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Eclipse could tell Fate was exhausted, for the past five hours she has been trying to find ways to get Luna back, though Eclipse could tell she was also terrified to try. It was a cruel mix of love and trauma, "Fate... how about you lay down and get some sleep" Eclipse said softly and Fate turned away and muttered "no" Eclipse sighed "how about you lay down, okay? You need sleep, and some rest. We'll get her back as fast as we can" Fate was silent before silently walking over to the couch.

Eclipse was very sad as he watched Fate just walk to the couch and flop down on it, giving up. His rays drooped and Nexo frowned, Nsheios peeked down from the chandelier, Eclipse looked up and yelled "what are you doing on the chandelier again?! Get down!" Nsheios looked down at him and smirked "your tiny" Eclipse growled and put his hands on his hips.

"Get down" he said and Nsheios jumped off the chandelier and clung to the wall with his yellow claws and Eclipse muttered "I swear, what's gotten into you lately? Your acting more rebellious" Nsheios climbed down the wall with some terrifying flexibility, he looked almost like a spider.

Eclipse stared before saying nervously "I didn't know you could do that... haha-" Nsheios chuckled "yeah, I don't it often" Eclipse sighed "that was creepy! Don't do that without warning!" Nsheios flew up and said "now I'm going to cling onto the wall on purpose!" Eclipse shouted up at him "did I make you mad or something?" Nsheios teased "nope, just in a silly mood" Eclipse groaned.

"Please get down" he pleaded getting worried and Nsheios jumped on the chandelier and climbed up the chain, he stuck his tongue out at Eclipse and Eclipse glared getting even more irritated by the second.

Fate watched Nsheios crawl around and sighed turning away and Computer watched and KC was just grieving the fact he couldn't make tea.

He's been grieving for a while, it's a little weird.

Solar was off doing who knows what.

What a family.

Eclipse sighed grabbing Lord Eclipse and Lord Eclipse peeked from his blanket and he tilted his head at Eclipse "hi!" he said cheerfully and Eclipse smiled ruffling his little brown rays "what's up?" he asked and Lord Eclipse snuggled in and said "oh! Uh, not much, I was watching youtube!" Eclipse smiled sitting down with him "can I watch too?" Lord Eclipse nodded taking his phone out of the blanket and snuggling in some more. 

Some time passed and slowly Fate began to peek over before just giving up trying to be sneaky and just sitting next to him, Eclipse looked down at Fate. They were silent, staring at the phone before suddenly taking off the pink bracelet she had on and slipping on the blue one. Eclipse knew what that meant because Fate explained it, so he didn't question it. 

Solar peeked over the couch to look at what they were watching, Eclipse ignored him and Nsheios finally jumped down from the chandelier and ran over and fell onto the couch with a grunt after stumbling and tripping. Fate flinched and yelled "watch it you big metal lummox you almost crushed me!" Nsheios sat down and he sighed "sorry..." BloodMoon, Sun, and Moon were drawing nearby.

The house went silent again as they just watched the videos youtube recommended to them, "huh?" Solar grunted from behind Eclipse, watching from behind the couch, "what's the backrooms?" Eclipse grunted "oh some place, I dunno" Fate shrugged "it exists you know" Eclipse stared at him for a moment before saying in a dumbfounded voice "what?" Fate sighed "you don't need to worry about it, I'd get you out quickly if you happened to no-clip" Eclipse stared at her before sighing "whatever..." he hoped Luna was okay.

Poor thing must really be panicking right now... if she's alive- no, bad Eclipse, she's alive. Eclipse sucked that down petting Lord Eclipse's rays gently to distract himself. She's fine, she's fine, maybe a little panicked but we'll get her out soon.

"Eclipse!" Computer yelled suddenly "Sun drew on the floor again!" Eclipse jolted up and Sun cried "I'm sorry!" Eclipse stood up slowly to make sure he doesn't disrupt Nsheios, Fate, and Lord Eclipse to much and he walked over to Sun.

He picked Sun up gently, then he decided to also pick Moon and BloodMoon up. He put them next to Nsheios and he groaned looking at the crayon drawing on the floor. "Oh come on..." he groaned and Computer grunted "I'll get you the cleaner and rags."

"Wait, Lord Eclipse" Solar asked "how are you on YouTube if we have no internet?"

"I have my ways."


"Other, something is wrong" he said wearily and Other muttered tiredly "what do you mean Lunar?" Lunar sighed "I dunno... There is something in the air, I can't put a finger on it" Other grunted "this is new, usually your not paranoid" Lunar gasped offended and Other chuckled "i'm joking... but seriously, I just woke up, why do you have to just shove this in my face five seconds after I wake up?" Lunar sighed "I dunno... I guess... I just feel like something bad is going to happen, gut feeling you know" Other muttered tiredly.

"Are you tired? It's not normal for you to get worried" Lunar sighed "yeah you're right... probably nothing" Other grunted "your pacing-"  Lunar growled "no I'm not shut up, it's just, I feel a powerful presence in the air!" Other was silent before saying softly "how about you get some sleep, you haven't slept in two days" Lunar was silent before sighing "i'll give you control I guess, it's just the Lunar's are going crazy of the surprise arrival of 0_018 and they keep asking me questions because I 'know everything' getting a little stressful" Other was silent.

Then they said "boy, how did they survive that fall anyway?" Lunar shook his head "I dunno, getting things kinda off whack though, I leave the rooms and the Lunar's bombard me with questions and I just say 'she reincarnated because she's sooooo special' and they freak out more from excitement" Other chuckled at that.

"Just let it pass by, maybe make another sacrifice? That entity won't wait any longer. Especially because our previous sacrifice failed" Lunar groaned putting his face in his hands "this sucks man" Other grunted "get some sleep, I'll take over, I can tell your a bit overwhelmed" Other made Lunar's body spin in circles and Lunar sighed "yeah... I should, can you stop spinning the body please?" Other laughed "why? It's fun!" "You're overloading our sensory chip and now were getting dizzy!" Lunar snapped and Other laughed "shhh! Chillax for once, and ignore that weird gut feeling, the last time you had a gut feeling our pocket dimension nearly exploded!" Lunar grunted.

"Exactly! It did!" Other shrugged "well, maybe ignore it and horrible tragedies won't happen!" Lunar was even more irritated when Other made the body do a thumbs up. It wasn't long till Lunar managed control and stopped them from spinning around, only to stumble sideways and fall on his back.

He grunted and Other laughed "yeah! That was awesome!" Lunar was irritated yet also a tiny bit amused. "Yeah yeah, don't do any of that kind of stuff around the Lunar's." Other grunted "you know me, I'm good at acting like you!" Lunar sighed "I know I know... I'm gonna get some sleep, you manage their trillions of questions about reincarnation that I added to our all powerful 'Lunar religion!'" Lunar made his voice boom at 'Lunar religion' and Other laughed "okay okay, I'll try! Get some sleep okay?" Lunar sighed "okay... I guess" Lunar gave the control to Other, they often shared control, it was strange. 

Two beings in one body, each with separate needs.

One can feel tired and the other doesn't, it's truly two people.

"Don't worry Lunar!" Other said cheerfully "just ignore it and it'll be fine, get some sleep okay?" Lunar sighed "yeah yeah... whatever..." he shut himself off and Other walked out the door, and of course... was met by a hoard of Lunar's.

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