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He doesn't trust Lunar, he wants this body done as fast as possible. Perhaps it was paranoia, but Lunar is acting unhinged. Computer would not be surprised it Lunar killed him, he wanted a body somewhere else so if his arcade machine body is destroyed he'll still have a functional and walking body.

This wasn't about seeing the world anymore, Computer's lie detectors go off constantly when Lunar talks.

Unnervingly, they spike the highest when Lunar says he cares about the fact Sun and Moon are gone. Not to mention that little chat with KC and Lunar, 'I am off to find a dad' did he mean Eclipse? If so, Computer wanted a body so he could protect him. He didn't want to be trapped in the daycare any longer.

He grumbled finishing the last little tweaks of the body.


He was walking through the forest, Solar watching the kiddos and Lord Eclipse, he jumped across some stones and tossed a stone into the river watching it be swept away. He sighed before he heard something weird, a faint buzzing sound. 

He looked around in alarm and stood up and looking around, he followed the buzzing sound. He crept through the undergrowth, kicking and fighting bushes, vines, and branches. They suck and kept trying to attack and strangle him. He cursed before tripping over something, he yelped and fell on his face. 

His metal feet had come in contact with something also metal in a loud clang, he looked over and jumped in shock at the sight of a torn apart and small robot. He stared at it and its red eyes stared at him, they seemed glazed over with pain. It was still awake, it's body horribly torn apart and it was still somehow awake.

He got up instantly and freaked out, "OH GOD-!" he stared at the robot and recognized him by it's red eyes. It was KC, what happened to him...? Did something attack him...? He crept over and crouched down and started surveying the damage, he heard KillCode try to talk but all that came out was earsplitting static. 

Eclipse was horrified by his physical state, couldn't have been a wolf... maybe a bear? Wait no, a bear would be smart enough to not attack something made of metal, he also didn't see any bite marks. Scanning the damage he saw poor KillCode's glazed eyes, "how long have you been here...?" he muttered softly in concern, rays drooping. He had no idea how KC was still alive, he was looking at the damage and he was starting to notice something terrifying. 

This was done by no animal.

Whatever did this, did it in a way that they knew KC was going to die slowly, considering full charge can last for about five days, KC could have been laying here for FIVE DAYS. Whoever did this was intelligent enough to know what to hit and destroy and how to make KC's only way of dying losing his charge. 

His hands shake slightly, he never saw KC as a dad and he knew KC understood this, but this. This was horrific. 

He gently picked KC up and he heard a strangled whine and static mix from KC and Eclipse's heart shattered for the poor guy, "sh sh" he said softly gently rubbing KC's back where he wasn't damaged.

A couple months ago, he would have just left him here.

He couldn't bare the idea anymore.

He says softly "shhh" KC's body is stiff and Eclipse shut him off and felt his body go limp. This poor poor guy, Eclipse was worried. How long was he there? An hour? Three days? Please let it be an hour... he held KC's small damaged frame gently so he didn't damage it more and he sighed walking back to the bunker.

Another person tortured...?

First Lord Eclipse and now KC? He is really starting to get worried, this is a really bad and horrific pattern that is really making him worried about the little kiddos. He began to run back and he lifted the rusty metal hatch and rushed down the stairs "SOLAR!" he screamed at the top of his lungs and Solar rushed over "yeah-? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL-?!" Eclipse rushed over to the kiddos and saw they were okay.

He let out a long sigh of relief and Lord Eclipse took one look at KC and whined hiding beneath a blanket, Eclipse said frantically "we need to get to Moon's room!" Solar stared in shock at KC "what..?" Eclipse's hands are shaking and he yelled "MOVE IT!" he pushed Solar and Solar stumbled forward "got it got it! Jeez!" Eclipse want into a jog to the PizzaPlex and Computer took on look at KC and gasped.

"I look away for five seconds-!" Eclipse said "I know!"


Lunar. It was Lunar.

He knew for a fact it was Lunar, he remembered KillCode's and Lunar little chat. Lunar followed KC, and now he knows where Eclipse is. Lord Eclipse's tormentor coming back and KC ending up near dead? It came together horribly, Eclipse needs to move, and he needs to move fast.

Computer didn't want to be in the daycare anymore, he was scared to be in the daycare now. Lunar is having his little villain arc and it is not looking good for anyone, he began to rush making the final details of the body.

I am not staying.


The danger was too great, he doesn't want Eclipse and Solar to the daycare. Maybe he can convince Eclipse to go to Parts and Services, sure, the machines there suck and are out of date but it's much safer.

"Eclipse-" he said in a strained voice as Eclipse ran through the forest "yeah?" Eclipse panted, poor guys lungs couldn't take this so he was breathing very heavily. "Please go to Parts and Services" Eclipse is confused and stopped to catch his breath "why?" Computer struggled to speak and Eclipse is concerned "Computer are you okay?" Computer choked out "fine-" Eclipse is very concerned and Computer said "just think it's wiser, Earth and Lunar aren't bound to be there" Eclipse seemed to understand.

I hope Lunar isn't there... Computer didn't know what he'd do...

"Oh, your right" Eclipse said and Computer felt relief hit him full force, "yeah, I'll tell Solar about the change in plans" Computer choked out "okay" he could tell Eclipse was getting worried about him so he quickly went back to working on the body before any questions could be asked.

Also Lord Eclipse is left alone with the kiddos.

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