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"Can you please stop" Eclipse asked as Computer played with his rays, Computer asked innocently "what?" Eclipse grumbled "your irritating me" Computer said "good" Eclipse grumbled rubbing his temples as Computer pushed one of his rays up and down repeatedly, Lord Eclipse reached over and began to play with his rays to.

"Stop" Eclipse said in an irritated voice, he tried to pull away but Computer said "no, these are fun" Eclipse gave a sharp glare and Lord Eclipse and Computer kept playing despite his complaints. Computer looks amused by his irritation and Fate grunted in a irritated tone "oh come on, I don't see the hype-" then Fate poked his ray, then started to repeatedly poke. 

"Fate seriously you too?!" Eclipse groaned and Fate said "sorry, but they move fun" poking. Eclipse put his face in his hands, even a god liked playing with his rays, why does that surprise me at this point? "Guys please-" Computer said "no" Eclipse tried to push them away "STOP!" they pulled back "sorry..." Lord Eclipse said softly and Eclipse sighed "it's fine" he stepped away brushing imaginary dirt off his pants and grumbled irritated.

BloodMoon ran over and jumped and clung to Eclipse's pants with his sharp claws "dad!" he yelled "what?" Eclipse asked looking down at BloodMoon and he squeaks "I found a orange!" Eclipse was confused "so?" BloodMoon said "it will have to walk the plank if you don't let us watch Bluey!" Eclipse was amused by this as he saw BloodMoon holding a little orange he said softly "you know that you won't be able to watch Bluey today because you and Moon thought it would be a good idea to draw all over the walls" he put his hands on his hips.

BloodMoon protested "we didn't have paper, we ran out!" Eclipse grunted "that doesn't make it any better, do you know how long it took for me to clean marker and crayon off the wall?" BloodMoon went silent before squeaking "a second...?" Eclipse narrowed his eyes "two hours. You drew all over the wall." BloodMoon was silent and was clearly ashamed of himself and Eclipse said "so Sun can watch Bluey because he stayed out of it, but you and Moon can't watch it today" BloodMoon stuck his tongue out at him and ran off.

KC watched this and sighed, he went back to scrolling his phone as Eclipse turned to look at Fate, Fate was clearly tired and Eclipse asked "you get sleep last night?" Fate was silent before he said clearly lying because of how miserable he looked "yes." "Do you really need sleep?" Fate grunted "I shouldn't need it, but I've been tired at night for some reason lately..." Eclipse tilted his head "then why didn't you sleep-?" Fate said a little too defensively "I did" Eclipse frowned "you need sleep either way, get some" Fate said nervously "no" Eclipse concerned then.

"Why?" he asked and Fate grunted "I-I- just don't need it ya know" Eclipse glared "your tired" Fate glared grouchily "are you going to talk to god this way? Cause I will gladly-" Eclipse said "listen, just sleep, if you feel tired like this, sleep. How bad can it be? Also, I understand your god and I respect that fact, I have not forgotten that fact, but the fact you're tired is concerning me" Fate was silent before saying "I still won't" stubborn.

He was so stubbornly against sleep for some reason, maybe because he wasn't used to it perhaps, he did reveal he shouldn't have to sleep with opens up room for the question, why does he need to sleep now all the sudden? It's clear he could clearly keep his eye open and yet he refused to sleep, "you know what, I can't force you, but, no coffee for you" Fate gave a look of rage "you can't-!" Eclipse put his hands on his hips "it's been a week, and you've drank way more coffee than you should have, I have the feeling your trying to stay awake on purpose, so no more coffee" Fate growled "I will wipe you from-" Eclipse grunted "and? What will that achieve? I'm trying to help." Fate went silent as if thinking, and thinking hard.

The amount of coffee he had been drinking is concerning, the fact he's purposely trying not to sleep is concerning when clearly he's exhausted. "No more coffee, I will personally throw out the coffee machine if I have to" Fate gave him a dumbfounded look "you know I can just spawn coffee right-?" Eclipse nodded "you can, but you won't, no more coffee" Fate gave him a harsh glare.

"You act like you're not talking to god-" Fate said and Eclipse sighed "I know, but you need to drink less coffee and actually get rest, don't think I haven't noticed the ridiculous amount of coffee you have been consuming" Fate protested "it doesn't have the same effect to as on mortals-" "your addicted" Fate stammered "well- uh- you see- I won't uh- I dunno actually, uh, have a heart attack" Eclipse sighed "no more coffee" Fate glared.

"Fine" he said turning away to his blanket silently and Eclipse sighed, he wondered why Fate didn't want to sleep, perhaps it was because he was used to it, which led to the question yet again, why did he need it now all the sudden? Eclipse looked over to Fate as he sulked in the blanket, he had the eerie feeling that Fate wasn't refusing sleep because he didn't like it, but to avoid something.

With what happened to him fairly recently, it could be something bad, so Eclipse decided to keep an even bigger eye on him, to make sure everything's okay, because no doubt about it Fate was probably fighting sleep inside the blanket at the moment. 

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