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She sat on the couch watching My Little Pony, Lunar was silent the entire time looking miserable and tired. He clearly didn't like the show, though Luna was starting to feel tired herself. After all she has been walking around carrying a midget for five hours late at night, she hasn't slept in forever. 

She mumbled eyes drooping but she snapped them open again, twenty more minutes Luna, come on! Lunar seemed to notice her sleepiness and was watching her, he seemed to be waiting for her to fall asleep so he could finally make his escape. Luna grunted and clung to him tighter watching the scene on T.V, she was really fighting sleep at this point. 

She was really tired from walking around all night and all she really wanted was a little nap, that's all. She passed out on the spot.


Finally! FINALLY! He began to squirm in her arms trying not to wake her up in the process, 'come on we gotta get out!' 'I know' he squirmed and he began to slip out, excitement filled him as he thought he was finally going to escape this hell 0_018 forced him through, it probably ruined his reputation horribly.

However, even sleeping, 0_018 had other plans. 

She pulled him over and clung to him again, he cursed and clawed at the couch before giving up. I hate myself, and 0_018 too. He was so over life at this point, his eye twitched and he kinda just laid there. 

He stared at the couch and at his claws, this the second time I've been held against my will. The sound of My Little Pony was starting to give him a headache, or maybe it was the stress of this situation, he wasn't sure. He tried to grab the remote to turn the wretched show off, if he was going to be trapped here he was not listening going to that the entire time. 

'I swear to god, I'm so over this' Lunar listened to Other before finally getting his hands on the remote, he shut the T.V off. His body was stiff and he heard 0_018's faint snores and they made him want to jump off a cliff, he was silently staring at the floor. 'Honestly, this was our fault' he grunted mentally 'how?' Other asked confused and Lunar rolled his eyes 'said we'd blow her off a cliff again, she clearly didn't like that' 'hmm, your probably right' Lunar laid there silently before his eyes landed on something in the corner. 

His body stiffened when he saw the sun animatronic standing there, it stared at him silent "who are you?!" he screeched at the figure and Other flinched in alarm mentally and hissed 'Lunar what the-?!' 0_018 jolted awake with a gasp and the figure disappeared from the dark corner, clearly teleporting. 

Lunar glared at the corner and Other said 'Lunar, no one is there' 'well there was someone there.' 'Lunar I would have seen them' "huh" 0_018 mumbled in confusion "why'd you suddenly scream like that... jeez" Lunar growled "whatever." 0_018 muttered "sorry, I fell asleep..." Lunar rolled his eyes and Other asked concerned 'seriously are you okay?' 'Fine.'

0_018 grunted "I should probably let you go... but it's cold right now... there's a chill in the air, this stupid dimensions equivalent of winter is coming" Lunar grunted "so it is" 0_018 said "and that means I'm not letting you go," Lunar hissed at her "come on, it's been the five hours! I've been here long enough you-!" 0_018 grunted "hey, think about this, the air outside is cold. Do you really want to be hit by that?" Lunar glared and he spat "gladly" 0_018 sighed tiredly. 

"Well I don't want to be cold" she said "so you're going to have to tolerate me," Lunar hissed "well then turn your heat up!" 0_018 was silent before saying stubbornly "no, it's cold on the way there" Lunar glared and 0_018 said "well I don't like you much either bud, but you're also like a heat pad, I dunno why. Are you constantly overheating or something?" Lunar gave her a dumbfounded look, "I- what?" 0_018 poked his face making him growl "I said that you're way too warm to the touch, are you overheating constantly?" Lunar grunted "no?" 0_018 frowned "then why are you so warm?" Lunar rolled his eyes "some moronic gator remade me after... something happened, something clearly went wrong though. However, I function well so I don't see a reason to fix it."

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