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Gonna start off with some refs. 

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Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

It's been a couple weeks in the island home, things have been normal. Sun's cats were finally crawling out of their cat den and Lord Eclipse was snuggled under a blanket sleeping. Things were calm, it was nice. Eclipse was drinking some coke while scrolling TikTok when suddenly he heard a loud crash at his door.

His eyes widened and he looked over the room, everyone was here, no one was outside. Not the that stupid raccoon again I swear- Eclipse muttered and got up and everyone's eyes were on the door and Lord Eclipse was now wide awake from the random loud sound. Eclipse grabbed a broom ready to chase the raccoon away because it sounded like it was raiding his garden pot outside for some reason. 

It was probably kicking dirt around and acting like it owned the place, Eclipse muttered opening the door expecting to see the raccoon that lived on the island to be there but no, he was met by a shock.


"Fate...?" he said softly, gods can bleed? Since when? Isn't he creation, what's going on here? Questions were swirling in his head, he watched Fate struggle to stand up. His shoulder looked like it had been stabbed bad and he looked very... shocked. 

Eclipse was very concerned instantly by Fate's state, he rushed over and Fate flinched away before recognizing him and choked out shakily "hi..." Eclipse took note of his behavior, concerning. Very concerning. "Erm, what happened?" he asked letting Fate lean on him "we were attacked-" Fate croaked, he sounded sad. Shocked and depressed even.

"We?" Eclipse asked in confusion and concern and the other robots of the household were shocked by the arrival of a shocked and hurt god. "The other gods-" he croaked, Eclipse noticed his hands were shaking and he asked "you can get hurt physically?" Eclipse watched Fate shake his head and said quickly and shakily "I shouldn't be able to- he found a way- their all dead- I-" "woah woah woah" Eclipse said "the other gods are dead?!" Fate was silent as if processing this fact.

Fates been through a lot of loss, he's made dimensional friends and they always go, but the fact his fellow gods died when they shouldn't have been able to, the people he's been with his whole life, the whole of existence. It was shocking even for him.

"So, you're telling me" Eclipse said "that other gods exist, and now they're dead." He realized how blunt he sounded and said quickly "I have no idea what to make of that actually- your bleeding" Fate looked at his shoulder and groaned "shouldn't be able to do that-" Eclipse stared and said "I'm getting you to the couch, you can hardly stand" it was a simple shoulder stab, though that would hurt he would guess it would be worse because Fate wasn't used to pain.

Or maybe.

He was in shock.

Lets hope not.

He led Fate to the couch and sat him down and the other robots looked at each other and the kiddos ran over, Sun stumbled over and pointed at Fate "Fate!" "They shouldn't be dead-" Fate simply said curling up in a tight ball on the couch. Oh dear- uh, what do I do in this situation? "Um..." Eclipse said standing there dumbly because he had no idea how to help Fate and Computer and Solar stood up "were gonna get a medkit, no idea if that will help but uh, we'll get it?"

Fate was silent and Eclipse began to worry, what will happen if the other gods are gone? Was Fate the only one alive? That was a disturbing thought, what could have managed this...? He saw Solar and Computer coming back and Solar sighed, "we might as well try to fix up that stab wound, though I have no idea if it will work..." Eclipse was silent in concern and he herded the curious kiddos away into a different room.

He wanted answers, but he knew he couldn't push Fate right now. Poor guy seems to be really shocked by whatever happened, Eclipse could only hope he'll end up okay. What's next, a traumatized creation god to add to this family? Ya know what, I wouldn't be surprised at this point... poor Fate. 

So something attacked him.. what could it have been? What could possibly be strong enough to kill god, it appeared through spearing violently. Eclipse just hoped he didn't get another Lord Eclipse situation just with an ancient creation god who happened to talk to him and decide to "punish" him.

That would be awkward and sad, he hoped Fate would get over it and be okay but from what he's heard it's possible that Fate's fellow god (which were probably his friends or closer,) got killed In front of him and he had a fight for survival and had to run away. It would explain his shock, his denial to believe they're dead, not to mention the shock of being hurt physically. 

It was sad, very sad. Eclipse was filled with pity as Computer put away the med kit after treating the wound, though they had no idea if it actually did anything. Eclipse sighed and grabbed a fuzzy blanket and wrapping Fate in it, this peaceful normal day turned chaotic and bad, lovely. 

He grunted and Lord Eclipse watched Fate wearily but also looked concerned, from what Eclipse had seen, fuzzy blankets help. Eclipse had no idea what to do in this situation so he was simply doing what he believed would help at least a little bit. As far as he's concerned there isn't a book called 'how to help a possibly traumatized eldritch ancient god, a step by step guild!' so he was left kinda in the dark.

Sure, he helped Lord Eclipse, but he also had no idea what he was doing either way. 

This is gonna be a mess.

Poor Fate.

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