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"Other, you need to calm down" he grunted, slouching over a desk "it's been a while since we've had some bloody fun!" Lunar sighed softly "we blew that Lunar off that stupid cliff like a month ago" "well... yeah! But that was hardly fun!" Lunar grunted "I can tell your restless, and it's making me restless, I need to focus on work" Other was silent for a moment before saying.

"Well... are you sure 0_018 is dead?" Lunar thought for a long moment before saying "no way their alive, their face got torn off along with their eye, that had to have hit something vital" Other was silent "well what if-?" "What is this about Other?" Lunar asked looking up from his papers and Other was silent for a moment before saying "just worried, 0_908 has been more... violent lately in other words, could be used to our advantage, but he's made it clear that he will never help, and that he'd rather shove his face in a meat grinder, his words, not mine" Lunar said grumpily "it's quite irritating that a once submissive Lunar is now in the gutter for usage, and I can't kill him here either, or the Lunar's will suspect something."

"Well, we haven't gotten a ping that 0_018 is alive which could mean two things, the fall broke the chip that tracked that, or, they're dead" Other made a soft ticking sound before saying "I remember Lord Eclipse you know, they were fun" Lunar chuckled "you really went wild, I took a nap after giving you permission. How irritating he escaped though" Other made Lunar's body tap their finger on the desk, Lunar didn't mind a bit.

"His screams though! AHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME!" Other did a mock scream and Lunar laughed "I'm sure it was fun, sad I missed it"  "well you got to kill that stupid god family," "oh shush you big baby, you were there" Other grunted "but I mean, come on! You let one get away!" "I did, but only because them alone, not worth the energy, they are a minor problem" Other grunted "fair fair," Lunar pushed the papers into a neat pile and stood up from his desk.

"How about this Other, we'll kill something, I don't know what just yet, but how about we go into another dimension and kill something" Lunar said and Other gasped "kill? Oooooh, there's so many things we could do! Wait, I have a idea!" Lunar was curious "hmm?" "You know that little village from our dimension? What if we poison their water supply and kill them all in the spam of a day? They're too technologically weak to filter the water!" Lunar was about to say no, but hearing the excitement in Other's voice he sighed "yeah we can do that."

Other was the only person he truly cared about... which is sad, and he's aware of that fact. 

"Lets go lets go!" Lunar felt the invisible tug of Other tugging his arm and he grunts "okay okay, lets go, calm down, your acting like a child" Other said "yeah yeah, lets go!" "Okay okay, lets go poison some people, what kind of poison should we use?" "The fastest poison we can get! So we can catch them all, today they have a festival where they for some reason drink the water in unison, sooo.... kinda perfect!" Lunar frowned "are you sure that it isn't a cult?" "Lunar, were a cult at this point" Lunar said "oh right, I forgot for a moment somehow, also I was just curious" Other said "well we can figure it out later! But we gotta hurry up because they start the festival in a hour!" Lunar cursed and went to the portal.

"Why didn't you lead with that?!" Other stammered "I-I don't know! I just didn't" Lunar rolled his eyes and grabbed some poison which unsurprisingly, he had in his room for situations like this, because that's a totally normal thing to do, and said, "well... alright, were doing this." 

Remember chapter 13? Probably not, that was a while ago, but Lunar spoke in bold letters. That was foreshadowing to this character, Other, it unknown on whether Other is a voice in Lunar's head or if he's an actual person, but due to his ability to control the body at moments, it is possible it's a second person. They get along surprisingly well, implying they have been together since the beginning.

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