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"Are you okay?!" Nsheios cried as Eclipse wheezed in air and Eclipse put a hand up "fine-" he's having breathing issues again. "No you're not!" Nsheios yelled "you sound like you're dying!" Eclipse wheezed "fine- breathing issues-" Nsheios rubbed Eclipse's back until finally Eclipse got his breath back and Nsheios said "you should go to the doctor..." Eclipse grunted "no" Nsheios said "I'm being serious" Eclipse grunted.

He was now feeling tired, Eclipse saw Fate watching Nsheios suspiciously and Eclipse sighed shakily "Fate, stop glaring as Nsheios" Fate scoffed and turned away walking into the kitchen to do whatever. Eclipse had decided to let Nsheios stay, with some ground rules of course and watching him close, because poor thing seemed so confused and he didn't seem to know what to do or what was going on. 

He's asked about the phone, he's asked about the T.V, he's screamed at the flowers for some reason. Apparently flowers didn't exist in the multiverse back then...? Poor thing is just so confused and overwhelmed by everything. In a way, it was like someone getting out of a twenty year sentence, everything is different and new.

Except it was like six trillion years, not 20. It goes to show that even a god can be scared by change, change is scary, and for Nsheios the change is massive. Eclipse felt very bad for him, he remembered having to explain to Nsheios that the flower wasn't dangerous.

It was rose, a random wild bush growing on the island. It was weird to Eclipse to think flowers didn't exist in the multiverse six trillion years ago, not in any dimension. Neither did trees, or cats. Which Nsheios also screamed at, loudly. Eclipse had to try to assure him that it wouldn't hurt him, but Nsheios was so freaked out by Midnight. He scared poor Midnight to death and Midnight hasn't approached him again. 

It makes Eclipse wonder what was in the dimensions before, because Nsheios is just... lost. He's calmed down now after a long while of freaking out but still, Eclipse worried for him. His panic was very real, and understandingly, Fate does not at all like Nsheios's existence. 

Honestly, Fate's behavior reminded Eclipse of a territorial house cat who just had a dog enter its territory. Constantly on edge and ready to attack, ready to fight. So Eclipse is also worried that Nsheios (btw, how you pronounce his name is N-shy-os, just saying :}) would start asking Fate questions and make him even more irritated. 

Honestly, Eclipse felt like he was taking care of a child who was scared of everything. A very powerful and smart child, well, sorta. Eclipse had no idea what to make of Nsheios, he just seemed like a ball of anxiety and hyperactivity.               

Eclipse constantly has to calm him down, apparently palm tree's existed before, though they looked different according to Nsheios and he also explained that he didn't notice in his excitement of meeting Eclipse. 

Weirdly sweet in a way, Eclipse felt quite bad for yelling at Nsheios when they first met. He was just a confused person in a new world, after a long sleep. Why was he in the ocean? Eclipse has no idea, hell, Nsheios said he thought it was just a big gross tasting lake. 

He knows Nsheios isn't stupid, because he's shown that he's very intelligent, it's just that things are very different, and apparently oceans didn't exist either. 

Eclipse really can't wrap his mind around this, this is so weird to him. He's grown up knowing that oceans, flowers, and cats exist, the idea of them not existing seemed impossible. Nsheios asked "uh... Eclipse, what's that?" Eclipse turned towards what Nsheios was pointing at, a weird bug. 

"Erm, not sure what kind of bug that is" Nsheios frowned "that's a bug?" Eclipse nodded and Nsheios said much to Eclipse's alarm "but... bugs are big" Eclipse gave him a bewildered look "how big exactly...?" Eclipse asked, Nsheios stared at the bug in confusion "why they grow to be so small..? Man, I swear the dimensions are all more... I dunno, they used to all be completely the same aside from different people, now... they're so... unique..." Eclipse's rays twitched at him.

"Well, that's... certainly interesting... but uh, yeah, that bugs small, but uh, how big-" Nsheios said softly "bigger than this house" nope. 

"Well, I'm glad bugs aren't that big anymore" Eclipse grunted "I could never" Nsheios shrugged "they were big cuties, couldn't hurt a fly" Eclipse was glad Nsheios was feeling better and wasn't screaming anymore, however... he wasn't sure how he felt about giant bugs being as Nsheios explained. Eclipse picked up BloodMoon and BloodMoon squeaked "dad dad! Dad Dad!" Eclipse smiled "what kiddo?" BloodMoon said loudly "BLUEY."

Eclipse watched Nsheios jump at the sudden scream and Eclipse sighed "okay okay, but what do we say?" BloodMoon squeaked "please?" Eclipse smiled "good good," he took out his phone walking over to the others and they swarmed him. Moon yelled "Bluey. Now!" Sun squeaked happily "Bluey!" Eclipse settled them down and wrapped them in a tight blanket, he sighed softly and set the phone up and gave it to them. 

Computer was talking with Solar nearby looking concerned, Eclipse has noticed the weird Solar behavior. He was always looking for something to fix, when Eclipse asked why he said 'I don't wanna be useless,' that... that was concerning as frick, so Eclipse asked him what he meant but he up and left. 

Eclipse remembered what Computer said about the Moon, what it said. It was a concerning and scary idea, the idea that Solar could have been abused, sure Eclipse wasn't making assumptions but... it was one Eclipse didn't at all like.

I think I've taken a long enough break :)

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