marks on the doors, she froze up and looked over at Lunar, she began to worry about if Lunar knew she damaged his door. She took a deep breath and pushed it open and she was met face to face with none other than 2_3202, he looked at her.

She froze up in the door way and he froze his walking down the hall and narrowed his eyes at her, he turned towards her and put his hands on his hips "and what do you think your doing hetri class" he said 'hetri class' with a bitter tone of voice. 

The hetri class is right above the middle class, usually includes warriors and such. She froze up and quickly slammed the door shut to hide Lunar and said "what?" she tried to sound as innocent as she could but 2_3202 towered over her. "I said" he growled leaning over her "what do you think your doing in Lunar's room?"  his voice was cold and suspicious and she shrank back. 

The light green Lunar glared silently down at her and she shrank back more at his white glowing pupils (he has those SAMS Eclipse pupils) "well- uh" she stammered and 2_3202 tilted his head in a intimidating fashion. No wonder he got to the highest social class, he was intimidating, very intimidating. 

"You see" he hissed "I was one of the first here, I know The Great One, I know his greatness and his behavior" she tried to look away and he grabbed his face roughly and snapped her face over, pain shot through her face and she yelped "let go-!" 2_3202 leaned forward and growled "I know for a fact he didn't say go in his room, he never EVER lets people go in his room, nor his laboratory and yet I've seen you there."

"How did you do it" he hissed "you're going to tell me so I can get to your level with him. So I can push you aside, you pathetic little blue prototype" she punched him away and staggered back into the door and pressed herself away from the Lunar "back off please" she said nervously and 2_3202 growled walking forward "what did you do get his trust?" "I didn't get his trust at all-!" "LIAR!" the Lunar screamed slamming his hand into the wall next to her, she flinched away from the harsh smack in fear. 

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