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"Okay" Nsheios said much to Eclipse's irritation "I'm sorry... I'm just confused..." Eclipse's rays were back in irritation as he glared, arms crossed. "I guess I shouldn't expect you to know... it's been years! Millions of years!" Eclipse said "uh huh" he kept glaring. 

"I guess I should explain..." Nsheios sighed and Eclipse said in a snarky tone "no need for that, but I can help you use the teleporter so I can teleport you to Antarctica!" Nsheios grunted at that before sitting down and Eclipse suddenly was sitting in front of him "huh what-?!" he yelped and tried to stand up but Nsheios pushed him down gently.

"So, sorry for irritating you, but... I'm just confused okay... just randomly woke up and so far things seem horribly different-" he said and Eclipse rolled his eyes, great, now he's venting to me. Awesome. 

"I don't expect you to believe me anymore, you don't even know me! Erm... what's the year?" he asked then and Eclipse grunted "2024" judging by the entities face, they were confused. "What does that mean?" it muttered rubbing its face.

Eclipse watched it mutter to itself, he heard things like"I know I fell asleep at the year ïøüÿ... So what's the year now...?" Eclipse watched it muttering to itself before it groaned "no clue..." Eclipse gave it and unamused look.

"Wait, Eclipse, you know the age of the dimension?" Nsheios suddenly asked and Eclipse gave him a dumbfounded look "no-?" The entity cursed in frustration and groaned putting its face in it's hands.

"Okay... So... Eclipse, uh, allow me to explain what a Chaos is... It's kind of a giant group of Eclipse's" then Eclipse remembered a conversation he had with Fate long ago.

He said Eclipse's had to be in groups....

"Well Eclipse's should be in a giant group and the fact you said they're spread out seriously concerns me" Nsheios said and Eclipse frowned "I've heard of this..." Nsheios nodded "good good, so, Eclipse's alone is very concerning because naturally they need to be together" the entity closed its hands slowly. 

"If they are spread apart... then depression hits hard, loneliness, all that stuff" Eclipse watched the large amounts of hand movements and said "you move your hands a lot" he said and Nsheios went silent before muttering "erm... yeah, I've always done that... dunno, people always point it out for some reason" Eclipse frowned noting that they seemed hyperactive in a way. 

"Uh huh" he said, remembering how their first ever interaction five minutes ago included him flying around and teleporting onto palm trees and pressing Eclipse and not really understanding his social clues all to well.

 "So, I know Fate, they've pretty much already explained this" he grunted and Nsheios nodded quickly "good good, that's good! So, an Chaos is what an Eclipse group is, I don't know how the Eclipse's erm... separated and why... but I'm checking the path you're currently on and it seems... oh! That's good" Eclipse still had a very unamused face.

"I can see paths, just not as good Fate, for me it's very faint and shimmery and not at all vivid, however... your path is very important for all the Eclipse of the multiverse" Eclipse grunting "sure sure" he tried to stand up again and Nsheios said "no" and pressed him down again with a mysterious force and Eclipse just gave up at this point. 

"Well Eclipse, you're going to rebuild the Chaos!" Nsheios said loudly throwing his hands up in the air in a fast motion startling Eclipse slightly "I'm what-" Nsheios said "won't tell you how or why, but you will, now let me try and figure out how old this dimension is..."  Eclipse grunted and Nsheios froze up. "This dimension is... wow uh... I've been asleep for six trillion years-" Eclipse was then realizing that if they aren't on drugs and they were sane and that they might have actually been asleep for as it said, six trillion years.... that would suck.

"Erm, excuse me, you've been what-?"Eclipse said now concerned if this was true and Nsheios took a deep breath and said "give me a sec," and teleported away. Eclipse kinda just sat there for a moment before standing up and he sighed, well that was weird and concerning.

He picked up his book and folded the page, closing it. Suddenly Nsheios appeared in front of him with messed up rays, well, more messed up rays than before. Eclipse looked him up and down with a questioning look and Nsheios said "I'm fine- I'm fine-" Eclipse muttered "I don't think you're fine, you look like you screamed in a pillow" Eclipse tucked his book into his large pocket, which now that he thought of it, the kiddos could probably fit in them. 

Moon would probably love it, BloodMoon too, Sun, he wasn't sure how he'd react. 

Nsheios was silent before saying "totally didn't do that" Eclipse looked him up and down again and said "you did didn't you" Nsheios said in a strained voice "yep- I thought I was only asleep for a couple million years, but nope, it's been six trillion years?! No wonder things are so different-!" Eclipse was now starting to realize that this may not be a drug haze. 

They weren't really acting high actually. 

He was starting to realize they were being serious.

Great, so I met have met a possible second (wait maybe third if you count Lord Eclipse,) god. Cool... awesome, great.. 

What is my life at this point?

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