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"What are you doing on the chandelier?!" Eclipse screamed up at 0_018, looking up at 0_018, watching the chandelier shake from their weight and they struggled to stay on. "I don't know!" 0_018 yelled looking down at him, Eclipse yelled "come down! Now!" 0_018 squeaked "I don't know how to!" Eclipse gave them a dumbfounded look "how are you even up there?!" 0_018 squeaked "I don't know!" Eclipse was angry, until he noticed just how terrified 0_018 was.

He watched them clinging to the to chandelier desperately with their claws as it shook under them, "okay, how did you get up there 18?" he sighed and 0_018 said in a strained voice "I- I don't know! I was sleeping and now I'm here-!" Fate walked towards Eclipse and asked "Eclipse why are you screaming?"  Eclipse pointed at 0_018 and Fate shrieked in panic "18 what are you-?!" 0_018 pressed their body to the chandelier out of fear as it shook under them.

"I'm stuck-!" they yelled and Fate quickly teleported up there and grabbed them and dragged them down, 0_018 shrieked and tried to grab the chandelier and Fate grunted "I got you- calm down"  0_018 was way bigger than Fate so Fate was seriously struggling. Fate grunted "come on- calm down-" Eclipse just watched the events in front of him.

0_018 struggled and panicked until Fate managed to teleport them to the floor, 0_018 looked relieved at the floor under their feet and wheezed "thank you-" their voice was shaky and Fate shrieked "what were you thinking?! How did you even get up there?!" Fate gripped 0_018's shoulders tight forcing them to look her in the eye and 0_018 whined "I woke up and I was high in the air!" Fate held them close as they trembled and Eclipse just watched as Fate yelled "okay who did that?!" Computer burst out laughing nearby.

Fate had a 'I'm going to murder you' face as she watched Computer and Fate put her right hand on her hip, using her other arm and hand to hold 0_018 close to her side "explain why you thought that was a good idea" Computer wheezed "I dunno really, I had a failsafe though, so if they fell they would've been just fine" Fate glared before saying "well they're terrified! You bully" Computer said wheezing softly "I'll let them have my cupcake" Fate rolled her eyes.

Eclipse grunted, of course it was Computer. Who else would it be? 0_018 just shook and clung to Fate, they didn't seem to like heights too much... Eclipse wondered why. He guessed it was just a simple phobia, like a fear of heights is quite common. (Not like 0_018 got blown off a cliff, nah.) "You good kiddo?" Fate asked 0_018 in a soft tone and 0_018 shook their head. 

Fate sighed before saying to Computer "say your sorry" Computer said "sorry" 0_018 just kept clinging to Fate and the kids ran over and yelled loudly "Fate your hoodies off!" BloodMoon yelled and Sun squeaked "white!" he pointed at Fate's shoulder and Fate grunted "yep, okay kiddos, 18's a little overwhelmed so-" Moon clung to Fate's leg and Fate hissed in pain slightly "ow- I don't have pants like your dad kid-!" Moon squeaked "yeah! But I want sandwich!" Eclipse quickly unhooked Moon from Fate's skin and asked "jeez, you okay Fate?" Fate grunted "fine."

Fate sighed "Eclipse, make Moon a sandwich, he clearly wants it. He has that look in his eyes, he's gonna destroy the place" Eclipse grunted picking up Moon  and BloodMoon said excitedly "I want a sandwich!" Eclipse walked to the kitchen, carefully dodging the excited kids that ran around his feet, not wanting to step on them.

He grabbed the bread and some peanut butter, he went to the fridge and took out the jelly before grabbing a knife, he made the sandwiches quickly and led them to the table, Moon climbed onto his favorite chair, which was covered in deep scratch marks because he climbed it, like he were climbing a tree... for some reason, and sat down, BloodMoon simply hopped onto his, helping Sun up next to him.

It was adorable, Sun and BloodMoon usually sat together and BloodMoon always helped Sun up. Sun did grabby hands for the sandwich and Eclipse said "what do we say?" Sun was silently before squeaking "please!" BloodMoon said instantly "can I please have the sandwich" Eclipse's rays twitched in a proud manor and he gave them the sandwiches and looked at Moon.

"What do we say?" Eclipse asked and Moon said "sandwich" Eclipse sighed "please, say please" Moon was silent before saying "please?" Eclipse gave them a surprised look not expecting them to actually say please, it was a pleasant surprise. He gave them the sandwich and he watched them eat the sandwich.

Fate walked in, 0_018 kept clinging to them and they struggled to drag them "kid- I can't drag you-! Your three times my size- no way more than that!" 0_018 whined and refused to let go, Eclipse frowned at their behavior. Remembering how the kids never let him go in the way beginning of them being kids, "hmmm" Eclipse said suspiciously and Fate turned "what?" Eclipse waved a hand "ah don't worry about it." 

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