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"What is it?" an android whispered while hiding behind Eclipse as it pointed at the first seemingly living being they've seen in months. Eclipse pressed himself against the wall to get away from it, it looked some weird looking ferret, "I don't know-" he said as it sat there, all the robots in the buildings were not at all happy to see it, it freaked them out. 

It was mostly because they were never expecting to ever see a being like this again in their life, Eclipse kept himself pressed against the wall and the small android whispered "Eclipse I don't like it-" after about fifteen minutes of cowering in disbelief and genuine fear, Nexo finally got the guts to hop over to it. 

Eclipse hissed "Nexo what are you doing-?!" Fate just kinda stared in disbelief before looking at the robots with a 'seriously, are ya'll okay?' expression and Nexo sniffed the small animal. It kinda just laid there on it's back dumbly and Nexo said "it's clearly not dangerous, all of you are over reacting."

Eclipse hissed "I still don't like it, what if it eats my kids?!" Fate snorted "Eclipse seriously?" Eclipse snapped "we don't know where it came from! It could be some eldritch monster pretending to innocent, life isn't possible anymore remember?! I don't trust it!" Solar said "I'm with Eclipse, I don't trust it!" all the robots yelled up in agreement. 

About fifty robots were cowering away from a rodent, it would be funny if it weren't so sad. 

It's a clear sign of the fact they were no longer accustomed to such beings existing anymore, they had gotten used to their dry world and now all of a sudden this thing appears. 

Eclipse watched Fate gently scoop it up and they said "well, good news. It's pregnant" all the robots yelled "how is that good news?!" "It's gonna doom us all!" and stuff along those lines. Eclipse saw Star give Fate a puzzled look and Fate sighed "okay okay, listen all of you. I can tell it isn't some eldritch being, it's a mutant. It's pregnant as well and from what I can see it will give birth fine, it also seems to live off decaying meat which means these little fellas can help clean the streets" Eclipse fell silent.

All the robots did, Computer stared at it before muttering "Fate's right, wait why'd I react in such a violent way?" Eclipse was silent wondering that as well and Fate sighed "we'll keep it comfortable, I don't think we have any boxes that haven't burnt to a crisp... so.. we'll just set it somewhere comfortable" the world was now mostly stone, the only reason why their original house stayed up for so long was because it was made mostly of stone. 

All the houses that had a foundation of wood all shriveled up and collapsed,  it's a sad sight. Eclipse straightened himself a little embarrassed by the fact he freaked out so much and he crept over to Fate, he poked it and he flinched away and backed away when it turned to stare at him with wide blue eyes. 

Fate gave him a disappointed look and Eclipse hissed "what Fate, I still don't trust it!" Fate rubbed their temples "well Eclipse, it's a rodent, here" Eclipse yelped when Fate shoved it into his arms and his body shuddered at the soft fur texture, it's been so long since he's felt something like that. 

"No-no- I don't want it!" he yelped and he tried to shove it back to Fate and Fate said "no, keep it- what is going on outside?"  they muttered looking around before they gasped "it's a sand storm?! That can happen?!" as expected, all the robots huddled around her and looked through the melted window. 

They were like a bunch of kids at school when something interesting happened, gawking at the storm outside. Eclipse stared and Fate said "wow, a new atmosphere is being made, I knew this would happen, but I didn't expect wind!" Eclipse felt nervousness gnaw at him when he wondered how strong the wind could be.

The dust storm howled outside and Eclipse was thankful to be protected with strong stone walls, everyone quickly got away from the window however when they got dust in the face. Eclipse looked down at the small animal in his arms and he quickly set it down and stepped away from it, the entire group was silent as they listened to the howling outside.

Fate scooped it back up again and sighed softly, holding both Starshine and the ferret thing. It was a silly sight, the rodent was almost two times her size but she managed. Spider huddled in a corner trembling all over and some robots went over to help him, they thought their world was done changing. 

Eclipse thought everything had stopped changing and he grew accustomed to the dryness, the dustiness, and more importantly, the lack of a breeze, the lack of wind and air resistance. Now, it's changing again. 

The duststorm outside was brutal and robots were stumbling and struggling to see as the building quickly filled with dust and sand and dirt, small rocks as well that hit his metal with small smacks. It was clear that they were going to need to find a way to keep the dust out now, especially if this was now going to be a normal thing.

He hoped it wasn't going to be a normal thing, he quickly sat down and found Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon pressed them to his chest, they cried loudly and his shushed them softly and squeezed his eyes shut to keep the debre out of them.

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