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A/N: I've given up on calling Fate 'the entity' so uhhhh, yeah.

He felt someone tap his shoulder, he grumbled annoyed and turns over tucking the thin blanket over himself closing his eyes shut tighter refusing to get up.

{{I swear to god get up}}

He heard in his head and his eyes shot open in panic and he sat up looking around.

{{Wait.. I'm swearing to myself. Eh, whatever, hello Eclipse}}

Eclipse's head snapped towards Fate and he jumped in surprise at her sudden existence. "AH! GET AWAY!" he reacted by throwing a random book from on a nearby table at her and she hissed swatting the book away "rude" she said her one giant eye locked on him and he felt a shiver go down his spine from how creepy it was.

"I- hi-hi" he stammered and Computer just stared through Eclipse's eyes silently and said "so.. she's god-?" Eclipse held the blanket close to him and said "I-I really don't like you-" Fate said in her soft voice "fair" "okay, you just really freak me out okay-" Eclipse asked creeped out now"how long were you watching me sleep?!" Fate rolled her eye "just spawned here and tapped your shoulder to tell you something" Eclipse glared silently.

Sun squeaks and stretches out while yawning, Moon keeps snoring. Sun opened a eye, took one look at Fate, and screamed loudly and dove into Eclipse, Eclipse grunted in surprise when Sun clutched him close while shaking and sobbing.

He saw Fates eye soften slightly and much to his alarm she picked Moon up, he was about to snap and attack (why he had that instinct... he had no idea,) but she put the sleeping Moon next to him and clasped her hands together "man! He sleeps deeply!" Eclipse spontaneously grabbed Moon and shoved him close to his side earning a squeak from Moon but he kept sleeping. 

Sun sniffles and shakes and points at Fate looking at Eclipse with wide eyes, Computer said teasingly noticing the Moon grab "uhhh, Eclipse... your dad instincts take over?" Eclipse jumped "WHAT NO-!" Computer said "then why are you protecting Moon?" Eclipse looked down at the sleeping Moon at his side seeing that he was clutching him close to... protect him.


Eclipse instantly dropped Moon and Moon snuggled his head into "his" puffy yellow pants using Eclipse's pants as a pillow and just sleeping. Seriously, Eclipse worried by how deeply he slept sometimes. "What do you want?" he grunted at Fate, now over the shock of seeing her standing over him as he slept.

Totally not creepy at all. 


Normal none psychopathic behavior!

"So" Fate said clasping her hands together again "I wanted to make your life a living hell even more!" at this point Eclipse wondered  if he was just a punching bag or something for a god, that... was a terrifying idea of course.

(Eclipse I assure you she is doing this for some other reason than that.)

"I decided, two is not enough!" she said gesturing towards the clinging Sun and Moon, Sun sniffling and crying, Moon... was chewing his leg while sleeping for some unknown reason. "Wait-" he said with surprise and alarm and Fate said "so why not four!" "NO-!" he watched in pure dread as Fate suddenly spawned... the BloodMoon twins.


"NO-!" he screamed and finally Moon woke up, BloodMoon looked up at him with big innocent eyes.

The eyes of a baby that would probably kill you in your sleep if you weren't careful.

"WHY?!" he cried and Moon looked at him irritated and smacked his face lightly as if to say 'shut up, sleep important, scream later' Computer stifled a laugh and Eclipse looked a BloodMoon and BloodMoon looked at him with wide bright eyes.

He proceeds to squeak and chew on the blanket, Eclipse pulls the blanket out of their mouth gently... or tries. Eclipse is irritated when BloodMoon clung to it with his claws and chewed on it hard with his sharp teeth. Fate watched Eclipse's and BloodMoon's little tug of war match with the blanket pupil pink with amusement. 

"I SWEAR GIVE THE BLANKET TO ME!" he hissed tugging the blanket but BloodMoon was stubborn. The psycho... is now a baby.



Sun drags BloodMoon over and, deciding Fate didn't seem dangerous, he just snuggled BloodMoon and went to sleep, BloodMoon was kinda trapped but didn't really care and just fell asleep.

Aw man...

I'm gonna need more cookies.

"Bro, is that all you're worried about???" Computer asked and Eclipse said "nope, still processing" Fate just left with a quick good luck and Eclipse groans "I gotta get a new pair of pants" Computer said "yeah- wait Lunar's calling for me give me a sec" Eclipse felt Computer leave, he was surprised when he felt lonely without his constantly mocking and teasing.

He pressed it down and grunts, looks like I'm taking two more in... great... awesome...


"COMPUTER!" Lunar screamed at the top of his lungs and Computer groaned "what? I was busy!" Lunar asked "with what?" uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Computer quickly went through some answers and chose one "tracking Sun and Moon making sure they don't die" Lunar grunted "whatever, it's been a month and your telling me that I'm gonna have to wait another two months?!" he groaned impatiently. 

"Be patient." Computer grunted knowing that it would probably be a VERY long time, possibly more than three months, before they turn back. And now Eclipse has to deal with a bloodthirsty maniac as a baby.

That's so hilarious. 

He wondered if BloodMoon would need blood like before.


"Hey uh... Computer" Lunar said and Computer brought his attention to Lunar "yes?" he asked irritated and Lunar said nervously "uh... have you tracked Eclipse down" Computer has 100% tracked Eclipse down.

Will he tell Lunar?





"Nope, can't find him" Computer said and Lunar groaned "well good job Computer I guess" Computer sighed "leave, I have work to do" Lunar grunted "whatever" and ran off.





...I'm going to need more cookies...

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