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He was more weary of Lunar as he trained him, Lunar grinned brightly, an innocent look of awe in his face "look!" he said as he finally managed to summon ice in his palm "good job-" Castor said nervously and Pollux gave him a concerned look "hey Castor, you good?" Pollux said quickly "fine fine-!" he couldn't forget Fate.

His behavior had been completely off, he seemed... so off, not his usual cheerful self, grumpy... nervous, just all wrong. Castor stared at Lunar and Pollux narrowed her eyes at Castor before turning back to Lunar and saying cheerfully "good job!" she cheered loudly, Lunar grinned and jumped up in the air far and fell back to the ground.

Pollux fell over onto her face suddenly and Lunar asked in... concern...? "Are you okay?!" Castor was now getting weird vibes from Lunar, bad vibes that he didn't like. Pollux whined, she didn't like pain at all, nor could she take it. "Fine fine" Pollux whined getting back up and dusting dirt off her pants. 

Castor sighed rubbing her back gently before saying to Lunar in a nervous tone, he couldn't help it, "okay, that's enough training for today, good job figuring out the ice" Lunar grinned, said a quick bye, and ran off quickly, though Castor turned he sensed Lunar stopping to stare at him. He turned and saw Lunar standing there, head tilted to his side staring down at him from the hill.

Castor's weird vibes from him grew stronger and quickly reached over to Lunar's mind, he didn't do this often. It was intrusive, rude, and weakened him bad, but he just didn't trust Lunar anymore. The stare was... unnerving, what he got shook him.

'He knows.'

What? He stared at Lunar and Lunar stared back at him almost threateningly and when Pollux grunted "stupid dirt" and turned back to Lunar before saying "oh, Lunar your still here!" Lunar's threatening demeanor disappeared instantly, too quickly, and he grinned and waved good bye to them "bye guys!" he yelled and Castor felt incredibly creeped out by the situation.

He began to worry that Lunar wasn't who he thought, he was also starting to feel really sick, that usually happens whenever he used to skill. "Ugh..." he groaned and Pollux looks at him concerned "you good?" Castor groaned "fine-" Pollux put her hands on her hips "you have been acting weird lately" Castor mumbled "yeah yeah..."

'He knows,' those words echoed in his mind and filled him with dread.


He was concerned for Fate for obvious reasons, the poor thing was shaken up by that nightmare. He sighed wrapped Fate in a blanket burrito because it was all he could think to do, he was silent for a moment before looking around the empty house, everyone decided to go to the grocery store and he had stayed so he could watch Fate, Lord Eclipse tried to stay but Solar dragged him out, so he and Fate were alone.

He remembered that KC had made chamomile tea and that there was still some in the kettle, he whispered softly "you want some tea...?" Fate sobbed softly and Eclipse sighed as much to his relief Fate nodded and he got up slowly and walked to the kettle, pouring out some still warm chamomile tea and slowly walking back over to Fate giving it to him. 

"It'll help you calm down" he said softly as he watched Fate shakily grab the cup and hold it in trembling hands and Eclipse slowly rubbed his back gently "you wanna talk about it...?" he was not surprised when Fate shook his head and he sighed "that's alright..." he sat there rubbing Fate's back as Fate slowly began to calm down and get in touch with reality fully again.

"Shh..." he said softly and he sighed "I need to check that stab, probably healed by now, you'll feel more comfortable with the bandage off and Fate nodded shakily and he began to check the stab, and seeing it has healed enough he took the bandages off "looks like these bandages will be the last, thank god, that took very long to heal" Fate just simply nodded silently and looked away sniffling trembling slightly still.

Eclipse watched Fate stare at the tea silently and Eclipse was silent before asking "you wanna watch T.V?" Fate was silent before nodding shakily and Eclipse smiled "okay... Let's see, how about we watch this" Fate just nodded and kept looking away, as though he were ashamed by something. 

"Fate, I gotta ask, are you ashamed of something?" Eclipse asked and Fate grunted "maybe..." Eclipse was silent before asking "are you ashamed by the fact you had a nightmare?" Fate was silent before saying "maybe, maybe not, who knows" Eclipse sighs seeing that Fate wasn't comfortable enough to tell him and seeing that this moment was mostly peaceful despite Fate just having a nightmare and having a freak out.

He decided not to ruin it by pressing and he was silent as they both watched T.V together, and slowly Fate's trembling came to a stop entirely, though he still seemed nervous he grew content under the fuzzy blanket and Eclipse was sad when he realized that this may actually be another Lord Eclipse situation in a way.

Not the same entirely, but still, the similarities were sadly there. Eclipse looks at Fate in pity and Fate says in a irritated tone "stop giving me that pity look" Eclipse frowned "I am in the right to give you a pity look after what just happened, you big grouch" looks like Fate is mostly back to normal, at least how he knows Fate to be normal, a big grouch.

That's all Fate ever really was to him aside from times where he was sweet to the kiddos, "I'm not a grouch!" Fate said irritated and Eclipse said "then why do you have the grouch body language? The grouch mumbling, and the 'stop staring at me i'm angry' vibes" Fate went silent seeming to not have a retort to that before muttering "fine, I'm a grouch" Eclipse sighed rubbing her back.

"So you admit" he said amused and Fate said "don't get used to it."

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