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The cats are on me, I am pinned by fuzzy fluffballs, I can't get attached, I can't- but it's so hard not to! They are so small and fluffy, Tuxedo yawns and snuggles into Fate's back and Lord Eclipse woke up drowsily and said amused "got snuggle friends?" Fate grumbled tiredly and grumpily in reply. 

Lord Eclipse sighs softly "Fate it's midnight, get some sleep" Fate mumbled "I'd rather not" Lord Eclipse mumbled softly and snuggled his small body in and grabbed Midnight, the black cat, and rubbed it's small head. Fate watched and was suddenly more depressed, why? Because he was pretty sure these cats were going to die, like his family... he can't get attached to anything...

It's too late isn't it... I care about this mess of a family... this dimensional mess of a family...  Fate pressed his face into the couch, I'm just going to keep losing stuff aren't I... oh how I miss the little BloodMoon twins, the little ant loving gremlins. I got so attached to them, and like always, time took them. The dimension imploded, he's known so many incredible fellows. 

Their father, some interesting fellows, I always outlive them. Now my family, something I never thought I'd lose... all gone. Everything gone. I'm gonna outlive these cats, Eclipse, the babies, Lord Eclipse, everyone! I can't get attached, I'm over getting attached and just loosing them.

Again and again and again and again.

"Fate" Lord Eclipse said lifting his head up "you good?" Fate noticed the anxiety edging his voice, it's been a while since it's been there, it's obvious that he's getting worried and nervous. "Fine..." Fate mumbled, he felt his shoulder, a scar was there. A scar that shouldn't be there, so many things about it was just wrong. 

It shouldn't be a scar, it shouldn't be there in the first place. Lord Eclipse sighed and gently pulled him over hugging him, "shh it's okay..." he said softly, it's not okay, it's not okay in any way. "Fate, you know you're allowed to cry right?" Fate turned away pressing away tears swimming in his eyes. 

He was silent and Lord Eclipse rubbed his back "shh... you can let it out ya know..." Fate squeezed his eyes shut and Lord Eclipse said "it's not healthy to bottle it Fate..." Fate knew that was true, he knew for a fact that it was true. Lord Eclipse gently started to hum a song to him, it was soft, caring.

Fate didn't want to be attached anymore, but he couldn't help it. Why did he have to be immortal, it's such a curse... Lord Eclipse is such a caring person though... it's hard not to get attached. 

Lord Eclipse kept humming and he pressed his small body into Fate, tucking the blanket around them. It was a safe and warm environment, it was cozy... But what if Lunar suddenly appears...? Nowhere is safe anymore, he squeezed his eye shut tighter and Lord Eclipse hummed softly, Fate could tell that Lord Eclipse wanted him to feel safe, he probably related a tiny bit to how Fate felt. 

He probably wants to make sure I don't start bottling emotions, he wants to make sure I'm loved and cared for and that... that makes Fate so happy yet scared. He's so scared to get attached even if it's too late. He's already attached of course, he was attached since the beginning of Lord Eclipse first appearing.

Lord Eclipse asked softly "I know this is probably a sore topic, but how's the spear wound doin'?" Fate was silent for a long moment, considering if she should tell him it scarred or lie and say it healed completely. He decided to just tell the truth "it... uh... scarred..." Lord Eclipse looks scared, not for Fate but at the idea Lunar managing to hurt and scar Fate, he shook his head though and he took a deep breath and shut his eyes and said, "it scarred?" Fate knew Lord Eclipse was trying to stay strong for him, but he knew that just like him, Lord Eclipse would freeze up in terror at the sight of Lunar. 

Fate just simply nodded and Lord Eclipse took a shaky deep breath, it was clear he didn't want to go panic and anxiety mode today. Lord Eclipse said "well, you're safe, okay?" Fate mumbled "okay..." Lord Eclipse held him close and said while smiling "how about we watch something, what do you want to watch?" Fate was silent for a moment before saying softly "I dunno..." Lord Eclipse silent before smiling "that's fine... I'll choose then" Fate nodded slowly and Lord Eclipse gently pushed Tuxedo into her arms  "snuggle the fluffy pile" he said and Fate said sadly "okay..."

Didn't bother proofreading, sorry

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