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He walked in silently, carrying some passed out and sand covered toddlers and he looked around and saw KC standing at a stove, Solar, Computer, and Lord Eclipse followed behind him. Lord Eclipse was back to being a bundle of anxiety, the reason most likely was because he was worn out by all the social interaction.

Eclipse watched the three collapse on a couch nearby,  and he heard Moon mumble softly in his arms. They were completely passed out, they were tired kiddos. However, they needed some cleaning, a lot of it. 

They were covered in sand, Moon had gotten the brilliant idea to roll around in wet sand and Sun copied him. BloodMoon kinda just stood there dumbfounded by his brothers stupidity, no seriously, his face said it all.

So yeah, sands in the house now, that'll be "fun" to clean. He walked over to KC and his eyes widened and he said "uh... is that a Lunar?" KC turned and the Lunar glared, Eclipse looked dumbfounded and KC just said cheerfully "hi!" Eclipse stared at the Lunar and they glared at him like he were a demonic entity or something.

"Uhhh... KC...." Eclipse said wearily and KC said "oh yeah! Uh, Fate found them damaged in the woods!" Eclipse gave him a dumbfounded look before rubbing his temples "so... what I'm getting from this is you found a random Lunar of unknown origin and you just brought them to our house?!" KC just simply said "yep, also, we know they're from the group. However, they seem to be a victim of Lunar's insanity-" the Lunar cut in "why do people keep saying that?!" Eclipse watched KC poke the Lunar's face and them grimace in disgust.

"Shh" he said, Eclipse sighed walking over to a nearby bathroom before he turned and saw Fate and Nsheios sleeping nearby. His eyes widened as he took it in before he smiled softly, decided not to bother them he made his way past Solar, Lord Eclipse, and Computer. They were already sleeping, it's been a long day. 

He walked into the bathroom and shook the kiddos awake, they squeaked unhappily and Moon turned away, "hey, wake up you three" he said softly and BloodMoon sleepily opened his eyes, Eclipse grunted and began to clean the sand off them by gently setting them in the bath and scrubbing them down, it was a struggle because they were unhappy about the situation, screaming and splashing water all over the place.

After finally finishing he realized he couldn't leave them in the wet jester outfit, so he wrapped the grouchy kiddos in a blanket, grabbed the smallest cloths he could find in the house, and he put them on, they were... very big on them. 

Moon had a confused look at the long sleeved shirt he was wearing, no longer mad, just confused. BloodMoon looked more fascinated than anything, and Sun was just not questioning it. Eclipse scooped them up and they squeaked and BloodMoon asked "what was that?" Eclipse sighed "a bath, to get the sand off you" BloodMoon shrugged at that and Eclipse sighed setting them down on the couch where Computer, Solar, and Lord Eclipse were piled up. 

He heard faint purrs from Lord Eclipse as he slept, and Eclipse walked over to KC and asked "okay KC, why is that Lunar wrapped so tightly in a blanket? It clearly doesn't want to be" KC shrugged, struggling due to the Lunar's size.

How he was holding that thing, Eclipse had no idea. The Lunar just kinda gave up though and stared ahead looking over life and Eclipse said "well uh.... they look... over life" KC gently rubbed their back and they glared at him slightly as though they were ready to fighting him, "ha yeah" Eclipse rubbed his temples "why are you acting like this is normal?" KC said "weirder has happened" "I- alright fair" Eclipse replied at that.

"Hey uh, Lunar?" Eclipse said crouching so he was at their eye level, they glared and hissed "why do people keep calling me that? That name is for The Great One only." Eclipse shrugged "alright, then I'll call you George."

Eclipse's Punishment||SAMS FANFIC!||Where stories live. Discover now