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A/N: expect spelling errors!

Eclipse cracked his eyes open tiredly, and just laid there. Ugh... mornings.... he thought grumpily his eyes were heavy from sleep and he grumbles snuggling the thing he was holding not knowing it was Sun and Moon. He was a side sleeper, he slept clutching a pillow so naturally he thought it was a pillow.

It wasn't until Computer said "sleepy you must be" Eclipse snapped out of the sleep daze and looked down in his arms to see Sun clutching his arm and Moon snuggled into his chest. Moon was for once, not snoring. Eclipse eyes widened in embarrassment and shock and he shrank backing letting go and they grumbled and woke up.

They made squeaks of protest as Eclipse sat up embarrassed having snuggled his enemies, even if they are babies it still seemed wrong of course, and had been caught in the action too. Computer laughed and Eclipse's rays drooped mood even worse then before, but then, he remembered something. 

The cookies. 

He grunted deciding to fix his mood with a little sweet treat, Eclipse opened his chest compartment and took out the basket of cookies. Sun and Moon instantly perked curiously and he put the basket out of their reach, my cookies. He stood up from the bed and ate a chocolate chip cookie, it's sugary sweet taste filling his mouth and washing the bitter taste of ink that had lingered in his mouth, Sun and Moon looked at it curiously.

Eclipse guessed that they had no idea what it was, Sun rolled off the bed onto the dusty concrete floor, but got straight up. Eclipse swore they were immune to pain, Sun rolled over and coo'd up at him reaching up with grabby hands.

Eclipse looked down at him eating the cookie as if spiting him "no" Computer said "wow, your heartless" Eclipse rolled his eyes and finished the cookie as Sun stared up at him  with wide bright eyes. Eclipse's rays twitched slightly at the sight.

He stared at Sun and Sun kept doing grabby hands and Eclipse grunts "no" Sun did not give up, he did puppy dog eyes and his lip quivered as he did grabby hands for Eclipse. Eclipse watched this, he hated to admit it but he was a little amused by their dedication to get picked up. 

"No" he said and Sun's lip quivered more and Computer said "Eclipse come on, don't say no to that face" Eclipse looked at Sun who was looking up at Eclipse with large puppy dog eyes and grabby hands.

Why do I wanna pick him up-?

"No" he said and Computer said "wow, heartless" Sun rolled over and clutched Eclipse's leg, Eclipse growled and tried to kick Sun off. "NO!" he snapped, but Sun whimpered and snuggled his face into... well his own pants, Eclipse kicking his leg around trying to dislodge the little "parasite" while growling. 

Computer was silent from amusement and Eclipse growled kicking the leg which Sun was clinging to in a desperate attempt to get him off "stop!" he quickly gave up though when  Sun refused to let go and Computer said "this is natural, get used to it" Eclipse's rays twitched and he growled under his breath and Sun just whimpers.

Sun gave him the biggest 'I'm about to cry, pick me up before I pull a screaming tantrum' face Eclipse has ever seen in his life, Eclipse grunted and wanting to avoid a tantrum he picked Sun up, he held Sun like a little kid (much to his unhappiness and growing grumpiness) and Sun looked at the cookies curiously and Eclipse grunted annoyed. 


They hated to admit this, but they were growing quite fond of Eclipse. His attitude reminded them much of themselves. Snarky, rude, and maybe slightly egoistic, and they find that very amusing. They watched Eclipse pick Sun up begrudgingly and chuckled to themselves.

Then they heard Earth and Lunar burst in and they snapped back to the daycare, "what?" Computer said now grumpy, they looked at Lunar and Earth. It was funny in a way, Lunar was a tiny gremlin next to Earth. Lunar screamed "where are Sun and Moon?! It's been a day!" Computer stiffened mentally trying to find a excuse and said "ah- um, they appear to be trying to deal with the Ruin and BloodMoon situation" Lunar pouts.

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