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Yes, that's my art.


"Snooping... aren't you?" Luna jumped out of her skin and her head snapped towards Lunar, she froze up in terror as he stood in the door way, staring at her. "I uh- no-" Lunar grunted "I'm not stupid, your on my computer" Luna jumped and and said "no I'm not-" Lunar raised a eyebrow and walked over "ah... you found that didn't ya?" he said looking at the monitor and she shrank back away from the short purple animatronic. 

"I find it interesting" Lunar turned towards her, "you got into my computer, how'd you find out my password?" Luna was really freaking out now "well- you see- I uh-" Lunar grunted "gotta change my password now, great, however, I'm still curious, it's a strong password, and to get to this specific file your at you would need to break several firewalls" Lunar grunted "and there's a reason for that."

"Come here" Luna watched him wave her over and she nervously crept over, hand shaking slightly. Lunar looked her in the eyes and said "i'm not mad, I'm more impressed than anything. You broke through ten firewalls by yourself? No computer, no nothing? Because my super computer did a scan and told me that you have nothing that could help you through."

Luna was silent and Lunar grunted turning back to his computer "you're probably curious about this chip huh? Yeah, makes sense. It was a old plan of mine, I instantly scrapped it due to being horrified by the outcome" Lunar looked back at her and said ominously "that's all you need to know," she choked out "you have a super computer?" Lunar shrugged "why do you think no weird lowly dimensional beings come in? My computer would recognize them instantly and either sends them back or shoots them, it's decision" Luna was silent.

She sighed "yeah that makes sense..." Lunar tapped his fingers on his desk then tapped her gently "so, your smarter than you look huh?" Luna flinched at the tap and Lunar sighed softly "way smarter than you look and act.. it's a little strange actually. No, I know you weren't this smart before I blew you up, I made you do a test to get your IQ... you did it blindly and you got a average IQ, you looked pretty proud of yourself too, someone with an average IQ couldn't go through ten firewalls though..."

Luna backed away slightly and Lunar clicked some keys on his keyboard and pulled her over "no, come here" he said, "I want to see if you can solve this, it's a little puzzle" Luna was absolutely terrified. Lunar however, he was more curious than anything. It's the first time in a while that he's not had bad intentions around someone other than his Other. 

"W-why-?" she stammered and Lunar shrugged "I need to see how smart you are, maybe me blowing you up unlocked something in your brain. I must ask 0_018, are you made from Moon code?" Luna shuddered at the reminder of the highly traumatic memory and stammered "y-ye-yeah-?" Lunar tilted his head curiously at her. 

"That, that I find interesting 0_018, the fact you were able to get through these firewalls so easily and quickly all by yourself. The possible head trauma probably unlocked something your creators locked up, Moon's intelligence." Lunar grunted "I'll never understand humans, why'd they lock up something so valuable? Whatever, you're one of the smartest people here now if that's the case." 

Luna was unnerved by Lunar's behavior and whispered "can I just leave-?" Lunar shook his head "no, heavens no. You broke into my computer, I'm not mad though, now, I need you to do this puzzle," Luna looked at the puzzle then at Lunar nervously.

Luna saw that Lunar wasn't making any movements towards her, he didn't seem mad. No... he was more curious than anything. She gulped not seeing a way out of this seemingly terrible situation, she crept closer and looked at the puzzle. She looked at Lunar nervously and Lunar said "take all the time you need" he backed off and she looked at him nervously.

She noted that he was treating her with actual respect and not the forced kind he usual did from around the other Lunar's. She looked at the puzzle nervously then at Lunar and Lunar kept his distance. Why, she didn't know but it made her very nervous. Was he about to blow her up-?! Or- "I am not going to blow you up by the way" Lunar said "the Lunar's would suspect something if the person who 'reincarnated' blew up soon after reincarnation, I can't kill you, and I can tell that you realize that, don't you 18? That's why you have the guts to snoop" Luna stared at him nervously. 

Lunar pointed at the computer "do the puzzle, okay? I'll be right here and we'll see if you can figure it out- and... you figured it out already," Luna backed away from the computer and Lunar sighed "so... congratulations Luna, I accidentally made you one of smartest Lunar here, congrats on your newfound intelligence. I must ask, have you been feeling extra protective towards loved ones/friends lately?" she didn't reply. 

Luna really didn't want to reply, so she didn't. Lunar sighed "okay... well ones thing for sure I'm putting you in the tech class, can't let this go to waste, I want you to go to my laboratory every evening, okay?" she stiffened "wait but you don't-" Lunar grunted "your an exception 18, I'll meet you there" Luna was stiff with shock. 

Lunar said "you can go now, okay? Bye, I expect to see you tomorrow next evening, you know where the laboratory is" he waved her off and she ran out the door, 0_908 saw her run out and yelled after her "what are you doing in there?" she quickly ran up the stairs to her room and slammed the door and locked it. 

What just happened. 

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