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Evil Lunar

"0_908!" a familiar small voice screamed and Evil Lunar startled awake, sitting up in the bed his charger jolting in the socket painfully. He hissed slightly in pain and carefully pulled it out, he looked over to see 0_018 running in, slamming the door open loudly. "HUH?!" he yelped  in shocked nearly throwing a pillow at her. 

"Oh, sorry, were you sleeping?" she asked in pity and Evil Lunar grunted "it's fine it's fine, just a little startled, what's up?" He asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and 0_018 plopped down on the bed next to him "well you see, I went with Lunar!" Evil Lunar nodded nervously "yeah...?" 0_018 yawns, quite tired now "I got to push the Eclipse off a cliff!" Evil Lunar was silent for a long moment.

He eventually said "Is that so...?" his nervous tone was there, 0_018 nodded gleefully "I tied him up and The Great One let me push him off the cliff!" The Great One... The name Lunar had been given, this place was a cult... a cult he needed to get out of.

"Oh..?" he said nervously and 0_018 nodded gleefully, though she was tired "yeah!" Evil Lunar said softly "cool...cool..." 0_018 made punching movements with her hands playfully "he yelled and screamed but I pushed him off! Pow whoosh!" Evil Lunar felt sick to the stomach and 0_018 paused and whined "you're not happy for me-?" she said clearly not taking this right way and Evil Lunar quickly said "no no no! I'm happy for you it's just- uh-" 0_018 sighed "it's alright... I know you're not fond of this stuff..." she said softly and sadly.

Evil Lunar was silent for a moment before rubbing her back softly and 0_018 smiled "it was fun though, that lowly never stood a chance against me and The Great One! Whoosh pow pow boom!" she said loudly and exaggerated and Evil Lunar sighed at her and said "good for you..." 0_018 kept going and Evil Lunar listened but felt sad as he did.

"Then buildings were exploding!" 0_018 said gleefully "fire everywhere! Then Lunar helped me kill someone tough then-" Evil Lunar said softly "sounds great..." 0_018 cheered "it was!" Evil Lunar felt his heart shattering at 0_018's innocent chatter about murder and he chuckled nervously. "Haha... sounds awesome-" he said softly and 0_018 noticed his tone and said softly "I'm sorry... I got carried away-" "no no no! Don't apologize it's fine!" Evil Lunar said quickly.

He didn't want 0_018 to feel down, even if it were such a topic. "Well... okay..." 0_018 sighed sadly "I just don't understand why you don't like The Great One's cause! It's awesome, honorable!" Evil Lunar grabbed her shoulder and asked seriously "you understand that the lowly's are people too, right?" 0_018 paused as if thinking.

She said "hmm, sure, but not as smart and great as Lunar's!" Evil Lunar grunted "0_018, listen to me. Lunar's are no different than other dimensional beings-" 0_018 stared in shock before snarling "what's that supposed to mean?!" Evil Lunar flinched in surprise and alarm and took his hands off 0_018's shoulders and put them up.

He rarely saw 0_018 like this, so it was scary. 0_018 glared "what are you thinking?!" Evil Lunar stammered "I-I-I-I'm sorry-" he felt like a coward, but he knew he was more of a coward than he was before being kidnapped, perhaps it was the trauma of watching his world burn down and implode before his eyes and being unable to stop it as he was forced out of the dimension painfully by Lunar. 

Having his natural dimensional tie severed and destroyed, he felt empty now without it.

He missed his dimension, no matter how empty, no matter how soulless. It was still home, and it was destroyed. 0_018's eyes softened when she saw his reaction and she sighed "don't try that again... okay 098?" "okay-" he said shakily.

Gosh, I'm such a coward now...


Such a normal day, carrying around Lord Eclipse because he refused to be let go after moving. The poor guy was still stressed out by the change in environment, everyone else had settled in though. The kiddos drew on the floor nearby with crayons and paper, Solar, KC, and Computer were settled on the couch watching T.V.

Eclipse sighed and ruffled Lord Eclipse's rays as he slept, Lord Eclipse cracked an eye open sleepily before closing them again. Aw.... Eclipse smiled and looked through the cabinets, nothing. He was expecting that, they needed to go on a nice grocery trip and get some food. He closed the cabinet carefully to avoid waking up Lord Eclipse and BloodMoon ran over "look look!" he held up his drawing which Eclipse took gently.

BloodMoon was looking up at him with wide eyes and Eclipse smiled "aww, look at that... blob?" BloodMoon gave an offended face "it's a penguin!" Eclipse wasn't even going to ask how he knew what a penguin was, "oh uh" he looked at the blob trying to figure out where the penguin was before saying "it's a good penguin, I see it now" he didn't see it at all, all he saw was a red and blue blob. 

BloodMoon however grinned widely with sharp teeth and Eclipse said "i'll keep it, okay?" BloodMoon nodded and ran off, he tripped and fell on his face. Eclipse panicked and was about to run over but BloodMoon stood up quickly and ran to the others, Computer watched this amused from nearby before turning back to the show. 

Eclipse folded the drawing up neatly and opened his chest compartment up, he stuck his hand in and his hand collided with something, confused he pulled it out and he saw a little basket, he was instantly reminded of some really old times.

Six months ago... his first moments with Sun and Moon while they were babies. He dug a bit and found the note. 

To Sun and Moon,

Thank you for being great brothers! Have some cookies! :D

By Lunar and Earth.

He stared at it and looked at Lunar's little doodle of him hugging Moon and Sun in a big group hug, he smiled softly. He now remembered that he needed cookies, he sighs softly putting the note in the woven basket with a cloth lined bottom. He set the basket down gently on the counter and walked over to the couch with the others. 

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