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He burst into the bunker realizing he had left Lord Eclipse alone and Lord Eclipse was cowering in a corner, Solar noticed that he was holding the kiddos close as if to protect them. Solar walked over to the shaking form in guilt, Eclipse was waiting for him to come back. They had decided that KC wasn't going to permanently shut off if he hurried. 

Lord Eclipse stared at him under the blue blanket and said softly walking over "I'm sorry we left you alone" he scoops up Lord Eclipse and the kiddos in one big blanket burrito and Lord Eclipse relaxes his shaking slightly and BloodMoon squeaks "meanie" and jabs a finger at him and Solar sighs "I know I know, I'm a jerk" Moon grumbles in his sleep and Sun snuggles into Lord Eclipse.

"Yo-you said you-you wou-wouldn't leave me alone-" Lord Eclipse whines, Solar rubs his back and said softly "I know I know..." the way he treated Lord Eclipse sometimes, he didn't know how to explain it. Heck, Eclipse and him were willing to drop everything with a dying robot to make sure he was safe and happy.

Lord Eclipse's eyes closed as he relaxed completely feeling safe again and Solar sighs softly, poor guy was shaking all over. He's fine now though, Moon growls softly and pokes his head out of the blanket, he stares at Solar grouchily. "Looks like the grouch finally woke up!" he said teasingly and Moon looks at him with grouchy eyes that were clearly judging him.

Solar chuckled and booped him, what a little grouch. He rubs Lord Eclipse's back and sighed when he comes to a realization, Lord Eclipse was like a little brother to him. He looked down at Lord Eclipse who was relaxing in the blanket in his arms, his shaking calmed down. Solar remembered what that entity said about Eclipse groups.

He couldn't deny that he was happier with Eclipse and Lord Eclipse, he also realized they were running blindly because the GPS didn't work, but then it turned on, it works now randomly, it's a miracle! He also realized that now he had to come up with an excuse for not going back and staying in the daycare, he wanted to stay with Eclipse, the kiddos, and Lord Eclipse.

He didn't know how to say that though... he was supposed to go back to the daycare now that the GPS was functioning but... he didn't want to. The daycare just didn't feel like home, his Moon's abuse lingered there in his mind like a dirty black stain, the bright colors hurt his eyes often.

He often tries to work himself because he feels like that's his only meaning of life, to work. Ever since he's been with Eclipse and the others and away from the stress and PTSD of the daycare, he's been happier. He's been sleeping better, he's been thinking less of himself as a tool and more as a person.

He also really liked Eclipse and Lord Eclipse, he didn't approve of Eclipse abusing Lunar at some point. He can tell though that Eclipse is a new person, a better person. Someone he wants to be around and take care of through hard times, he wanted to part of the family.

He didn't want to go back to the daycare where he got verbally and physically abused by his Moon, he knew it wasn't this dimension. He just constantly remembers, he knew Earth and Lunar were probably concerned by his disappearance, he just couldn't stay there.

He knew Eclipse would be expecting him to be leaving and staying at the daycare again, he'll have to talk with him. He ray twitched and Lord Eclipse lets out a soft rumbling sound, surprised he looked down and realized Lord Eclipse could purr.

Since when? He had no idea.

He rubbed Lord Eclipse's back gently through the blanket, he's not surprised at this point, BloodMoon is also purring in the blanket. He realized that Lord Eclipse has never truly been relaxed until now, his purring was very faint but there. Aww... such a bean boy... he realized then that he has been standing here for five minutes and that he really needed to get back to Eclipse or he'll start getting concerned.

He jumped up and ran up the metal stairs and ran towards where Eclipse was, he battled vines and such before seeing him Eclipse waved and Solar felt worry worm in his stomach. What if Eclipse didn't want him to stay...? He pushed the thoughts back and he looked at KC and Eclipse sighed "lets get moving" he began walking and Solar held up the purring Lord Eclipse "he started purring!" Eclipse looked confused but shrugged "not surprised at this point."

He looks amused and he ruffled Lord Eclipse's rays and Lord Eclipse purrs softly enjoying the blankets warmth and Solar's and Eclipse's care. "I swear... he's such a bean boy I'd kill for him." Eclipse said ruffling his rays, Solar would honestly do the same. He was not joking and Eclipse wasn't either and Solar said "if someone touches him, I'll beat them to the next dimension, literally" Eclipse chuckled "same here" Lord Eclipse's softly brown round rays are relaxed as Eclipse ruffled them slightly and he murmurs softly and fell asleep.

Eclipse went "aww..." before realizing he was carrying a broken KC and yelped "oh right! We gotta get to Parts and Services!" Solar having completely forgotten for a moment nodded "yep!" they began their walk there. Solar was worried and Eclipse said "say, the GPS is back, you excited to go back to the daycare?" his voice sounded sad and Solar murmured "I... sure..." Eclipse's ray twitched in concern "you okay?" Solar nodded "yeah yeah!" Eclipse sighed "you don't want to go back do you..." Solar was silent as if ashamed and Eclipse said "your welcome to stay you know" Solar felt overjoyed.

Eclipse sighed "I really don't want you to go... so I mean... yeah" Solar was filled with relief that Eclipse wanted him to stay. He was no longer worried that he'll be forced back into the daycare, so with Lord Eclipse and BloodMoon purring softly, he made his way back to the PizzaPlex. It was a long walk of course, and Sun kept trying to eat butterfly's and Moon kept complaining in loud sounds, but it was nice.

He felt like he was where he belonged. 

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