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It's been three hours, three long hours, and Fate still hasn't moved from his spot. Eclipse was sitting next to him while gently rubbing his back, he was worried about the fact Fate was staying in one place for so long.

He had duties, important jobs and yet he's just here under the blanket. It was concerning, Eclipse worried something would happen but he also didn't want to force Fate back to work because in his state he'd quickly get overwhelmed so Eclipse was silent about it.

Lord Eclipse was also at his side so Eclipse was rubbing both Lord Eclipse's and Fate's back. He swallowed down his concern and worry for Fate's state and Solar sighed "It's raining quite hard outside" Eclipse listened to the steady thumping on the roof and windows.

It was very heavy rain, Eclipse sighed turning to Fate and lifting the blanket up "what-?" Fate croaked and Eclipse gently took Fate's uninjured shoulder and pulled him closer. He began to look at his injured shoulder, unwrapping the bandages.

Fate hissed in pain and Eclipse tried his best to avoid getting the black goop on his hands, the bandages were covered in it, though it was dried now. It seemed the first aid did help somehow, he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

Eclipse sighed softly and reapplied the bandages, Fate kinda just let him do it looking depressed by everything. Eclipse stares at him in concern and sighs "can you really holding off your duties right now or are you just not doing it because you don't feel like doing anything...?" Fate was silent for a long moment.

He stared at the floor before mumbling "I can't do it alone... The other gods were just as important as I was... We all clicked together to make a functioning multiverse... I am creation, but I am not all powerful, sure I'm more powerful than the others...but they were basically elementals... I made the elements but I can't control them.." he sounded absolutely depressed as he said this.

"It's physically impossible for me to keep doing my work correctly..." Eclipse's heart sank at this. Is he saying the multiverse is doomed?! Is that what he's saying?! "Yet.. Still couldn't stop that psychopath from slaughtering my family..." Who...?

Eclipse was silent and Fate said "I have no idea what will happen to the elements... Air might just randomly disappear, or water... I dunno...the multiverse may become a robot and celestial body only realm soon.. " Eclipse knew he could turn his need to breathe off, he didn't do it often however due to the fact it felt weird and even if he wasn't suffocating, he was so used to breathing it felt like he was.

'The multiverse may become a robot and celestial body only realm soon' those words, those words were terrifying, Eclipse tried not to think of what it implied as he felt a shudder go down his spine, he rubbed Fate's back and he sighed softly.

Lord Eclipse let out a scared whine at Fate's words and Eclipse rubbed both Fate's and his back silently. Fate is silent, probably now struggling with depression.

"Fate" Eclipse said "it's not your fault you know that right?" Fate was silent before turning his back to Eclipse silently. Eclipse watched the movement and sighs sadly, he obviously blames himself for this but Eclipse had to asked "who attacked you?"

Fate was silent again for a long moment and just as Eclipse began to worry he wasn't going to get a answer, Fate replied softly "Lunar... Your Lunar..." Eclipse was stunned into silence and he asked softly "what...? People have mentioned Lunar being insane but no one ever explains it to me!" Eclipse was very peeved by this of course.

Solar groaned "me too! Like come on, explain!" Fate was silent  before muttering "I don't think I can win against him..." Eclipse was silent before saying "okay, but please explain why everyone is scared of Lunar!" KC sighed "he faked to be you then nearly killed me..." Eclipse's eyebrows shot up and he stared at KC.

"He did WHAT?!" Eclipse shrieked than he remembered KC's panic at Solar not being Solar, Solar's weird behavior had KC shaking in terror and when it turned out to be a Lunar, KC's panic was real. Oh gosh- he's not joking is he- Lord Eclipse was silent before he choked out "he hurt me-" Eclipse stared down at Lord Eclipse.

He stared before saying "but Lunar wouldn't do that-" he hated Lunar before, but now if he found out that he was the one that hurt HIS family, oh he and Lunar are going to have some problems. More than before. 

"He would- he's not who he was before-" Fate choked out "he's a psychopath- has a whole army of himself-" Lord Eclipse's eyes widened and he whined "that I didn't know" Eclipse was silent, so Lunar's having his own little villain ark, good to know. "So finally everyone tells me!" he groaned and Solar was just silent.

He realized than that this was a sore topic and he sighed "it's fine though... I understand if it's hard to talk about" Lunar of all people?! Making an army?! Fate sighed "he found a way to kill god, he's successfully slowly taking over the multiverse, it's horrible" Eclipse was silent "Lunar taking over the multiverse?!" he shrieked.

Now that, that he didn't expect. 

Many Eclipse's have tried and failed and you're telling me that Lunar of all people is managing it?! Okay, so Lunar isn't as stupid as I thought- surely we can stop him.

Lord Eclipse whines and hides under the blanket not really liking the topic  and Eclipse is silent "so he's been hurting you guys?" everyone except Solar said yes. Eclipse was silent before simply standing up and walking off.

Nope, he needs time to process and figure this out. 

He was also wondering if this was his fault.

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