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Lord Eclipse

Anything could be danger.

Any little thing.

Any little footstep, any little sound could be something about to jump him. Lord Eclipse jumped when Moon waddled up to him and squeaked, he looked down at him wearily. Lord's ray twitched nervously, he tried to swat Moon away lightly and much to his terror Moon grabbed his hand and clung to it.

Lord's heart rate skyrocketed in panic as he shook his hand to try to dislodge Moon and Moon bit his hand. It was light, a little playful nibble, but it made Lord panic. He shook his hand harder starting to freak out and Solar ran over taking Moon "okay, Lord Eclipse, that was a little extreme."

Panicked bean mode activated.

"Jeez dude..." Solar said worried and Lord Eclipse swatted Moon a little less gently as Moon tried to grab at him again, Solar pulled Moon back and said "Lord Eclipse, he isn't trying to hurt you, he only wanted to play" nope, not Lord Eclipse remembering being assaulted.

"Su-sur-sure-" Lord Eclipse stammered "ye-yeah-" Solar looked at him in concern and sighed putting Moon down with the others nearby, he sat next to Lord Eclipse, Lord flinched back and tried to scramble back and Solar said "calm down calm down, your so jumpy, you need therapy bad" Lord Eclipse pressed himself against a wall.

He trusted Solar, sure, but right now he was getting stressed and overwhelmed. Lord felt Solar grab him gently and Lord's whole body stiffened as fight or flight kicked in, good for Solar yet bad for Lord, Lord was stuck on the in between.

Freeze up in pure panic and let yourself be dragged.

 Solar dragged him over and Lord is frozen up like a terrified mouse. "Lord Eclipse...?" Solar sighed and wrapped Lord Eclipse in the blue blanket gently, Lord felt some comfort from it but not enough to calm him down.

"Lord Eclipse... why are you freezing up like this..? You were fine a minute ago!" Solar said in worry and he held Lord close in worry and rubbed his back gently, Lord Eclipse felt his gentle rubs and his soft whispers and he slowly calmed down realizing he wasn't going to be attacked.

"There you go..." Solar said softly "your okay" he smiled softly and Lord Eclipse let out a soft whine but calmed down enough that he wasn't frozen in place. His soft rays were drooping slightly so they weren't stiff with stress, Solar sighed softly "poor guy..." Lord Eclipse listened to his soft voice silently and muttered softly.

I feel safe around Solar and Eclipse... I like them... he thought to himself. Moon, Sun, and BloodMoon... I dunno... I don't like their biting and loud sounds, those scare me...

Lord closed his eyes still a little shaken but calmed down.


You know, I wonder what my sons are up to. KC thought as he added some firewood to his little fire, BloodMoon is probably killing stuff and Eclipse... well I dunno. Sulking? Making evil plans? Yeah, both of those. 

Little did he know.

KC sighed as he held up a cup of tea and sipped it, I wanna see them again, though I doubt they'll want to see me. He looked at the steaming tea in his cup and he sipped it looking up at the sun above, a little fox crept over and looked at him and KC smiled and threw a piece of dried beef at it and it took it in it's mouth and gulped it down.

KC watched it gulp down the piece of dried beef and run off, he sighed and sipped his tea again. I think it's about time I see my sons again... I'll go to the daycare and talk to Moon first, a quick little chat. KC sighed adding more sugar to his tea and stirring it before sipping it again, he closed his eyes softly and looked over to a rabbit running by, he watched the fox attack it and drag the rabbit over to him.

KC watched surprised as the fox nodded to him and dropped the rabbit, that. That was oddly human like. "Uh... huh..." he said now weary of the fox and he grabbed the rabbit and the fox dipped it's head and looking at him with piecing amber eyes. It's orange and white tipped tail moving left and right.

Probably I skin-walker or something, KC thought with a grunt. 

KC watched it and it ran off, KC shrugged it off. He grabbed the rabbit and decided to make some jerky with it, he may be avoiding violence but hey, that was with humans, oh and he liked food. He said a quick thanks to the rabbit and hoped it a peaceful passing and cut into it, ready for some fresh jerky.

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