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First of all, it's been two days since I posted this.

First of all, it's been two days since I posted this

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Where are all of you coming from?! 

It was a normal day, or as normal as it could get until Computer revealed his body was complete and he'll be walking it to the bunker. Eclipse had informed everyone of the arrival of Computer and everyone was excited.

"So, what do you think he'll look like?" asked Solar as he sat on the bed holding a complaining Moon, KC had insisted on coming to the bunker with us. He had refused to leave us alone saying things like 'you're out in the middle of nature!' and while Eclipse said he could protect himself KC had said rather ominously ' I don't think you could protect yourself against him...' not unnerving or terrifying at all.

Obviously, Eclipse thought back to the fact that Lord Eclipse got tortured and KC also got tortured in a similar way, both referred to their assaulter with the gender he/him implying that it was a boy. Computer has been awfully silent, and KC has been more shaky. His hands shaking all over the place as he struggled to hold objects and end up dropping them all the time.

Eclipse was deeply concerned at this fact  and tried to help him only to get 'no no son, it's fine' "I dunno" Eclipse shrugged "we'll see I guess" KC entertained the kids nearby, Solar held Moon as he snarled loudly and said rather rudely "beast." Solar gave Moon a look of pure shock "excuse me child?!" he said and Moon glared right into his eyes tauntingly.

Eclipse said "I can only imagine him as a teenager-" Solar replied "oh dear god don't put that image in my head-" Moon glared straight into Solar's eyes defiantly and Solar flicked his face and Moon flinched and snarled biting his finger. "Ow! Rude!" Solar hissed pulling his finger back and he glared "you wanna play that game were gonna play that game." 

Eclipse watches as Solar picked Moon up and held him gently in front of him like a cat, Moon hissed and spat and struggled and Solar growled "where did this attitude come from?!" Sun watches in concern at Moon and Eclipse sighed "you know better than me that he's been like this since he turned into a baby."

Eclipse sighed walking over to Moon picking him up, much to his surprise Moon relaxed into his arms and grumbled softly no longer yelling and screaming. Moon glared at Solar and Solar had a 'what did I do?!' face going on, Eclipse sighed as Moon is relaxed in his arms. Solar whined "he likes you better than me..." Eclipse chuckled "well-" Moon growled at Solar "fake." Eclipse stared in surprise at Moon.

"Fake? What do you mean?" he asked concerned and Moon continued growling and snarling at Solar, Solar glared at them as if ordering him to shut up. Something was off, "erm, Solar you feel  okay?" he asked concerned and Solar waved it off "fine fine!" he looked over at KC who was staring at Solar in panic.

He had a feeling that something was wrong. 

"Um, what's going on?" Moon continued snarling at Solar like a feral dog and BloodMoon woke up and did the exact same. Lord Eclipse watched this and started to get scared and he hid under the blanket due to their behavior. Solar sighed "okay, this is irritating." He stared at Moon but then BloodMoon growled and attacked him.

Solar reacted instantly, with lightening reflexes, and slapped BloodMoon away harshly, BloodMoon cried in fear and pain and darted behind Eclipse hiding behind his leg clutching his yellow pants tightly while crying. Shock filled Eclipse as he stared "why'd you do that?!" he shrieked and shock and concern and KC backed away and tried to say something but choked, hands shaking.

Everyone's behavior was wrong, KC was clearly having some kind of PTSD, and Solar. Solar was acting completely different, "Solar-" it was then that someone entered the bunker, Solar. Eclipse froze up looking at Solar then the other Solar in pure confusion. "What in the actual-?" Solar jabbed a finger and yelled "WHY IS THERE ANOTHER ME?!" he yelled in panic, Eclipse tried to hold Moon in place but Moon attacked "Solar."

Eclipse shrieked in panic but quickly Moon bit down on something and "Solar" turned into a Lunar, they looked down at Moon in pure hatred and said "what a little pest you have here huh?" this was another dimensional Lunar, they stared at him and harshly slapped Moon into a wall. Eclipse's heart shattered when he heard a harsh thump and Moon's whine and he ran to him and the Lunar snarled "pitiful lowlys. These stupid pests messed everything up." 

Eclipse scooped Moon and BloodMoon up as they both cried and panicked and Sun hid with Lord Eclipse shaking and sobbing, this Lunar. This Lunar had pretended to be Solar. Solar jabbed a finger at the Lunar "LEAVE NOW!" he snapped  clearly not liking the fact that someone had mimicked him and the Lunar scoffed "why should I listen to lowly like yourself? I only listen to the Great One. Shall he save us all" Eclipse frowned confused "the Great One-?" the Lunar rolled it's eyes "idiotic lowly, never smarter then a Lunar" Solar snarled "EXCUSE ME-?!" KC shook all over nearby.

That was the least of Eclipse's concerns however, Eclipse turned walked forward and said in a cold tone "you can't just slap my kids into a wall and expect me to let you walk off." The Lunar rolled it's eyes unconcerned.

"Sure whatever, I'm sure your children will be just as smooth brained as you are! It's a shame they have such a-" sharp intake of breath "special parental figure, what's next? Your gonna start singing pen pineapple apple pen?" Eclipse stiffened, how dare they! He wasn't angry about the insult to himself, he was angry about the fact they called his kids stupid. 

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Solar snarled and the Lunar shrugged "someone more important than yourself" Solar gasped in shock as the Lunar turned to leave the bunker, but Eclipse slapped them across the face hard but much to his shock, they completely ignored him. Eclipse was enraged by the fact they slapped his kids and called them stupid. Solar is enraged for a different reason, KC, Lord Eclipse, and Sun are straight up terrified. 

Eclipse gently cupped Moon's face in his hands and checked his shaking body over while saying softly "shh... it's okay" Moon whined and Eclipse quickly checked over Moon and BloodMoon's bodies and calming them down by scooping them up and pressing them to himself. He whispers softly to them as he tries not to let his anger shine through. 

He looked over at Solar, who looked ready to fight god for a poptart, then to KC staring at him in concern. Poor guy was shaking all over, he walked over to Lord Eclipse, Sun, and KC. "MORE-" Lord Eclipse wailed "THERE'S MORE-" Eclipse stared at him in confusion and worry and said softly "hey hey-" KC was panicking for some unknown reason before choking out "we almost died- we could have died-" pure panic and terror.

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