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"BloodMoon, stop" Eclipse said as he pulled BloodMoon from Sun as he hissed and slapped at Sun, Sun and BloodMoon were screaming and fighting and he hated it. "Stop" he said and he picked BloodMoon and Sun up and held them in separate arms, "that's enough" Eclipse watched Fate sleeping nearby with their little... clone?

Eclipse had no idea what it was, and Fate seemed to have no clue either. Eclipse is quite horrified that Fate got kidnapped, the poor thing was so exhausted they went to sleep, crazy. While Fate sleeps, it's not often and their sleep is often interrupted by nightmares, yet... they seem to be sleeping well now. 

Eclipse can't stop staring at Fate's wrists though, they seemed cut up and made his stomach turn. He'll have to treat those when Fate wakes up, oh no... poor thing, they didn't need this after losing Luna. He always says she'll live and she'll be fine but... he has his doubts. From what he's heard about Lunar, he didn't know if Luna was getting out of this alive. 

He didn't know if she was still alive. 

He could tell Fate knew this, the way they were grieving made him so sad. This must hit Fate extra hard because of their little... family incident... I don't even like thinking about that. Eclipse set the kiddos down and Computer said "they seem fine, their wrist are a little bruised and cut up but it's not bad. Their shoulder also seems to be acting up again," Eclipse sighed sadly and rubbed his temples, rays drooping. 

"Who could successfully kidnap someone as powerful as Fate though...?" he muttered and Computer shook his head and said "I don't know, but that's what scares me the most about this situation" Eclipse looked at Fate and saw their body tensing up and he said "looks like the nightmares are kicking in..." Computer asked "do we wake them up?" Eclipse sighs "I'd say yes usually, but they're exhausted, we should let them sleep, if it starts turning bad we'll shake them awake" Computer nodded and a robot walked over "Eclipse, aren't we supposed to move today?" they asked and Eclipse turned over to them and said "change of plans, were staying a little longer."

The robot looked at Fate before nodding and walking over to some other robots. The place was cluttered and full of talking robots, the house was clearly not big enough for all of them. Eclipse sighs softly before shaking his head softly to clear his thoughts and Solar ran over and said "Eclipse, how about I take over and you get some rest" Eclipse nodded and said tiredly "okay."


"Hold up!" she yelled pointing at the white figure in front of her and backing away slightly "Star?!" the figure looked at her silently, he seemed more confused than anything and Fate grunted "oh why am I not surprised. That thing, Soulless One was it, said this may happen. God." She growled in irritation "first I get kidnapped now this?! This is not what I need right now-" "what?" Star asked in surprise and Fate glared silently before shaking her head and saying "don't worry about it, Star."

Star looked around nervously before asking, his voice was gruff yet confused "hi...?" Fate shook her head and said "hi Star, come here" Star looked at her nervously "why?" Fate grunted "come here," Star walked over, he seemed nervous, which is fair. 

The last time she talked to him, her voice was very aggressive and cold. Fate grabbed Star and pulled him into a large big hug and said "I'm sorry... I should have heard you out..." she said softly and Star had a surprised look on his face, but he melted into it.

Fate held her twin close and Star whispered "you know...?" Fate grunted "yeah. They were never my friends, I should have heard you out but I was so mad... I had no right to lock you away like that" guilt wormed in her as she saw her brother again after so long. Star was silent, he didn't say anything and he just stayed in her arms. 

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