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Lord Eclipse was surprisingly submissive, wait that might be a bad thing actually. Whatever, it made it easier on Eclipse during the walk back to the bunker. The kiddos were sleeping wrapped in a blanket as well, so the walk back was a mostly easy walk back.

Sure he still battled vines but at least Moon wasn't trying to eat lizards, he slid down the dirt "cliff" and walked to the hatch pulling it open again. Lord Eclipse let out a soft whine a creaking sound and once again, Eclipse was concerned. "Dude... you okay?" he asked and Lord Eclipse muttered "f-f-fine" it was clear that he was not fine. 

Eclipse was still wondering if he was a danger to his kiddo's, well there's two beds in the room so I mean, at least he has somewhere to sleep. "DAD!" BloodMoon suddenly screamed waking up, Eclipse felt Lord Eclipse flinch and struggle again in a panic, "hey hey hey- were almost in the room, then you can be out of my grip okay-" Eclipse said to Lord Eclipse who slowly stopped his struggling.

The reason why Eclipse was carrying the poor guy is because he was acting like a skittish animal, which was concerning Eclipse even more, and has gotten spooked about six times this walk. Five times too many, one time is fine, but six?! The poor guy seemed to be constantly on edge for danger, Eclipse was worried that if he didn't carry him Lord Eclipse would run away in a panic.

Eclipse wondered who attacked him, he wondered who managed to scare and traumatize him this bad. "DAD!" BloodMoon screamed again and Eclipse snapped out of his thoughts "what?" he asked and BloodMoon pointed at a lizard and choked out "want" oh my god- he said a second word already- oh god- he's so cute- "y-you want the lizard" he choked, augh- I'm so proud- I can't believe how soft I have become.

BloodMoon said "want" so Eclipse before entering the bunker snatched the lizard before it could run away and gave the stupidly large gecko to BloodMoon, watching him happily chow down on it. He was so proud, oh god what have I become?


Eclipse sighed not even caring at this point and walked down the creaking stairs, Lord Eclipse clutched his arm and Eclipse said "hey hey, I don't think they're going to fall in, it's okay!" he said this very softly, he wanted Lord Eclipse to feel safe and not die of panic or something.

Wait is that possible?

Eclipse wondered for a second before deciding that if it were possible, Sun would probably not be with him. "Okay" he said as the hatch closed and he set Lord Eclipse down, or... tried. Lord Eclipse clung to him, uh oh. "Hey- uh- lets just uh- please not cling to me-?" he said trying to pry Lord Eclipse off.

He clung harder, not wanting to let go and Eclipse muttered "Computer why isn't he letting go?" Computer said "uhh, there is a possibility that you were the first person that helped after he got attacked" Eclipse not at all understand said "so?" and Computer muttered "he's probably clinging to you for safety, finds you safe I guess" Eclipse froze up "no, don't tell me-" Computer said "we already knew we were going to have to take care of a traumatized Eclipse, so I mean-" Eclipse looked down at Lord Eclipse who was clinging like his life depended on it.

Eclipse had the sinking feeling that he probably thought his life depended on it,  "hey buddy" he said to Lord Eclipse "can you tell me what happened?" all he got was Lord Eclipse choking out "blue" Eclipse stared in confusion, well that doesn't help. That just raises more questions. "Okay... but what happened?" Lord Eclipse didn't say anything, he just hid the best he could and Eclipse decided he shouldn't push. 

He sighed and he heard faint crunching from BloodMoon, what has my life become? I thought I'd become the overlord of this dimension or something! Great, powerful, so epic.

Yet apparently he was destined to become a dad who was forced to wear their enemies pants.

Wow, uh. That's honestly kind of... Eclipse didn't actually know what to call it. He still had very mixed feelings about this, he sighed and tried to put Lord Eclipse on the opposite bed. Lord Eclipse had no plans to let go though, giving up Eclipse just put the kids down and Moon (smelling lizard meat and blood) woke up and tried to take BloodMoon's lizard.

BloodMoon pressed on his face hissing and chomping on the lizard as Moon struggled making furious sounds. Eclipse watched this and opened some cabinets, he still hasn't explored all of them. He looked through them, a whole bunch of dried and canned food. Surprised by this, he saw some tuna, he took one out. He wondered if he should eat it, but he decided to put it back. He should focus on making teleporters, maybe to the grocery store? I mean, technically he could use Moon's money cause he was a baby. 

He could buy food, maybe a fridge, he knew this place had electricity. Speaking of electricity, the lights still need to be fixed. He keeps forgetting that those really need to be fixed, he looked around and grumbles to himself. "Well, it'd be nice to have food... I don't need food but come on, it tastes good" so here's Eclipse.

Planning to get a fridge and some teleport chips so he could stock up on food oh and cookies. You can't forget the cookies. Lord Eclipse was silent, before choking out suddenly "is my- d-d-d-dimension g-g-gone-?" Eclipse looked down at him in pity and said to him "Computer said it's not on charts... so probably" he said, pity clearly is in his voice. 

Lord Eclipse was silent for a moment before muttering "my har-hard work..." it occurred to Eclipse that Lord Eclipse probably did work hard on it, poor thing is had been going through a lot clearly.

Eclipse wouldn't be surprised if Lord Eclipse had nightmares about whatever happened, he hoped to get the full story out of him eventually. His ray twitched and he watched BloodMoon shove the entire lizard in and Moon whined and pouted. Why does Moon even like eating lizards anyway? Did his killcode and him just merge into whatever this is, does he just like eating meat because of that?

Well that'd certainly be interesting.

Eclipse sighed and said to the two "listen you two" BloodMoon turned looking all proud of himself and Moon sniffled "next time, you need to share" BloodMoon frowned in confusion and Moon didn't understand either. So, Eclipse went out of the bunker, struggled to grab another lizard and went down and stood in front of them holding the squirming lizard.

Things are about to get messy, he quickly ended the lizards suffering and ripped it in half, disgusting. He watched Moon and BloodMoon squeak and tussle and he said "stop," they looked confused and he gave one half to each of them "sharing is good, we share" they looked at the half pieces and not at all understanding.

Attacked each other for the other piece, Eclipse cursed and separated them. "Eat" he  said pointing at their half of the lizard, "that is what you get, eat" so, they ate it grumpily after a while of Eclipse struggling with them.


"Good" he said and Lord Eclipse was currently sleeping, Eclipse took this as the chance to put them down on the bed. So he did and was relieved when they didn't wake up, finally, finally his arm got some sweet relief. He let it fall limp to his side and he let out a sigh of relief, Eclipse sat down on the opposite bed and Sun woke up drowsily and murmured sounds. Eclipse was exhausted from walking three hours straight to the PizzaPlex while holding Lord Eclipse and the babies, then having to walk back three hours back while still holding the same "burden".

Six hours of walking. Jeez- Eclipse sighed wrapping himself in a blanket. He needed some earned rest, six hours of walking is no joke, he didn't even know how he managed it. Also the fact had to hold Lord Eclipse and the babies still on the wall back, he was tired. Very tired. He really needed this sleep, also his charge was not very happy with him, what is it-? Five percent?! Holy- alright, time to sleep! 

Eclipse settled into the bed and closed his eyes letting the exhaustion take over.

A/N: a second chapter and art! I'm spoiling you guys! Also, Lord Eclipse is such a bean boy now isn't he 

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A/N: a second chapter and art! I'm spoiling you guys! Also, Lord Eclipse is such a bean boy now isn't he 

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