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What did she do?

How did she do it?

He leaned against the desk, he was enraged that such a coward managed to seemingly get free access around Lunar's living and working quarters. In a way, it was unfair. He has been here since the beginning and yet she so easily got his trust, he knew he should respect The Great One's decision, you should always accept his word. 

But this filled him with rage, as well as his fellow higher ups. We're all generals, the highest rank and what do we get?! A bigger room, respect?! But he doesn't get The Great One's respect, no no no, he needs his respect, he deserves it more than that pathetic crippled blueberry. 

He dug his claws into his desk as he felt tears fill his eyes but he growls and presses them back, weakness, no weakness is bad, Great One's word. He shook his head before a thought entered his head, an interesting one. 

Was she telling the truth? 

He remembered how she quickly closed the door when he arrived, how she looked nervous and fidgety on stage. Was she snooping? No he could work with this, if The Great One trusts her in any way and she wasn't snooping... he's going to have to find a way to shatter that. 

There simply isn't enough room for a hetri class and him, no. 

He's going to find proof that she was snooping, and The Great One will kill her. If it turns out she found a way to get his trust, he'll have to frame her. He tapped his sharp fingers on his desk while clicking his tongue, I'll have to wait for my chance.


"Lunar I need to go to my room" she grunted shaking him awake, Lunar grunted tiredly and his eyes slid open, he mumbled and she said sitting up "I'm going to give you some medicine then I need to go to my room to rest" it was late at night and Lunar croaked "no-" "no?" she tilted her head at him. 

He said quickly "I need you to check my experiments first-" she looked at him in surprise and he grunted "just make sure they didn't escape, check the panel-" Luna watched him have a coughing fit "if any of the names are red- tell me-" he wheezed and she sighed "let me guess, laboratory" he nodded weakly. 

"Just don't touch anything-" he croaked and she sighed "how will I get in?" he said "the door will open for you-" she patted his head gently "I'll make sure, now lets get you some medicine" he mumbled and laid there silently. 

She walked over to the kitchen and got Lunar's medicine and a glass of water, she walked over and he took it and she watched him take it. She patted his head again "get some rest, text me if you need something" she watched Lunar muster a nod and she left the room and turned the lights off, she closed the door slowly and quietly and she made her way down the quiet and dark hallways. 

She looked around nervously, she's never really liked the dark. She walked over to the laboratory door and jumped when she saw it slide open. She squinted in the light coming from the room and walked in, she heard the door slide closed behind her. 

 She looked around, now where are the experiments- "Hello Luna" the computer said suddenly, she jumped out of her skin and the computer said "sorry... looking for the experiments?" she grunted "yes" the computer said "open the door to the right" she walked over and pushed a door open and she was met by green test tubes. 

She stared in fascination at the many experiments, "to check, go to the panel on your left" the computer said and she walked over to the panel and stared in awe. "That's cool" she said "you see any reds on there?" the computer asked and she shook her head "that's good" the computer said "i'm guessing the reason why Lunar made you do this is in case I somehow lose power and he's not around. I can easily check but I'm guess he wanted you to know how to just in case."

Luna stared at a experiment in surprise and the computer said "consider yourself lucky, now you should go and get some sleep" Luna stared at the experiment before forcing herself away from it, she knew she needed sleep.

She was about to leave the laboratory when the computer said "I can teleport you to your room" she turned away from the doorway in surprise and asked "really?" the computer asked "would you like me to do that?" she nodded tiredly and the computer said "i'll teleport you right now, get some rest."

After a very jarring change in environment she shook her head and dragged herself to her bed after making sure her door was locked, which it was thankfully. The cold air sent shivers down her spine as she wrapped the blanket around herself, her eyes drifted closed out of exhaustion from how chaotic this day was and the computer said softly "goodnight."


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I love it, yeah I kept forgetting to add it but it's here now! Just know it put a grin on my face, I accept fanart 100% and it makes me so happy :D

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