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Art from Sr Pelo

Eclipse held Lord Eclipse close, he refused to let Eclipse let him go and was sleeping currently. Eclipse sighed and turned towards Fate, "hey Fate" he said and Fate turned towards him "huh?" Eclipse asked "you okay-" suddenly Fate hissed in pain clutching their shoulder, Eclipse perked up instantly "Fate you okay?!" he asked in panic and Fate hissed "fine fine, don't know why it suddenly started hurting again..." Eclipse said "that's not a good sign Fate, we should check it-" Fate pulled away and said "everything's fine!" Eclipse gave her a concerned look before he felt Lord Eclipse stir.

He looked down watching Lord Eclipse open his eyes slowly, he mumbled softly, clinging to Eclipse. He mumbled "brother..." Eclipse was surprised by that and he felt his heart swell, he's never been called brother before, but it made him so happy. "Yes..?" he asked softly and Lord Eclipse murmured sleepily "I'm tired..." Eclipse gave them a sad look "yeah, your voice box sounds scratchy, you need to rest it" Lord Eclipse mumbled softly, eyes drooping again.

He was clearly exhausted from screaming and Eclipse's rays drooped, tucking him closer. Lord Eclipse fell asleep again and Fate sighed "I guess I'll go get groceries" Eclipse gave her a surprised look "really?" Fate shrugged "I need to get out of the house, and were out of coffee" Eclipse shrugged "alrighty then, bring the Lunar though, they need to get out the house as well" Fate groaned "really?!" the Lunar's head snapped over and they yelled "no way am I going to some lowly store!" Eclipse grunted "you're going, and shush, you'll wake Lord Eclipse up. You two, quit your whining because 1) Fate, you're a god, creation even, I expect better from you, and 2) it's gonna wake Lord Eclipse up" Fate grunted "whatever. Dad me, scold me and whatever, come on Lunar, were going shopping" the Lunar snapped "I told you not to call me that-!" Fate said cutting them off "well I still don't know what to call you."

Eclipse watched Fate look up at the Lunar as they stood up, she rolled her eyes "ugh, tall people. Come on" the Lunar rolled their eyes and Eclipse watched them follow Fate, both Fate and the Lunar were clearly not happy about this.


She dragged the Lunar around and without warning, she teleported them to the supermarket, she was not at all surprised when the Lunar groaned feeling nausous, "wimp" Fate said grumpily and they glared flipping Fate off. Fate said unfazed "your going to have to do a lot more than that to faze me."

The Lunar slowly straightened themselves before growling "you could have warned me- where are we?" Fate grunted "the supermarket, we need some groceries, then we can leave" the Lunar said "ew, a lowly mart" Fate rolled her eye before dragging them in and grabbing a cart. 

As expected, she got a lot of weird looks. People stared at her as she entered the store rather rudely, the Lunar grunted "well, that's irritating, but a bunch of fluff brained morons" Fate said "agreed" the Lunar gave her a surprised look "you agree?" Fate shrugged "they're just staring mindlessly like I'm some, dunno anomaly" the Lunar rubbed their temples "Fate, your creation-" Fate said "I'm aware, I am an anomaly" the Lunar groaned "can we go home now?" Fate gave them a 'seriously?' Look, "we haven't even got the first thing" Fate pushed the cart into a aisle and they say "well yeah, but I don't want to be here."

Fate nudged them with an elbow gently "me neither bud, I wanted to do this alone, but I'm forced to drag you around" the Lunar rolled their eye "you act like I'm a child-" Fate said truthfully "your whining like a child" they froze up before looking embarrassed then.

Fate stared at them for a moment "but you are a child... aren't you? Your age, programming wise and physical wise... four years? You act much older than you should at this age," Fate gave them a concerned look and they sighed "The Great One forced many of us to mature, were able to act nice and such... but we have to be mature when we need to be" the Lunar straightened their posture lifting their chin.

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