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She cannot believe she used to believe this crap.

She watched Lunar talk about reincarnation to save his skin about her coming back and the Lunar's just cheered, she watched from her balcony and she was filled with disgust. 0_908 walked in "hey" he said and Luna turned to him acknowledging his presence silently.

She turned back to Lunar, she felt tired as she watched him boast, her legs crossed as she sat on the floor. "You feeling okay 0_- sorry, Luna? Your awfully silent" 0_908 sat beside her and she grunted turning away "fine, just tired" "it is alright Lunar's!" Lunar yelled "if you try hard enough you too will reincarnate! 0_018 was one of my most loyal soldiers, also, 0_7328, your going on a dimensional mission" Luna watched 0_7328's surprise and her heart sank for him.

She watched his excitement, the way the Lunar's cheered and patted his back to congratulate him. She got out of her cross legged position and instead tucked her knees into her chest, heart thumping faster now. 

She kept watching the interactions, she wanted to look away, they sickened her and yet, she couldn't. She stared silent, her breathing growing a bit shaky, "congratulations 0_7328, you have pleased us enough to join us on this holy mission" Lunar said, putting his hands behind his back, his posture perfect.

His face cold and emotionless.

Just as it was as she fell-

"Luna...?" 0_908 said nervously, Lunar felt a gentle touch on her back and she jumped in alarm "huh what?!" she yelped and 0_908 flinched before asking "you okay?" Luna was silent before sighing "fine" she shook her head to clear her thoughts and just watched Lunar, 0_908 wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close "yeah... I can see you're not fine, something bothering you? Also, want me to bring you lunch? I know it'll make you feel better" Luna sighed "I still don't understand the food thing..." 0_908 just gave her a concerned look.

"Listen" he said "half the things you've said have been concerning and unlike you, like no air? No way Lunar actually managed that, that's ridiculous" of course he doesn't believe me... why would he?

"There is still air here!" he said sniffing the air "we can smell the bakery over there!" he pointed at the brown building she used to visit everyday, now she couldn't bring herself to even look at it. "It's making cakes" he said softly "food is still around, air as well, see air resistance! I'm confused on what you mean by 'the airs gone'" Luna squeezed her eyes shut tight. 

0_908 gave her a concerned look "I hate to do this... but seriously, are you okay? Like... everything you've said has just not made sense, can I see your head? Like seriously, please...?" Luna was about to refuse, she hated being talked to like this, but then she realized that it did sound ridiculous and impossible.

Even if Lunar talked so much about it happening, a world without air? Hard to imagine... at least until it happened. She mumbled "fine..." she let 0_908 look at her head gently, feeling him gently grab her head and look at the damage.

"Jesus, what did this? Wait, it looks a little fixed, but not that much..." he mumbled in worry "your sensory processor is a little... cracked, maybe that's causing this? Maybe we should get you fixed up-" Luna pushed him away and snapped "no!" 0_908 looked stunned and she grunted turning her back to him. 

"I don't want anyone touching my head." She said, voice cold and untrusting. "I will let you look. But I won't let any Lunar touch my head." 0_908 gave her a stunned and even more worried look, he was silent looking her up and down before saying "but... you need to get that fixed up! Like, are you dizzy? Sick? Do you feel dizzy or sick?" Lunar was silent before lying "no."

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