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"Fate what are you doing...?" Eclipse muttered, squinting through sleep filled eyes.  It was the middle of the night and he was up for a glass of water, judging by Fate's body language, he caught Fate in the middle of something he shouldn't have been doing. Eclipse grunted and walked over, rubbing his eyes. 

He looked down and saw Fate was holding a mug of coffee, he looked up at Fate and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" he said and Fate hid the mug of coffee behind his back and said innocently "what?" Eclipse took the mug gently and carefully and dumped it down the drain

Fate stared at him clearly stunned then yelled "you just wasted-!" Eclipse was not having this right now "Fate, go to sleep, it's three in the morning, I am tired and just wanted a cup of water and I see you sneaking coffee" he said grouchily putting the mug in the sink and leading Fate to a bed. He didn't lead Fate to the couch because he decided that maybe Fate needed somewhere more quiet to sleep.

Maybe he needed to not hear Moon's snores, "sleep here" he grunted tiredly, Fate tried to complain out of it and Eclipse said "hey, listen, I understand your scared of the nightmares but what your doing is unhealthy, okay?" he said "you're tired, I can tell you are" Fate was silent, not at all trying to deny this fact.

Fate then decided to stop trying to protest at this point and just laid down much to Eclipse's relief, "good" he grunted "good night Fate" Fate muttered "good night Eclipse..." Eclipse sighed leaving the room and silently closing the door. He worried about Fate often, it's clear Fate's struggling through the trauma of Lunar's attack and is avoiding sleep due to nightmares, sometimes, he wonders if he should call Earth for Fate... Maybe he should.

He knew Fate wouldn't like it, but Fate's not doing too good, poor thing is still shaken.

 He walked down the stairs and filled the coffee mug with water as silently as he could and placed it in the sink, he grabbed a cup and filled it with water and drank it before walking back to the recliner he was sitting on, only to see the kids took it over in the five minutes he left.

Grunting in annoyance, he lifted them up earning a squeak before sitting down pulling the blanket over himself and them, letting them snuggle against his body and he got into a more comfortable position. He wrapped his arm around BloodMoon and sighed softly, the sound of Moon's snoring was heard.

Aside from that, the robot cluttered living room was silent. Eclipse's eyes drooped closed as he drifted to sleep. Normally, it took him a while to sleep so this was rare and it was welcoming.

An hour later


He just couldn't sleep, he's been laying here for the past hour. He kept mistaking little sounds with Lunar, he was incredibly paranoid and tired. It just felt too silent in here, he was so used to the sound of Moon's snores, the occasional sound of the shifting of Solar, it just felt so silent here. 

Fate tried to ignore the creaking, it's not Lunar- I'm fine. He shut his eye tightly, "I'm fine-" he muttered, he was paranoid. Very paranoid, he clutched the blankets trying to ignore the creaking, it felt like his sense of hearing was heightened towards it, he tried to ignore it before he couldn't take it any longer.

He got up and dragged himself into the living room, he looked at Eclipse sleeping, snuggled up to the kiddos, and sat on the recliner next to him, wrapping himself in a fluffy warm blanket. He saw Sun's head perk up at him entering and Sun crawled over and plopped down next to him "oh- hi Sun..." he said sleepily and Sun squeaked softly and tiredly, snuggling in. 

Fate's nonexistent heart was practically melting at how adorable Sun was, gently, very gently, he ruffled Sun's rays and Sun snuggled in looking at him with soft sleepy blue eyes. Fate watched them drift shut as his small body relaxed in his grip. 

Fate was silent and still for a long moment, before pressing Sun to his chest, he listened to Moon's snores, and he felt calm then. Sun feeling small and soft in his arms, he felt delicate, fragile almost, like one little wrong squish and he'd break. It made Fate be more gentle with him, he never ever wanted Sun or any of the others to get hurt.

Never in a million years, no, never in eternity. So, with Sun pressed to his chest protectively, he felt his eye grow heavy. Then it slid shut, he felt calmed from the sound of Moon's snores and Sun's warm squishy self in his arms. For a robot, he was awfully warm and squishy. 

Fate, for the first time in a long time, fell asleep not scared, not paranoid, just at peace. He felt safer in the presence of others, protected. As he drifted off he heard the soft squeak of Sun and Sun wrapped his arms around his arm, snuggling his face into his dark blue sleeve.

I must protect this bean at all cost... must protect this family...

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