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By the time Eclipse made it back everyone was dead asleep, the show playing faintly in the background along with Moon's snores. Eclipse sighed softly and puts the grocery bags down gently and quietly on one of the granite counters and walked over to the others and gently took the remote out of Solar's hand and paused and turned off the T.V, now all that was heard was the snores of Moon.

BloodMoon squeaked softly and turns out he was still awake, it was very late. He looked at BloodMoon in surprise as BloodMoon ran over full force and hugged his leg in a tight embrace. "Dad Dad! I found something weird!"Eclipse crouched down "kiddo, you're supposed to be asleep" he said softly scooping BloodMoon up and BloodMoon squeaked "daaaaddd! I found something fluffy!" Eclipse sighed "wanna show me?" BloodMoon threw his hands up in the air "okay! It was down those stairs, two of them!" Eclipse sighed and set BloodMoon down, "lead the way" he knew BloodMoon wouldn't sleep unless he saw what BloodMoon wanted him to see.

He watched BloodMoon closely as he ran down the stairs and he ran through a wide open door saying "this door was open when I ran in! Look!" he points towards some fluffy figures sleeping on a cat tree, cats.

Eclipse stared then he remembered, Sun and Moon were actually about to move here before they changed. Sun moved his cats here and everything apparently, but left the door open so they could free roam, they looked dirty so it's likely they found a way outside and have been running around eating mice.

"Oh" Eclipse said, he looked at the siamese cat with a bow tie, aww... he had Sun's liking for cats. "What are they?" BloodMoon asked pointing and Eclipse chuckled "those are cats" BloodMoon grinned "I like them! I wanted to hold one but they kept attacking me!" Eclipse approached the black one slowly and made soft clicking sounds.

The cats head shot up and it's eyes narrowed at him suspiciously, he kept clicking and he let the cat sniff his hand. He gently started petting it and he was surprised when it let him pet it, it's been six months, he would have guessed they would not like this by now but guess he was wrong. BloodMoon growled in childlike frustration "they didn't let me touch them!" he stomped a foot dramatically and Eclipse chuckled softly.

"Well, did you yell loudly?" Eclipse watched BloodMoon pause to think before nodding and Eclipse sighed scooping him up again and lifting him up to the height of the tree where the cats were. "Like this" Eclipse said running his hand down the cats back "gently" BloodMoon grinned widely and ran a hand down the cats back.

"It didn't attack me!" Eclipse chuckled softly at his happiness and excitement but Eclipse pulled him away and said softly "it's bedtime though" BloodMoon whined "nooooooooooo!" Eclipse sighed before saying softly "yes, you  can play with them tommorow" he began to walk up the stairs leaving the door open, he realized then that he had no idea what Sun named the cats.

He frowned before sighing, he'll have to name them again later. He watched into the living area and wrapped BloodMoon in a tight blanket and BloodMoon struggled at first before relaxing into it's warmth and falling asleep, Eclipse smiled softly and set him down gently next to the others and he yawned rubbing his eyes. 

He walked over to the kitchen, grabbing the groceries as silently as he could and putting them away, finding spots to put them because he was still new to the kitchen. "Hey..." he heard Computer croak tiredly and Eclipse turned and quickly apologized "did I wake you up? Sorry!" Computer grunted "it's fine... what are you doing up so late? It's five in the morning!" Eclipse sighed "I have to put the groceries away, a lot of it needs to be in the refrigerator" Computer sighed "Eclipse, you need some charge, get some sleep" Eclipse replied "I'll do that after I'm done" he watched Computer get up and walk over.

"You didn't need to do that-" Eclipse said and Computer gave him a glare "once again, you aren't taking care of yourself, so let me help" Eclipse sighed and let Computer help with the groceries, he knew he couldn't get Computer to not help, Computer can be stubborn. Lord Eclipse was wide awake nearby under a blanket and Eclipse felt guilty because he probably struggled to sleep without him there.

Computer noticed this and sighed "Eclipse..." Eclipse said quickly changing the subject "ya know, Sun's cats are downstairs" Computer looked surprised "oh, right I forgot about that fact" he chuckled "I can still forget stuff as a super computer ya know" Eclipse nodded "they still take affection, which is surprising" Computer shrugged "better than feral cats around the kids" Eclipse nodded silently as he put away the last of the groceries and yawned.

Computer grunted "get some sleep, you need it" Eclipse waved him off "yeah yeah..." He was very aware of Computer rolling his eyes and he walked over to Lord Eclipse and picked him up earning a happy squeak. Eclipse sighed laying down on the couch squeezed in because Solar was also sleeping there.

He could sleep in a bed, but the truth is... he felt more comfortable with the others, more safe. Lord Eclipse snuggled in and yawned softly and Eclipse watched Computer settle back down in his recliner nearby as his eyes slid shut and sleep took over. 

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