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Lord Eclipse was back to hiding under a blanket, shaking and crying as Solar tried to calm them down, Fate's been acting... weird. More shaken all the sudden, Eclipse guessed she probably had a nightmare of some sort that is affecting them... bad. Fate hasn't even gotten their morning coffee, they were just sitting on the couch silently staring ahead.

It was a horrible way for Eclipse to wake up in the morning, he was trying desperately to get Lord Eclipse to calm down, Solar too. Computer just woke up to loud screaming and KC went on a walk before Lord Eclipse woke up and is yet to return, "hey hey-" Eclipse said in a soft yet desperate tone "hey- it's okay!" Lord Eclipse screamed and started to cling to him for safety pointing at the Lunar.

He was so scared and horrified that he just screamed, Eclipse's heart was shattering for him. "WHY IS HE HERE?!" Lord Eclipse screamed at the top of their lungs, "WHY IS HE HERE?!" Eclipse's rays shrunk back and he said softly "hey hey, Lord it's okay!" Lord Eclipse just cried and screamed, the Lunar had a horrified and terrified look on their face.

They were hidden under the blanket, looking confused and alarmed at Lord Eclipse's reaction, Nsheios looked overwhelmed and was trying to escape the room. Fate kinda just sat there looking like they recently cried.

Solar got shoved away, Solar muttered "I think Lord Eclipse just wants you at the moment Eclipse... I'm overwhelming him even more... I'll go and check on Fate" Eclipse gave him a quick nod, he held Lord Eclipse's small trembling form, feeling him cry into his shoulder, which he could hardly reach.

Eclipse felt him clinging to Eclipse tighter then he's ever clung before, crying loudly. "Why is he here?!" Lord Eclipse screamed and Eclipse said in a hushed tone "it's not the Lunar, Lord, just one of them. They were hurt, we took them in..." Lord Eclipse's rays were shrunken into his head, his hands trembling as he dug his claws into Eclipse's metal, chipping the paint slightly.

Eclipse winced slightly as he sensors sensed that and didn't like it, he forced that down though and Lord Eclipse wailed "yeah it's a Lunar! They're all sadistic and mean-!" Eclipse said in a hushed tone rubbing his back "that's not true Lord-" Lord Eclipse sobbed "they're going to hurt me! I don't want to be hurt again-! Please- please- please-!" Eclipse hated this... every time Lord Eclipse gets like this he hates it.

He hates it so much and he wants to remove his pain, "I won't let them hurt you..."  he said softly, rubbing Lord Eclipse's back gently and fluffing his shrunk in rays gently with a hand as Lord sobbed and shook all over, trying to get away from the Lunar desperately, even if they were across the room. The Lunar watched nervously and they turned asked "what's going on-?" to Computer who walked over, blue rays showing a lot of distress by the way they were twitching. (Just realized I haven't drawn Computer... T_T)

"Oh- uh, you're just scaring him, that's all" Eclipse heard Computer say and the Lunar was even more confused and he asked "why? I haven't done anything to him!" Computer said softly "it wasn't you... it was your 'Great One' as you call him" the Lunar frowned and Computer sighed "he's Lord Eclipse" the Lunar had a look of recognition. "Oh!" they said before frowning even more "he's alive? Great One said they killed them quick" Eclipse and Computer stiffened up and Eclipse turned in alarm, holding Lord Eclipse close in a caring embrace. 

"What..?" Computer said and the Lunar looked at Computer, then Eclipse and Lord. Eclipse them close and the Lunar looked confused then. "Why's everyone looking at me like I suddenly grew goat horns...?" Eclipse and Computer looked at each other.

The look they extended was knowing before Eclipse asked "what'd Lunar say he did exactly...?" he asked them and the Lunar grunted, probably thinking the answer was obvious. "He said he killed them quickly to reduce suffering, I was a little surprised, but I knew The Great One respects the more powerful lowly's more than the small stupid ones" Eclipse took a sharp intake of breath.

Computer stared in pure shock, when Fate heard that she curled up and just started crying much to Solar's alarm, yet understanding. "Why's everyone so-" Computer crouched in front of them and simply said "he lied" the Lunar looked at Fate, Eclipse watched them, rubbing Lord Eclipse's back gently as he trembled. 

Then the Lunar looked at Lord Eclipse, and it looked like... they believed it. Their face fell as they watched everyone's reactions, it was clear they didn't want to believe it, but they did. They muttered "heresy thoughts... bad thoughts.. bad liars, but... he hurt me.. but-" they muttered and Eclipse watched them silently.

He said softly "he hurt Lord Eclipse, Lord Eclipse thinks your... him" the Lunar was silent and Eclipse gently pet Lord Eclipse's rays, he was still crying, but at least he wasn't screaming. "He lied to me... didn't he..." they said softly "he lied about everything..." Eclipse watched them and he felt pity for them.

They didn't deserve that... he looked over at the kiddos, both scared by what was happening and the sudden screaming. He said softly to Lord Eclipse "your claws are digging in quite hard Lord..." Lord Eclipse shook his head letting out strangled sobs "I'm sorry- I'm sorry-"  Eclipse said softly "It's okay..." he carefully unhooked Lord's claws and wrapped the blanket around them both, letting Lord Eclipse snuggle in.

He felt him trembling and he sighed, he looked back over to the Lunar and saw they hid back under the blanket. He saw their body trembling slightly, he knew they were trying not to cry, he saw Computer trying to help them though and he decided to focus on Lord Eclipse. 

I love this book so much, It's fun to write and it's quite clear that I have way too much free time because I make daily uploads!

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