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He was tiny bit irritated when 0_018 didn't end up coming, however he kept a open mind to the fact that she was probably in disbelief, it wasn't everyday he did this anyway. He saw something in her however, and not something that felt right to exploit. 

He sighed and opened his internal messenger and sent a private message to her. 

The Great One: 0_018, it has come to my attention that you have not come to my laboratory, I am not mad, but I expect you to come soon, preferably in the next fifteen minutes.

Lunar was not at all surprised when he got no reply, though he could tell 0_018 read it and was probably freaking out and having a possible crisis. He turned over to something, a little creature in the test tube. He knew what was wrong with it and why its brain functions were hardly working. Only its internal functions were working, thinking for itself in a way an animal would however wasn't working, it'd just sit there on the table and stare ahead not blinking. 

He drained the liquid in the test tube carefully grumbling and gently unplugged it from its life supports, its eyes opened and the fluffy round creature stared at him with blank, large, and mindless eyes. He picked it up gently, it was like a giant rodent, yet it was as fluffy as a norwegian forest cat.

It was a strange creature he created out of boredom the night before, he found out its brain functions were a little... nonexistent. He decided, since it was late, to fix it the day after. However, on his way back to his room he saw 0_018 at his computer and he realized that he should try and see if she could figure out what was wrong with it. 

Sure, he knows the answer. 

He just wants to see if she can figure it out. 

This creature was strange however, it seems to be able to survive without oxygen, how he managed this... he had no idea. It was completely by accident, it appeared to somehow be able to survive on carbon and hydrogen, no oxygen. It dies in oxygen.

It's lucky that his lab didn't have oxygen, it was just kinda existing now though.

He clicked his tongue and gently and he rummaged through stuff till he heard 0_018's soft foot steps outside, he turned and she seemed to be hesitating behind the door. "Come in" he yelled at the door and 0_018 peeked in nervously and he waved her in. He noted that her hands were trembling slightly.

He stepped aside revealing the creature and 0_018 walked over nervously and looked at it "what is it?" Lunar sighed "something I made" 0_018 was silent looking at it and she asked uncomfortably "it's uh- is there anything inside it's brain?" Lunar shook his head "no, not right now" 0_018 looked at it nervously then at him. 

"Um... why do you want me here?" she asked and Lunar grunted "reasons. You can look at the creature if you want, I want to see if you can figure out why its neuron networks in its brain are... slower than usual." 0_018 gave him a confused look "why?" Lunar sighed "I want to see if you can figure it out, it's okay if you can't" 0_018 looked at the small creature. 

"What... is it though...?" she asked nervously and Lunar grunted walking over beside her, he watched her flinched back and he pointed at the small creature "it's a strange mix between a rat and cat, specifically the norwegian forest cat and a dumbo rat" he said and she gave him a confused look "how'd you mix those two? They have completely different chromosomes-!" Lunar shrugged "I found a way long ago."

0_018 poked it gently, the creature didn't react. It didn't even blink, 0_018 said "I don't know if I like it-" Lunar sighed "It has no instincts, it's just a husk at the moment." 0_018 shuddered "ew" Lunar was silent thinking over some things before admitting "yeah, it's a little strange. However, it's a simple fix, a simple problem in the brain" he said pulling up a monitor and he waved her over and she nervously crept over. 

She looked over and Lunar pointed at something on the computer "see this? Do you understand what this means?" 0_018 nervously said "no...?" Lunar nodded "that's fine, it appears your Moon wasn't into biological stuff, these are the neurons of the brain. You see this one, it's not working well, it's in the central amygdala, the part of the brain that controls emotions, such as for example, fear" 0_018 leaned closer and asked nervously "why are you-?" Lunar shrugged "your clearly smart, I can't just let that go to waste."

Lunar pointed to that part of the brain of the creature and said "the brain didn't grow right, that may make you think we can't fix that but that is simply not true" he said 0_018 blinked and Lunar said "what do you think we could do?" 0_018 stammered "I- uh- regrow it-?" she seemed to not have much faith in herself, but she was right.

"Your right, one of the things we could do is regrow the brain, and it's the easiest way we could do it, the most risk free as well" Lunar said "it will take a couple of hours sure, but now that I know what to avoid in growing it, I can avoid making the same mistakes, and this creature will be capable a animal thought and instinct" Luna gave a surprised look because she got it right and Lunar said "we could also try and manually fix the problem by working with on brain, but that's more risky, we have a risk of damaging the brain more than it was already damaged, the brain is a delicate organ, one wrong move and we either cause more damage or it shuts down."

0_018 looked at him wearily before taking a shaky breath and saying "okay...?" Lunar could tell she was secretly fascinated, though for some reason she seemed to be trying to hide that fact. "I already started the process and it should finish in about two minutes" Lunar said and 0_018 nervously walked over to the creature and reached over to it before looking over for permission, Lunar nodded and he watched her carefully as she gently picked it up. 

"I don't think it can process pain just yet" Lunar said watching her look it over and run her fingers through its soft fur. "However, I'm not heartless, either way it will be knocked out for the surgery," 0_018 was silent before asking "surgery?" Lunar nodded "we gotta swap the brain," he clicked his tongue and gently took it from her. 

He gently laid it down the table and carefully gave it some anesthetic gas, 0_018 was silent before saying uncertainly "okay." 

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