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"Let us go...." he said tiredly, he's completely given up on being careful of what he said. "Yeah, I want freedom" Earth gave him an unnerved look before grunting "if I didn't know any better I'd think you had two people in one body" Other took control of the body to give her a sharp irritated look as she rubbed his back.

"Wow, great observation." Lunar said sarcastically and Earth whined "why are you irritable-?" Lunar glared "because I'm always grumpy-" Earth shook her head and cut him off "not true" "I hate this, I want out" "I know, but we'll be happiest if we are together as a family!" Earth said cheerfully and Lunar stared at the floor. 

'I swear to god.'

'Will she just put us down.'

Earth kept rambling and Lunar stared at the floor miserably and he decided to try a different tactic for freedom, "say Earth" he said "have you tried one of the corpses yet? They taste like jerky" Earth gave him an alarmed look before saying unamused "nice try, I have my lie detectors on, I always have them on now."

Lunar cursed and squirmed in her arms, he even resorted to biting. 

'This is so humiliating...'

'I swear if someone we know sees us-'

'No, don't give me more worries.'

"Earth-" he said and Earth cut him off "shhhh, were home :)" she said holding him gently, Lunar was miserable, incredibly miserable. He's been being held for two hours, being walked through this hell of a dimension.

"Your home, not mine, put me down." When Earth didn't put him down, Lunar had finally had enough. He turned quickly and clawed at her face violently, she yelped in surprise but sadly, he missed. 

He never misses, this is a first, and the worst possible time for it to be a first. Earth stared at him in shock and he glared back and Earth, "put us down" he said coldly and Earth looked like she was about to cry. 

"I swear-" Earth hugged him tighter, tight enough that Lunar felt his endoskeleton creak painfully, he let out a sharp strangled gasp and clawed desperately to get out, clawing at her arm and she sobbed "why is this family so dysfunctional? Your the only one I have left, Sun and Moon are dead and humanity died suddenly, everything's dead and dry and I don't know what to do-" Lunar croaked desperately "let go-" "please-" much to the twos despair, Earth held them tighter and said firmly "no, were home and were going to a family." 

Lunar squirmed desperately and Earth sobbed and kept walking into the PizzaPlex, "let us go-" Lunar croaked desperately and Earth walked into where the daycare was, Other screamed "let us go!" Earth flinched and walked into the daycare and walked into the theater. 

Lunar's body shuddered in pain and his exoskeleton was definitely damaged from this rough treatment, Earth walked down the secret hallway into Sun and Moon's old room and Lunar hissed desperately "Computer- when she puts us down, even for a split second please teleport us home-" his Computer said in a soft tone "affirmative."

Earth loosened her grip finally and Lunar wheezed in relief as he felt his exoskeleton shift back into a normal position, at least a bit. His shell was dented in places and Earth set him down but kept a hand on him, which Lunar tried to swat off. 

"Let go now!" Other shrieked at her again, Other was usually the more patient of the two, however he was not taking this treatment any longer. Lunar lunged at her and shoved her into a wall before running and jumping off the balcony, he looked down and saw that the ball pit balls below were melted into a disgusting very hot mass. 

He realized his mistake. 

A little too late. 

He landed in the hot plastic and shrieked and desperately clawed to get out, Earth jumped down to help him, Lunar was teleported out and he was on the floor of his laboratory. He and his other kinda laid there silently before Other said "that was very painful" Computer was silent before saying "you poor things, you think you can stand up?" Lunar struggled up and Computer sighed "lets get you fixed up" Lunar was silently hating himself even more. 

If he hadn't zoned off like that then he wouldn't be covered in searing hot plastic head to his nonexistent toes, he wouldn't have been snatched up from a probably broken down mentally Earth and he and Other wouldn't have been crushed. 

Lunar stood up, his body shaking from the pain and he limped over to the tube. "The creatures likely died somewhere in the dimension, I can't find it, either that or it doesn't have a life signature for some reason." Lunar nodded and practically collapsed into the stupid tube that'll fix his body, "that didn't go as we planned huh?" Other said and Lunar was silent feeling miserable before saying "yep."

"After we are fixed we should play something" Lunar grunted "I'm not going back there that's for sure," Other sighed "the fact we escaped only to fall into boiling hot plastic, no thanks- our metals melting" Lunar cursed and Computer shut the tube "alright, shut yourself off, you'll be good as new in about a hour. That was seriously unlucky series of events..." Lunar growled "yeah yeah, whatever." 

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