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"Other..." he said nervously and Other sighed "what?" Lunar looked around nervously before asking "you sense a presence here, right?" Other did a confused and tired grunt "not this again Lunar, don't tell me your starting to get paranoid" "I'm not getting paranoid!" Lunar snapped and Other sighed "then why are you planning so much? I know you planning a stupid amount is a coping mechanism for you, so how are you doing? Are you feeling okay?" Lunar grunted.

"Well, I constantly feel like something is staring daggers into my back, I turn, and nothings there, It's always when you're asleep too!" he rubbed his temples and stacked the papers "seriously? That's... weird" Lunar muttered "it feels stronger than Fate too..." "stronger? How is that possible?" Lunar shook his head and sighed "I need sleep... you can take over, the Lunar's are still yelling about reincarnation and asking idiotic questions, answer them I guess, they'll take anything, you know that" Other grunted "I once said that a tuna sandwich would spawn at a random full moon and grant one Lunar a wish, I still see some Lunar's looking over the courtyards at full moon, honestly, a little concerned about that honestly" Lunar grunted "I... didn't know that! Explains why for the longest time they kept asking me about tuna sandwiches!" Other chuckled softly.

Lunar sighed "I'm going to sleep... goodnight" "night."


She was sitting near the artificial heater, it's warm red glow and heat mimicking a fire, not in look, but in how it felt and how the light grabbed at a rock nearby. She heard 0_075 cursing nearby, they had found out that their dimensional chip was fried, so they were stuck, and he was currently trying to fix it. 

She looked down at the little god she was holding gently before yawning softly and tucking them closer, it's been a couple of hours, and yet it was only ten minutes ago that they calmed their shaking. She was a little concerned that it's heart was going so fast for so long, but it's at least calmed down a bit.

Now they seem a bit more aware and alert, and they were looking around nervously, probably trying to think of ways to escape, she sadly can't let it escape. "Hey, can you talk?" she asked and it jumped and shrank away from her the best it could, "hey hey" she said softly "it's okay it's okay..." "you're wasting your time!" 0_075 yelled grouchily "of course that thing can't talk! Why would something as disgusting as it be able to talk?!" 0_023 grunted and said "oh shut up! I'm not in the mood for your grouchiness, keep working on your stupid little chip!" 0_075 flipped her off and turned his back to her. 

"Your names Fate huh? Nice name, it suits you" she said softly, not making any sudden movements. She wasn't sure why this little god was so jumpy, however, she didn't press. It's calmed down at least a little bit, so that's good at least. 

Maybe it'll eat now? Can it even eat...? It has no mouth, she thought for a moment before deciding to try again. She reached for her bag nearby and dug around in it, she pulled out the apple and held it in front of Fate, "you want it?" she asked in a soft tone, as though she were talking to a wild animal.

She didn't understand this was probably very offensive to Fate, Fate seems to be in too much panic to really understand what she's doing and 0_023 by now mistaked Fate for a wild animal due to their behavior. 

"Come on" she held it in front of Fate, "you want it? It's yummy, mmm, crunchy and sweet" Fate looked at it then at 0_023, however they made no movements towards the apple, they just stared at her. 0_023 took a bite of the apple and said "see, it's safe, yummy" she swallowed and she watched the little god just shrink away from the apple.

She sighed and just started to eat the apple, 0_075 scoffed at her and 0_023 ignored him. She looked at a rock and picked it up, she watched Fate flinch away and slowly brought it over to Fate and put it in it's small hands, she closed it's little fingers around the rock and asked softly "hey, you see this rock? What do you want to do with the rock?" Fate was silent staring at it before 0_023 felt something harsh smack the side of her face.

She yelped and well... she got her answer. Fate threw the rock at her head, she cursed softly and Fate glared at her. You know what, she should have expected that. 0_075 laughed nearby "you moron!" Fate picked up the rock again and threw it, clearly harder than it threw the rock at her, the rock collided with 0_075's metal with a harsh smack and and 0_075 hissed and glared at Fate with anger. 

0_023 felt Fate shrink into her and 0_075 got up and said "give me the god" 0_023 rubbed the side of her face and said to 0_075 "no, we have to bring it to The Great One, you can't kill it" 0_075 glared before turning away to sulk nearby and work on the chip. "Try not to throw rocks at us" she said softly and Fate made a soft hissing sound and she flinched away, however Fate was silent looking tired and it was like they just... gave up. 

She really felt bad for it, sure, she got assaulted by a rock not even two minutes ago, but they don't seem mean. She rummaged through her backpack again and decided to keep trying stuff, she didn't know what to do and it's behavior was concerning her quite a bit. It wasn't at all like The Great One made them seem.

"You want a fidget?" she asked it and it just stared ahead silently, she was silent before sighing and taking out a blanket, she never let people use her blanket, it was one of the things she never ever let anyone touch. Yet now... maybe she'll let it snuggle with it?

She wrapped the little god in the blanket and held them close before saying to it "I need to sleep, okay? I can't let you go, so I'll try to make you as comfortable as I can, though... this floor ain't gonna be comfy... uhh... do you even sleep?" she was met by silence and she sighed softly laying down on the cold floor, her charge was low from walking for so long and she was tired.

She tucked Fate close, letting them keep the blanket, whatever... I don't need the blanket. 

She was silent, closing her eyes and 0_075 grunted "don't go to sleep" she opened her eyes and looked over at him and 0_075 said "it'll wiggle out your arms like the little snake it is and escape, I don't trust it" 0_023 glared "then watch, it's not like I can sleep with the racket your making! Plus, this place has no oxygen, and no oxygen equals no fire, you're not fixing that chip! Were going to have to go to the city anyway and go to the nearest dimensional portal!" 0_075 glared before saying "don't smart talk to me." 

0_023 growled and turned away from him, bringing Fate with her, she turned her back to him and said "god. You're insufferable" 0_075 glared silently before going back to work on the stupid chip, however, 0_023's mind was full of rebellious ideas and thoughts.

Fate didn't seem bad or mean, in fact, they ran away at the sight of them... why? 

Something wasn't adding up...

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