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Castor has been missing for a week. She was really panicking, Taurus said "hey, I'm sure he's fine-" he was for once trying to calm her down and she shrieked "I can't sense him!" she sobbed and Taurus went silent looking worried for once about someone other than himself. "Oh..." he said thinking "maybe he's in another dimension?" Pollux shook her head, face in her hands "can't be, he hates dimensions" she sobs and Taurus sighed sitting next to her before awkwardly rubbing her back.

Pollux felt the rubbing and was stunned by the show of care from Taurus and turned with a surprised face and Taurus growled "don't get used to it" Pollux grunted softly and Taurus said softly "I'm sure he's fine.... just off somewhere, we'll find him soon, okay?" Pollux nodded shakily, her hair a matted mess

Pisces walked by, paused to watch the scene of Taurus being nice, and walked away quickly. "We'll find him... okay?" Taurus said softly and Pollux nodded shakily again sniffling, her hands on her face. Her twin was missing, completely off the charts, that was any Gemini's nightmare. "What if he's dead" Pollux sobbed and Taurus said "I'm sure he's not-" Pollux shook her head "but I can't sense him! He's just missing!" Taurus was silent before murmuring softly "he probably went to another dimension, you know how dimensional time works..." Pollux shook his head "that wouldn't make sense-!" Taurus said rubbing her back "it would..." Pollux went silent.

She looked up and saw Pisces watching through the doorway giving Taurus a confused look, then Pollux a concerned one, Taurus saw him and frowned "what?" Pisces jumped "oh uh- sorry for uh eavesdropping- I just gotta ask- uh- you feeling okay Taurus-?" Taurus frowned "yeah, why? You should be worrying about Pollux, not me!" Pisces frowned "well, in all my millions of years of knowing you, you've never been nice to any of us in any way" Taurus rolled his eyes at that. Pollux was just curled up in a tight ball on the bed.

Taurus growled "is now really the time?" Pisces sighed while walking in "she okay...?" Taurus grunted "terrified for her twin" Pisces nodded "I am too.." Taurus mumbled rubbing Pollux's back gently "feel bad for her..." Pisces gave a look of disbelief "you're capable of that-?!" Taurus gave an angry look "seriously?!" Taurus looked hurt by what Pisces said and Pollux just had her face in her hands.

"Okay, we should just focus on Pollux, not our little, I dunno honestly" Pisces grunted and Taurus rolled his eyes and Pollux felt the back rubbing, it was soothing, calming and she let out a soft whimper. 


I am stunned, stunned by the fact Taurus decided to help Pollux through this instead of pushing her away or snapping at her. It was simply just not Taurus behavior, it seemed almost unnatural. He watched Taurus speak softly to Pollux as Pollux cried softly, Taurus seemed to genuinely care, it felt like Pisces was in another dimension.

He knew he wasn't, and he could tell that Taurus wasn't other dimensional, but that's what it felt like, it was unnerving.

Pollux eventually fell asleep, while celestial bodies don't need it, her body probably just shut down from mental exhaustion, the poor poor thing. Taurus sighed softly and didn't move from his spot and shot Pisces a glare "why are you staring at me like I'm some strange anomaly?" he said irritated and Pisces put his hands up quickly "I just- ya know-  not used to your behavior-" Pisces watched Taurus roll his eyes at this "sure sure."

"No I'm serious-!" 

"I know your serious."

"Taurus your behavior is weird-"

"So it's weird that i'd care for a fellow celestial body?"

"Yeah! It is!"

"Okay, so maybe I don't show care often, so?"

"Your suddenly being caring-!"

"Because I relate to her..."


"Don't ask."

Pisces gave Taurus a look before rubbing his temples "whatever.." Taurus just grunted "I can hold my work off a bit" that's a first. A very big first, ya know what, I won't question it anymore.  "Uh huh" Pisces said rolling his eyes. 

It's a hour later and Taurus still hasn't left Pollux's side, Pisces is still not used to Taurus's behaviors, he was wondering what Taurus meant by 'because I relate to her' because that seemed very strange, Pisces was pretty sure Taurus doesn't have a twin or anything of those sorts.

So what could he mean by that? 

Taurus has always been a mysterious celestial body, he always runs off somewhere for three hours, all us celestial bodies have asked him where he goes and his reply is 'none of you beeswax you idiots' so uh yeah, me and the other celestial bodies have given up. Point is, he's a strange and mysterious celestial body that is all over the place constantly, it would seem aimless at first until you realize it is not at all aimless and it is all planned. 

Pisces has always wondered if there is more to Taurus than meets the eye, though he's never pressed because he normally understands boundaries, yet, Taurus acting nice to Pollux weirded him out a lot. 

He frowned at Taurus and grunted, yeah, there's more to him then meets the eye. 

'Okay, so maybe I don't show care often, so?'

'Your suddenly being caring-!'

'Because I relate to her...'


'Don't ask.'

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