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The kiddos were back to clinging to his arms and legs, it's been a while since they've done this so that's fun. He grumbled walking around with robot koalas clinging to him and he drank coffee, it was early in the morning, about six in the morning. He was up already because he woke up but failed to fall back asleep when he woke at about three in the morning.

He's just been laying in bed for three hours so... That sucked. He yawns and sips coffee, the kiddos were fast asleep clinging to his pants and sleeves so he wasn't worried about BloodMoon trying to snatch a sip. He looked up from his coffee and saw Fate stirring in his blanket, he peeked out tiredly because apparently gods sleep and grumbled softly. 

"Good morning" Eclipse said politely and he was not surprised when Fate was grouchy and turned his back to him, rude but he also just woke up so... yeah. Eclipse drank coffee and looked around the room before carefully sitting down on the couch next to Fate, making sure not to crush the kiddos.

He heard Fate hiss at him and Eclipse grunted "okay grouch face, do you want coffee? Wait can you even drink stuff?" Fate grumbled tiredly "I can..." "How? Your entire face is an eye-" Fate grumbled "I Wally it" Eclipse took a moment to process that before saying "you just stare at it?" he was dumbfounded and Fate muttered "yes, don't question it, now shut up" Eclipse rolled his eyes and passed Fate his coffee.

He's been awake for three hours, he really didn't need it. Fate snatched it and Eclipse went on his phone, Sun stirred and yawned snuggling his face into Eclipse's pants "hey kiddo" Eclipse chuckled patting his head and Sun nipped his finger. "Ow, rude" Sun gave him a grouchy face before snuggling in and going back to sleep.

Ugh, everyone is a grouch. 

He looked over and jumped when he saw Castor staring right at him, he put his hand over his artificial heart and wheezed "jesus-!" Castor stood there silently glaring  and Eclipse got over the spook and wheezed "who are you-?" Castor said "my name is Castor"  Eclipse's eyes snapped over and he let out a squeak.

"OH- I uh- you- leave!" Eclipse stammered, it was one of those celestial bodies- no they don't look happy at all- I uh- Castor walked over and Eclipse held his kiddos close glaring and Castor stared up at him eyes narrowed with hands on his hips. He said in his monotone voice "hello Eclipse." "Hi-" Eclipse said in a shaky tone, he was aware of Fate watching silently from in the blankets, watching Castor carefully.

"Well" Castor said "I have noticed a certain... disappearance of god, and I knew it was probably you." Eclipse was confused for a moment before having a realization "what- oooh, yeah I heard that happened" he said nervously and Castor said in his monotone voice, yet the threat was clear in his voice "and how do you know that? That is something only celestial bodies can sense." Eclipse looked over at Fate who was staring at Castor.

"Well uh- you see-" Eclipse had no idea how to explain this and Fate sighed and poked his head out of the blanket "hi Castor" Castor jumped at his sudden existence "oh!" he said, for once his surprise was clear. "Eclipse had changed a lot Castor, you know this, leave him be" Fate said softly and Castor asked "Fate... why are you here?"  Fate was silent before mumbling "Lunar hurt me... physically... it's healing way slower than it should...." Eclipse noticed the worry clear in his voice and Castor was silent.

"What?" he said in a soft tone "Lunar... hurt you...?" Fate simply hid back in the blanket and Castor was silent then simply disappeared, Eclipse stared.


Fate went back to his coffee and the BloodMoon woke up with a yawn and stretched out his tiny body and Eclipse pulled him up to him and held him gently to his chest rubbing his little back gently, BloodMoon yawned happily again and snuggled in grumbling sleepily. He is the most adorable thing Eclipse has grown to know, Moon grumbling being a grouch as he woke up.

He looked around before giving BloodMoon a glare and squeezing in beside him, "phone" he said in a demanding tone, Eclipse was unable to shake Castor's face out of his mind. Castor looked shocked and he just left, Eclipse sighed "what's the magic word?" Moon pouted "phone." Eclipse said "not until you say please" Moon glared at him grouchily, opened his mouth, and said "phone" "please" Eclipse said holding the phone out of his reach but Moon was going to be stubborn.

"Phone." He said and Eclipse sighed "just say please and you can have Bluey" Moon went silent before choking out "please" Eclipse smiled "good" he turned Bluey on and gave Moon the phone and BloodMoon and Moon watched it. 

Lord Eclipse stirred awake next to Fate and stretched out yawning, Fate ignored him and continued staring at the coffee, Eclipse wasn't going to question it at this point. Is that also how he eats? Is he just Wally Darling but more powerful? Ya know what, who knows. 

It's best not to question these kind of things, Lord Eclipse snuggled into Fate and grumbles softly "good morning..." he grumbled and Fate mumbled "morning..." Lord Eclipse was silent due to being tired and Eclipse saw that Solar was also waking up. Okay good, finally people are starting to wake up.

Eclipse sighed and turned on the T.V, the morning was peaceful aside from the fact he nearly had a heart attack when Castor suddenly appeared. 


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