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She woke up when the harsh sunlight pierced her eyeballs, she blinked repeatedly and groaned out of annoyance and she tried to hide her eyes away from the sunlight, 0_075 said "wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," she looked up drowsily and 0_075 grunted "that stupid creature passed out in your arms, probably from exhaustion from being a menace and screaming for such a long time," 0_023 grunted and looked down at Fate.

Yep, Fate was out cold. 0_075 grumbled, looking tired and 0_023 asked in concern "did you stay up all night?!" 0_075 grunted "I had to watch you, and I was hoping to figure out this stupid chip-" 0_023 glared and said "sleep, sleep now" 0_075 glared for a moment before turning away. 0_023 sighed, her body felt sore and cramped from the cold hard floor and she shifted and sat up slowly.

She watched Fate open their eye looking confused and tired and she sighed softly, drowsily grabbing her backpack and digging through it while also holding Fate with a arm, Fate looked at her with a sleepy eye and she looked for breakfast in her bag, she took out a protein bar, it was the best she had. 

She looked over at 0_075 to ask him if he wanted one, but he already asleep, moron. She closed her bag and took note of Fate's behavior, "you doing okay?" she asked it and it just looked at her wearily. She wasn't expecting a answer but much to her shock it said "please let me go" she jumped out of her metal shell, staring at Fate. 

"Uhhh," she said and Fate looked to the side before saying "please? And take whatever this thing is off me, I've been fighting with it all night and I can't get it off!" 0_023 stared silently before asking in a shaky tone "you can talk-?" Fate stared at her dumbfounded "yeah? Now, please let me go" 0_023 was silent before saying "oh.... I've been treating you like a wild animal- uh, sorry 'bout that" Fate said in a soft yet shaky voice "I've been treated worse, I really don't care, but please?" she was silent.

She stared at Fate's desperate look before sighing softly "I can't I'm sorry..." guilt wormed in her stomach and Fate had a devastated and scared look on their face and it muttered "I'm so dead..." 0_023 said "well you did put The Great One through hell, a great sin if you ask me-" Fate gave a look and said "I know one of your kind from your little group, she said the exact same thing, I never did anything of those sorts. He's the one that traumatized me so much and I get told that, what a load of crap" 0_023 was silent and Fate turned away. 

"The Great One isn't who he seems, he sucks. Believe me. The Lunar I know knows that now" 0_023 stared stunned before asking "who-?" Fate grunted looking sad "0_018" 0_023 stared in shock "wait the reincarnated one-?" she said and Fate let out a booming laugh "reincarnated?! What a load of crap! Your telling me he said she reincarnated to save his skin?! Wow, that's a new one. Oh, he blew her off a cliff, that's how half her face is missing!" 0_023 shrieked "WHAT?!" and 0_075 jerked awake "huh what?!" he looked over looking irritated and 0_023 said "you will not believe what Fate just said-" 0_075 glared and said grouchily "don't talk until I get enough sleep."

Fate watched him go to sleep before saying "what a jerk, how about this, you yell at the top of your lungs and use those pans you have to cause problems" 0_023 stared at her and said "oh no no no! Were not breezing past that part where 0_018 apparently got blown off a cliff!" Fate grunted and said "she still alive?" it's voice is.... hopeful.

So very very hopeful, pleading almost. 

"Yeah..?" 0_023 said and Fate took a breathy sigh of relief "oh my god- she's alive, thank the gods-" 0_023 was silent before tucking the god close and saying softly "you're not lying are you?" Fate shook it's head "The Great One sucks" 0_023 was silent before admitting "I've always had my doubts about that guy, even if I went along with it, my guard never went down" Fate said in a grouchy tone "finally, a rational person... I suddenly want to destroy a building, ooooh, yeah that's sounds fun, I'm stuck though."

"Uh huh, well... I can't let you go so-" Fate grunted "well that Lunar's a jerk anyway, lets leave him, he hates your company anyway!" 0_023 shook her head and said "no" Fate growled softly and got an arm free from the blankets and squirmed around. 

She struggled to contain Fate and said "you're like a little bug" she tucked Fate's arm back in and Fate said in confusion "what?" 0_023 said "you look like a little bug!" Fate stared silently and 0_023 said "a weird black bug!" Fate gave up and stared ahead and said "yeah, I'm not a bug" "can you eat?" she asked curiously and Fate said "yes, I can eat."

0_023 was confused by that fact and she asked "and how-" Fate shrugged "don't ask, now leave me alone- is that coffee?" it asked in sudden interest and she said "yes...?" "gimme" Fate said in a sudden demanding tone, almost like a child, struggling their arms free and doing grabby hands for the cup and 0_023 gave it a surprised look and said "uhhh.... okay...?" she gave Fate the coffee she had, how she had it, no one knows.... she just kinda spawned it.

Perks of knowing magic I guess.

Fate looked very happy to have coffee for some reason, "uh huh" she said and Fate was silently staring at the coffee. "You gonna drink it or-?" Fate waved a hand at her staring at the mug "I am, shush" 0_023 said "no, I'm pretty sure you staring at it- what." the mug was half empty when she blinked and Fate looked very pleased with the bitter treat.

"Despite you assaulting and kidnapping me, I've been through worse, and you don't seem too bad I guess" Fate said and 0_023 stared dumbfounded at the cup before shaking her head and muttering "whatever... sure, cool. So you like coffee?" Fate grunted "like? I might have a caffeine addiction, I still want freedom though, and I will tear my arm off if I need too" 0_023 gave her a alarmed look "wait don't do that-!" Fate shrugged "I mean, it should grow back"  0_023 said seriously "n.o." Fate grunted "okay, fine, it'll hurt anyway."

0_023 said softly "tell me more about The Great One-" Fate shrugged "not much to it, he's a dirty manipulative liar, he's the entire reason I was frozen up when you picked me up, thanks for the PTSD by the way." The sarcasm was clear in their voice and 0_023 said "oh- uh sorry-" Fate grunted "your little 'friend' here is a jerk, if you two are friends, cut ties" 0_023 scoffed "were not friends that's for sure" Fate rolled it's eye "good."

"Your moody" she said and Fate said "you kidnapped me and I'm  mentally exhausted, well I already was to begin with, life is suffering I swear, especially when your immortal and can't die. It's out to get ya and break you, people as well. While you have less control over well...  life's events, I guess there's some things you can do to make your life as good as possible. Explore, live life I guess, I say to your mortal self. Your lives too short to just 'follow someone' believe me, it'll be over before you know it" 0_023 was silent before saying "I can tell your very wise."

Fate nodded and said "if you have a family and friends, spend as much time with them as you can, you never know you will miss something till you loose it."

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