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Y'all are eating well today! Star and Fate lore and a new character?! :0

Fate gender: girl


It was midnight, quite late at night, and Fate felt a presence. Never a good thing, she looked around the room as she stood up nervously. She looked towards the Lunar sleeping nearby, holding the coffee she was sneaking. "Okay" she said crossing her arms "who's there?" Fate heard faint scuttling sounds and she turned quickly over towards the sound.

Her heart started to pound as her mind flashed to Lunar and she said rather loudly, "come out!" then, a soft voice was heard "calm down little child..." Fate stiffened looking around before yelling "who's there- what." Fate stiffened, going still as the tall and terrifying being walked from the shadows.

At first, Fate thought it was a floating head, but its body soon met the faint moonlight, a thin black horrifying body was revealed. It hid in the shadows terrifyingly well, and it stared at him with red button eyes, looking like an old fabric doll.

Its body made faint taps now that it made itself known, however it seemed capable of being silent as a mouse despite its size. Fate was stiff as the entity looked at her, frozen by the being in front of her and it spoke softly "I won't hurt you little one... I'm simply here to talk" Fate could sense the power that this thing had.

Fate was silent as it crawled down from the ceiling and spoke in a soft tone "I can't see you, and I don't want to scare you, so I'll simply sense you little one" Fate staggered back and said "uh- I need you to leave now-" the entity simply said "no" Fate stared before asking "why are you calling me little one? I'm trillions apon trillions apon trillions... scratch that, I've lost count at this point..." the entity let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh little one, l'm much older than you" Fate gave them a dumbfounded look before saying loudly "what is with all these powerful entities that somehow hid themselves from me?!" the entity chuckled again "oh.. I have been around since your last reincarnate... after your last one died... should be impossible, but you somehow died... turns out that Fate's reincarnate however unlike the others, so perhaps there really is an end to everything, you're the present one" Fate stared processing that before staring at them.

"What... are you...?" they asked nervously and the entity stood up on their two legs and said "a freak of nature..." Fate did not miss the cold undertone to that and the entity said "mortals liked to call me the Soulless One, not true of course... but it fit, oh little one, I have been watching you for a while, you're much like your old reincarnate, makes sense because it's implanted into your brain, however... something seems different now" they made a soft hissing sound making Fate flinch.

Fate felt very on edge around this entity because she had no idea what it was, at least she knew its name... "Different?" Fate grunted "yeah right, I'm gonna ask you to leave-" the entity exclaimed "ah! There it is again!" Fate glared wearily as they said "a Fate would listen to the entity! No matter how... creepy or strange, they would hear them out" the entity poked Fate's chest gently and Fate grabbed their thin arm and pushed it away, "no." The entity tilted it's head and clicked it's non-existent tongue.

"That's what I want to talk about, Fate naturally doesn't act that way, it's imprinted in their brains to be kind and understanding and to hear something/something out, but... something changed after you killed Star, perhaps it's the sadness of you killing your twin, yet that wouldn't make sense little one, because Fate's are naturally able to get up after that and be fine, they are able to deal with loss, however... now seems different." They tilted their head in a curious manner, "I've always felt bad for you Fate's, seeing many things in your daily lives and learning to cope with it."

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