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He sipped his coffee while listening to the roaring, cracking, and screeching outside. Ah, the wonderful sounds of suffering worlds being destroyed by unknown causes. He was curious of how the world was going to look, he was sitting cross-legged in his little cave while drawing a little drawing. He was wondering if Lunar would survive, he knew it wasn't likely and that disappointed him. 


He sipped his coffee while drawing in the dirt when all of a sudden he heard a voice "heeeyyy" his head snapped back and he saw a blue haired android staring at him. He stared dumbfounded on how they got into his cave without him noticing and they said "sounds crazy out there huh?" Nsheios stared at them. 

Something about them, something made him scared. Instinctual, he now understood Fate's fear. He thought Fate was overreacting, Miku stared at him and Nsheios stood up quickly and said "yeah, it really is loud out there! How about you walk out there, then I'll date you, hmm?" "oh I'm not interested in the likes of you" "well thank god! Now I can throw you out there!" "no" Miku simply said and Nsheios stared at them silently before tilting his head "no?" "no" Miku said.

Artius was nearby, just sleeping and Nsheios fluffed out his wings not really happy about this. "What gives you the right to-" "no" Nsheios glared at them, they were getting on his nerves and they did not want to be on her nerves. 

They walked forward and he staggered back quickly, it took five seconds for him to be pressing himself against the stone wall to get away from them and Miku stared up at him. Nsheios had no idea why he felt so threatened, this was just an android! Come on Nsheios get a hold of yourself it's just a android- but those eyes. 

Those empty eyes. 

Okay, this is ridiculous, I'm so much stronger than them! I just need to toss them outside and it should be fine! Miku poked him and Nsheios flinched and hissed at them and Miku said "you're like a cat" Nsheios glared at them threateningly, his wings tucked close to himself. 

For some reason, Miku scared him to death. It felt like a instinctual thing, which may actually be why Fate freaked out so fast and ran for Eclipse. Something about this 'Miku' seemed very god repellent for some reason. Miku without asking grabbed his rays gently and Nsheios freaked out and tried to throw her against the wall, nothing happened. 

Huh- WHAT?! Miku played with his rays and Nsheios freaked out and struggled to get away. "LET ME GO YOU PRI-" "no" Miku said "I think the worlds dying outside btw, soooooo. Ooooohh, your rays are fluffy" Nsheios snarled and tried to claw them, Miku held them gently and played with his rays. 

This interaction was purely platonic, Miku just liked his rays. Nsheios was freaking out, which he did not understand. He just felt like he was in danger around this mortal and Miku, unable to take social cues, played with his rays. Okay, but why didn't my powers work on this android? I am a multiversal being stronger than Fate and Star combined!

Unless they're a  multiversal being...

Simping over people, okay this is just weird.

They must be very bored and unhappy with their life. 

Nsheios struggled before giving up, I am not happy. I would shoot this waste of space into the multiverse if I could, however now I'm realizing this would probably do nothing. He glared at the stone wall of his cave and Miku kinda just pet his rays, he'd say they knew no fear... if he could use his powers on them. 

Whatever they are, I don't want them around me any longer. Thank god they aren't interested in me though like Fate, that would make being trapped with them so much worse than it already is. 

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