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Eclipse and the others still weren't back, Fate's anxiety was on spike having this Lunar here. They haven't tried anything, but they could attack at any moment. Fate swallowed down his anxiety and asked the Lunar "erm, Lunar-?" the Lunar's head snapped towards him and they snapped "only The Great One gets that name!" Fate flinched and asked "o-o-okay then, uh- what's your number-?" the Lunar glared silently, they still seemed to tremble.

Fate has noticed they were trying to stay strong and scary, however, they still looked scared and confused. They glared "why should I tell you?" Fate said "because then I'll keep calling you Lunar" the look of offence in the Lunar's face would be funny... if it weren't so sad. 

"No-!" they snapped but Fate cut in, deciding to try and get some sense into the Lunar,  "and why does that stupid 'Great One' get the name Lunar and not you?" the Lunar had a shocked look on their face "s-stupid?! STUPID?! How dare you call The Great One stupid-!" Fate saw them getting more aggressive and moving to shakily get up and squeaked shrinking back "sorry-" Fate knew they couldn't move well, their body was still in bad shape, yet he couldn't help but flinch back.

They gave him a puzzled look and they said "you act strange... not how The Great One made you seem..." Fate gave a curious look and the Lunar grunted "aren't you supposed to be mean and I dunno, like a Eclipse?" Fate stiffened up "what?! No!" the Lunar let out a shaky breath of denial before muttering "they didn't lie... The Great One wouldn't lie, these stupid lowly's are manipulating me..." Fate went silent as he listened to the Lunar's confused mumbles.

Then heard something... alarming. "But then... why would The Great One make me stand there... did he blow me up...? No, no, he's mustn't have, I'm just- uh, stupid dissenter thoughts! This is bad-!" is that what happened...? Did Lunar blow them up...? It was a horrifying thought and Fate said softly "hey... hey... it's okay..." slowly, and nervously, he reached over and gently rubbed the Lunar's back.

His heart rate spiked, and he noticed the Lunar stiffen up, but instead of swiping, they slowly relaxed into the rubs. This surprised Fate, but it also made him feel a little bit safer doing this. However, he didn't put his guard down. Fate asked nervously "what did Lunar- I mean uh, The Great One- say before the uh- 'misunderstanding'" Fate did not at all like calling Lunar 'The Great One' felt gross on his nonexistent tongue.

The Lunar was silent, not replying. They seemed confused by Fate's behavior, torn. Fate didn't rush them, he could tell they needed help. What they said before confirmed they were a victim, and he was willing to help despite his... trauma. He knew this wasn't the Lunar that hurt him, and he knew he needed to remember that.

"I-I-I dunno-" they muttered and Fate sighed softly "want a blanket?" the Lunar shook their head and Fate grunted "your cold, stop acting tough" the Lunar looked almost ashamed and Fate gave them a worried look. "Being cold isn't something you should be ashamed about..." they were silent, before turning away, Fate sighed.

He grabbed a blanket and tucked them in tight, they squeaked and struggled for a moment before giving up, poor thing looked like they were about to break down. They were probably starting to finally process what happened, whatever that was. 

"You don't need to hold it in... ya know?" Fate said softly, but they curled up tight, refusing to cry. Fate sighed softly in concern and KC walked in "oh? Are you two becoming friends already?" Fate gave him a glare "not really, just making them comfortable" KC grunted "get them to open up?" Fate muttered "not enough to really know what happened, but I know they are a victim of Lunar" KC had a sad look before muttering "Lunar is causing suffering multiverse wide...." Fate was silent.

He hates that Lunar exists, a horrible thing, a horrible being. KC sniffed the air before muttering "ya know, I swear the air is thinner, getting harder to breathe lately, just me?" Fate was silent, he felt worry filling him instantly. Is the air disappearing so soon?! WHAT?!

"It is?! Uh- hey uh, you-" he turned to the Lunar in worry and they muttered softly "what...?" Fate asked "can you function without air?" the Lunar gave him a confused look before saying "yeah? The Great One made sure we all had that function" so Lunar knew.

He knew that things would go haywire, of course he did.

He knew he could wipe out half the lowly's by killing m-my family- what a p-phsycopat-path.

"Good- good- uh" Fate said in a strained voice and KC frowned "you good Fate...?" no.

"Yep, fine fine-" Fate said "just uh- worried" Kc asked "about what-?" Fate waved him off "don't worry about it- don't worry about."

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