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He's back at the daycare, though he is wary. "Careful" Computer said equally wary through his computer systems, Solar's eyes were wide open for Lunar as he looked through the computer systems, he was alarmed to see the portal was still open "that's not good-" he said softly as he read over the scripts. 

"Yeah" Computer said "the portals still open, nothing has come through in the long time it's been open, surprising, I have been wanting to gun down Banban or something, irritating smooth brain" Solar frowned "heard of the guy" he clicked through stuff and Computer grunted "yep, he's always asking for pancreases," Solar grimaced "ew, gross" Computer sighs before suddenly saying in surprise "somethings finally coming through!" Solar grunted "about time."

He tapped his fingers on the desk gently looking over the code before asking "who is it Computer?" Computer was silent before groaning "Banban" suddenly Solar's rays perked towards the sound of someone grunting and he turned towards the portal and saw Banban drag himself onto the island, look at him, and ask "do you have a pancreas?" Solar said over to Banban "nope-" Banban stared at him blankly making Solar unnerved.

"I smell a pancreas."


Computer proceeded to point a gun at Banban "into the portal, I can't have stupidity in this daycare, it simply disgusts me" he said in a harsh tone and Solar groaned "in" he tries to push Banban in the portal and Banban stumbled back before flexing "I'm strong" Solar stared in disbelief "why are your forearms so-" Computer grunted "don't question it" Banban simply says "I'm strong."

His voice was monotone, and his eyes were blank. "I smell a pancreas" Banban said before walking off and Computer cursed and Solar asked him nervously "what does he mean by-"  suddenly, horrible slurping sounds were heard and Solar stiffened "what.is.that?" he hissed at Computer and Computer made a retching sound.

"He found a pancreas-" Computer retched and Solar would have went pale "wait but where could he-" Computer wheezed "it's horribly fresh too-" Solar was shocked "what?!" Computer said "I'm going to check all camera footage-" Computer went silent then and Solar ran to where Banban was and the slurping stopped and he turned "do you have another?" Solar shuddered before saying "ballpit- in-" Banban stared at him blankly before turning towards the ball pit and walking in and Computer instantly moved him back to his dimension.

"Solar, that's the fifth time I blackmailed that dimension" he said still disgusted and Solar said "I need to sit down" Computer was silent as Solar sat down at the front office and Computer said "Lunar killed some kid because they called him Twinkle Short and they happened to be alone together, he apparently wiped them from the parental base or whatever so Earth forgot about them and the parents happened to never come back" Solar was disgusted "so either he somehow killed the parents or the parents left the kid" Computer nodded. 

"I wasn't paying attention to the daycare when this happened" Computer said softly and Computer shuddered "don't tell me how they killed they kid" Computer said "best you don't know, lets finish what we came here for and just never come back..." Solar could not agree more.

He began to work silently and Computer cursed "yet again, something is coming through" Solar groaned slamming his head on the desk "seriously?!" He heard grunting, it sounded like a Moon, he stood up sighing as he walked over to the portal, "hello" he said rays twitching slightly. He was pretty irritated and saw the Moon heave themselves onto the island and glare at him.

He raises an eyebrow "hello? Why are you here-?" he was rudely interrupted by the Moon standing up and saying harshly "hi Eclipse." Solar was instantly weary "I-" The Moon jumped to the rainbow bridge to avoid the portal and walked over to him and hissed "already moved on have you?" Solar's heart rate sped up instantly "I-you-" The Moon snarled "you killed Sun."

Computer asked instantly "Solar are you okay? Your heartrates going up quite a bit!" Solar took a shaky deep breath and said "that was a long time ago Moon" Solar stamped a foot "you need to move on" Moon laughed "move on? Move on!" he laughed like it was the funniest joke he's ever heard.

Solar backed away and glared and his Moon said "I'm going to kill you. Skin you alive." Solar backed away again and Computer protective instantly and said through the speakers so the Moon could hear "back away from my brother you little-" Moon turned and said "classy, a computer!" his voice rose then "brother? You chose this stupid brat as your brother?!" he laughed and Computer snarled "stay away from my brother." He did not hesitate to point guns in Moon's face and Moon glared not flinching.

Solar was touched by Computer calling him brother, no he was really really happy, but he was also terrified by Moon. "This THING is incapable of being anything except an object!" Moon snarled jabbing a finger at Solar who flinched "I hope your working him to the bone like he deserves!" Computer let out a disgusted hiss "who do you think you are-?!" Moon laughed "better, the stupid prototype killed my brother and he deserves what has coming to him!" Computer said "you are the one with guns pointed in your face" Moon yelled "it is a waste of code and a disgusting mistake, no seriously it was a mistake that appeared and had my brother killed!"  

Computer asked in disgust "it?" Solar was backing away trying to stay away from Moon and Moon laughed "yeah! The waste pile doesn't deserve anything!" Computer jabbed the guns closer to Moon's face as Moon tried to grab Solar who yelped, heart thumping and he staggered back. No- he had to come here-

"Back away from my brother and stop calling him those things or i'll blow your brains out" Moon snarled  and shoved the guns away roughly and grabbing Solar, and before Computer could react he grabbed one of Solar's rays and snapped them off and Solar screamed and struggled and Computer instantly shot at Moon but not before Moon managed to rip Solar's arm off, how he managed it so fast? No one knows, his rage fueled insanity probably was a major part of it though.

Solar screamed and Moon's body hit the floor with a thump, his body melting from the thousandths of lasers shot at it all at once he screamed a static filled scream, his voice box obviously broken by how his screams were distorted, how he was still alive, Solar had no idea. He was screaming in pain, but he was also screaming in anger not fear. Solar backed away into a playstructure and Computer finished Moon off and the daycare was silent again, Solar breathed heavily and looked at his shoulder, wires sparked where they were attached to his arm.

Computer yelped "oh my god Solar are you okay?!" Solar stood there staring at Moon shakily and Computer was freaking out "I uh- what do I do- I'll teleport you to Parts and Services- you'll be fine Solar, just uh-" Solar took some deep breaths processing what just happened and winced "ow-" he groaned "okay..." his Moon was dead, best for him and best for Solar.

Solar shuddered and Computer said softly "I'll teleport you now, okay?" Solar said shakily "okay.."

Now! I grant all of you permission to call Lunar Twinkle Short! He'll hate it just as he deserves >:)

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