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This Fate is a little... gross.

Warning: self eating, mentions of possible cannibalism, sadism, insanity, and such

Fate (Multiverse_09202) 



Nothing left, flesh-


The Fate was on their hands and knees on the floor, the floor was crunching under their feet and hands completely dry. Wonderful- it's breathing was heavy and strangled as it looked around its world. It had destroyed it, it's brain muddled and repeatingly telling them to eat. 

Nothing to eat- I ate it all- 

Its body went into a sweat as it looked at its hand, its heart beating faster every second. Food- I need the sweet taste- flesh- It staggered up to it's feet before falling over again weakly, need more-

Multiverses- exist right- I need more-

It could hardly think of anything logical, torment more- mortals- all gone- lovely- but alone- it looked around it's dead world. It's emotions were inconsistent and it looked at it's arm, sweet- but own arm- family dead- tasty-

It's claws dug into the ground, clinging to the dust and it's breathing was raspy. Aren't I an infinite food source-

I need more-  more-

Multiversal travel exist right-

Don't worry this isn't our Fate, this is a entirely different one.

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