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"Look!" she yelled pointing at a house "a house!" the Lunar turned towards it and grunted "I see that 23, I see that" 0_023 pointed at the house and she cheerfully asked "do you think anyone's in there?" 0_075 looked right in her eyes and grunted "don't be stupid. No one's in there" 0_023 gave him a sad look and deflated at his tone and 0_075 rolled his eyes before his eyes locked on something in the distance. 

"Well..." he muttered and 0_023 gasped "what is it what is it?!" she looked over and 0_075 hissed "shut up you moron, it'll hear us! Look, it's that god The Great One warned us about!" he jabbed a finger at the black figure, and 0_023 gasped and 0_075 muttered "we should capture it, I'm sure we can manage with the Great One's latest tech" 0_023 squeaked nervously "0_075 I dunno... what if it sends us through hell like it did with The Great One? I mean- I-it is uh-  mean!" 0_075 rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah yeah, it's just walking around. Mindless beast. It's probably looking for victims, forever patrolling for something to torture endlessly" 0_023 watched 0_075 shudder and she whimpered "whatever. Just don't get hurt..." 0_075 muttered "I'm going to try and hit it over it's mindless head" 0_023 hissed "that won't work-!" 0_075 scoffed "than maybe it'll be stunned long enough for me to put the stupid clamp on, then I'd like to see it try to hurt us or The Great One ever again!" 0_023 was about to stop 0_075 but he was already off. 

She quickly hid behind a rock and watched 0_075 be a moron. Great. He's gonna die again, ugh. 

Much to 0_023's surprise however, instead of fighting them mindlessly and hurting them, the god... ran? 0_023 instantly gave chase, she was faster than 0_075 and she ran past him and jumped at the little god, dang... it's a lot shorter than I thought it was going to be... the god struggled in screamed in terror. 

She flinched back in surprise and 0_075 yelled "don't you dare mess this up 0_023! Come on, get the clamp on it's wrist already I swear!" 0_023 snapped out of her shock and grunted getting the little wrist band that Lunar made, apparently it was supposed to block a gods powers? She didn't really understand how it worked. 

She managed to clamp it on just as it was about to teleport and it looked stunned and she looked at it curiously. She expected more of a fight, The Great One made them seem incredibly dangerous, but it just screamed... perhaps it was the shock of being caught off guard? Can something mindless be shocked?

It looked at her, it's one eye wide with terror and she asked "you gunna fight me or....?" it was just frozen up, and is it trembling..? 0_075 ran over and grunted from exhaustion from running so far, 0_032 shook her head and picked it up gently. She was a little unnerved, she was expecting a fight and for it to fight her even after its powers were gone. 

For it to keep fighting till it was exhausted, that it'd keep trying to kill her.... but it was just frozen up. "Hello?" 0_023 said shaking them gently, the small god felt stiff in her arms and she swore it was trembling, she had heard from The Great One that gods have a heart, though it doesn't serve the same function as ours. 

She was curious so she grabbed it's wrist, she wasn't sure if this was going to  work, but she tried anyway. She pressed a finger to the small black gods wrist gently and her eyes widened "woah... your hearts going really fast" she said, she held the little god in front of her, "It's name is Fate right?" she asked 0_075 and he grunted a reply "yeah, but it doesn't deserve a name" 0_023 gently held the little god. 

"0_075, it looks really terrified maybe we should-" she was cut off from 0_075 saying "ugh, lets go and find somewhere to camp for the night, you're watching the demonic thing" 0_023 went silent, looking at the little god... it doesn't seem very scary... just scared.

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