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I just realized, an accurate Fate would look terrifying.


He was alone at the moment, the family decided to go out into the city, well, except the kids and Lord Eclipse. But that is expected of course. Lord Eclipse was busy sleeping currently and the kiddos were being nice and silent at the moment. Fate was silent, laying there on the couch feeling tired and over life.

He hates being immortal.

He closed his eye, but it snapped open when he heard a thump behind him. He jerked up and peeked behind him, "huh" he grunted, he was confused when he saw nothing there, then he was unnerved. He thought about waking Lord Eclipse up but decided against it, not wanting to give him a panic. 

He slowly stood up from the couch looking around the house wearily when Sun ran up and squeaked "I saw something, looked black!" Fate stiffened and Sun said "friend?" he asked innocently and Fate took a deep breath and said "get your brothers and go to Lord Eclipse okay?" Sun nodded and Fate watched him telling his brothers stuff. 

What he was saying, Fate had no idea. However, he now knew that the thump wasn't his imagination, somethings here with them. "Is a robot here?" he yelled, feeling exhausted, but also protective of his family. 

He was met by no reply, Fate was silent before yelling "come out before I use force!" nothing. Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon ran by, BloodMoon led them and pushed them under the blanket with Lord Eclipse, Lord Eclipse grunted tiredly and shook his head to try to rid himself of sleepiness. 

Fate was completely on edge now, "come out!" he yelled "I will use force in five... four...three-" it was then that something peeked from behind the counter. It looked dark gray, but not black. He was surprised as he stared at them "uh hi" he said, the entity was silent before saying "hi..." Fate was curious so he began to see what it was. 

He was shocked by what he found out by a simple looksies. 

This thing wasn't from his multiverse, it was... him. The same power signature and everything. He stared, stunned and Fate crept over slowly and said "your uh... I can't believe I'm saying this, but you aren't uh, supposed to be here-" the Fate said softly "I know..." Fate tilted his head before saying "then I'll get you home, okay? I can tell you're confused, how long have you been alive?" it was silent before saying "trillions of years" Fate sighed softly "then... how did you make this mistake? I'm pretty sure your the first ever Fate to somehow move multiverse's" he put his hand on his hips "I would be impressed if I weren't so dumbfounded" he was met by silence.

Fate sighed "lets get you home, you seem very stunned by seeing me, and I'm stunned too, believe me, but you don't seem very... responsive, and that's worrying" Fate walked over and it flinched away and made a soft hissing sound, "you tired?" he asked and it stared at him silently like he were a anomaly. 

It looked around in fear and said "I- how-" Fate took a deep breath, noting it's scared behavior, she didn't judge it, not at all.

"I'm going to get you home" Fate sighed "lets see if I can figure this out... okay... Let's see- no?" he watched the Fate shake its head frantically and she stared at it silently, she saw its claws making scratches on the granite counters of the house, not terrifying at all. "You need to get back to your multiverse" Fate said seriously, putting his hand on his hip.

"I don't understand what's going on with you, but your acting very... strange, maybe shock? If so that's worrying, and I can't just send you back in shock... hmm" Fate sighed and Lord Eclipse peeked over and asked "uhhh... Fate, who is that?" Fate was too tired for this.

He walked over to the Fate and said "get from behind the counter please" he gently grabbed them and he asked "what's your multiverse's name?" it was silent before saying "p-p-please let go of my hand-" Fate dragged them from the counter and they struggled and he pushed them onto the couch, "there, now tell me so I can help you" Fate was growing irritated but he was trying to not snap at them.

"0_22932032*@)" they said nervously and Fate sighed "do you have a concussion too? Because that multiverse doesn't exist!" the look of alarm on the Fate's face worried Fate. "Okay other me, what do you want me to call you?" he grunted and the Fate looked around nervously before saying "uhhh..... I dunno, but I don't wanna go home..." Fate was silent, confused and worried. 

"Why?" he asked and it said "it uh- uh-" Fate said in a gruff tone "listen, you need to go back-" "no!" they shrieked and Lord Eclipse hid under the blanket and Fate put his hands up, "okay- okay-"

So this Fate might not be okay, something seems horribly wrong. "Can you tell me why not" Fate asked and the Fate said shakily "I- had to escape- things got- weird-" Fate frowned and the entity shook it head "I remember golden feathers...? I dunno, but I jumped through a portal out of desperation and boom, I'm here!" that has got to be the weirdest and most confusing thing Fate's heard. 

"I'm sorry... did you just say you jumped through a portal out of desperation?" he said in confusion and the Fate shook its head looking confused and shaken. Fate had so many questions, but he took a deep breath and threw his hands up in the air "just great! More problems! Okay, lets get you settled in, I'm going to try and find a way to get you back to a clearly nonexistent multiverse- wait, did your multiverse implode or something?" it was silent before saying "I have no idea..." Fate took a deep breath and said "great. Just great."

He was not in the mood for this to happen.

Sun peeked from under the blanket and the entity stared at them in alarm, Fate sighed "kiddo, stay right there, okay?" Fate watched the entity stare silently at un with a look of pure despair and fear and Fate said confused "uhh... It's a child?" Fate was even more confused when they squeaked "hide me-" Fate grunted "why?" it jabbed a finger at little Sun and squeaked "that thing is a demon!" Fate was silent before sighing. 

"It's a child, it isn't going to do anything, you clearly aren't doing okay, so, I'm going to give you a blanket, okay? Then you can relax on the couch while I figure out what to do with you, also, DON'T TOUCH MY FAMILY, got it?" it did a shaky thumbs up and Fate spawned a blanket, before turning to Lord Eclipse "wait, how do you use that blanket? It's like, horribly hot" Lord Eclipse was silent before saying "I feel terrified outside of it, even if my systems are screaming at me to leave" Fate gave him a concerned look. 

He took the blanket from Lord Eclipse "no more blanket" Lord Eclipse stiffened and Fate wrapped the other him, this was awkward, very awkward, in the two blankets. The entity felt stiff but pretty much let him do whatever, either it was too terrified to say no, it was incapable of basic motor functions to save itself, or it is frozen up in fight or flight, all probably not a good sign. 

Fate wrapped them up tightly and looked at them in concern. 

Then irritation and concern.

Because now he's now forced to think of something other than ways to save Luna. 

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