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It didn't take long for the rain and wind to stop outside, the air felt stiff, he waved his hand through it and it was hit with no air resistance. He was pulled forward from moving his hand too fast and hard and his arm snapped forward in a painful way, Eclipse hissed in pain and tucked his arm close to his chest. He gently picked up his cats, holding them gently and with care, he walked outside and felt the ground, it was dry under his feet, cracking and dusty.

He looked down in surprise, it was just raining it should be swampy, but the ground was dusty and cracked under his feet. He held his cats gently and sighed softly, he grabbed a shovel and he began to dig a deep hole. I'm going to miss you two goof balls... he thought sadly as he laid them in it and buried them in their final resting place. 

He looked at the grave for a long moment rays drooped before turning and jumping and shrieking at Fate standing there. "JEEZ-!" he yelped  and Fate sighed softly "poor things... I hope they rest in peace" Fate gently picked up a clump of dry dirt looking at it and Eclipse asked "why's it so dry out here? We just got a whole bunch of rain and it's like a dessert" Fate was silent for a moment before sighing tossing the dirt clump aside.

"The oxygen, it's faded... and without oxygen, life will die of course, life that needs it and water... it's called H20 for a reason, it contains oxygen, if that suddenly disappears... the atom bond is torn apart, severed, sooner or later I'm sure, the hydrogen will fill the air, and that'll become what we call air. The water is disappearing, however, it won't disappear all at once" Eclipse over at the ocean Fate was pointing at.

It was dried up quite a bit, but there was still a lot of water around the island. "You robots will be able to withstand the change in temperature, it'll be way hotter, however, I'm sure you'll manage" Eclipse was silent before saying softly "Fate... I'm scared" Fate sighed softly and hugged his leg gently "and that's okay..." Eclipse looked down at them before saying "I don't want to know what New York looks like..." Fate was silent before sighing softly "all I can say is... it's pretty bad" Eclipse's rays were drooped.

The plants were still alive at the moment, however he knew that wouldn't last for long. They will dry up and die soon, he's sure. He shifted and the floor made soft crunching sounds under his metal feel, "will the dead just be piled up on the streets?" Eclipse asked softly and Fate sighed softly "there's plenty of bacteria that thrive in temperatures like this, they don't need oxygen, they'll break the bodies down just fine" Eclipse was silent.

He stared at the dry ground, he kicked the dirt and a cloud of dust came up, he was bracing to have a coughing fit but his systems didn't react, they didn't take in the air at all. Eclipse felt tired  and Fate said softly "how about we go inside, okay?" Eclipse grumbled softly, "okay..." Fate looked at the uneven dirt where the cats laid and she Eclipse pointed at her shoulder "your shoulder feel fine?" Fate was silent before saying "fine, hasn't been bothering me... still white though" Eclipse was silent before asking softly "are we the only ones left?" his tone was soft and worried and Fate shook her head "i'm sure there's other robots in this dimension, and throughout the multiverse, and in a time like this... it may be best for those remaining robots to stick together" Eclipse turned curiously "what are you saying?" Fate sighed "I'm saying, send out a signal through this dimension, get as many robots here as you can, make this a safe haven I guess" Eclipse tilted his head.

"I feel like you've been thinking about this for a long time" Eclipse said curiously and Fate looked around and picked up a dead leaf, tearing it in her hands "yeah.. I knew this was going to happen.. I-I- just..." Eclipse was silent before saying "it includes your family... I know, we don't have to talk about that..." Fate was silent and Eclipse watched them curiously still.

His rays perked slightly and Fate shrugged "i'm just saying... you should send a signal through the dimension, it's best to make friends with the robots than enemies, I would not be surprised if the robots started turning on each other, and that would not surprise me considering their creator died and everything they knew probably died... they're probably terrified Eclipse, give them some hope, give them a place to stay" Eclipse's rays twitched slightly before he said softly "I'll tell the others, and then I'll send the signal."


She hid in the corner, her entire body trembling. Oil tears streaked her face as she peeked over the daycare and the children on the floor. She squeezed her eyes shut and tucked her knees into her chest, body shaking as she let out loud sobs. 

She was stressed out by everything, and she has been for so long, she sat there, trying to process everything. The PizzaPlex was eerily silent, even though all hell just broke loose three hours ago. She just sat there, unsure on what to do. Then she got a ping, she jumped in surprise and she opened her messages instantly.

Lunar? Monty? Someone?!


If you are receiving this message you are a robot and you are getting my signal, if you need a place to stay come to the coordinates shown below. You will be given everything you need and all the basic necessities that are available at this time, it is okay if you do not trust this, because this is simply a random ping you got and I'm sure a lot of you are shaken and scared.

I mean no harm and I only wish to help, it's best we don't turn against each other in this time, we should band together, it will be safer for all of us because we don't know what to expect. 

This chapter feels kinda lazy, but I don't care

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